is this a joke?
See red post on first page of
You are a bit late to the party.
Also, calm thy mammaries, sir.
What big buff? Ascended is, has been, and will be 5% stronger/better/whatever term you prefer than Exotic. No change, other than being able to change your stats with a recipe in the MF….
They confirmed in an early post that ascended will not be buffed. Any future progression will be done through the mastery system, not new gear. The 5% advantage that ascended gear will give you will remain at 5%.
“Ascended Gear will be staying 5% better than Exotic Gear. Gear beyond the tiers we already have are not going to be added and our existing tiers won’t change, they won’t be our main end-game form of progression for your characters/account for all the reasons we’ve covered before – it isn’t what we think Gw2 is about.”
Ascended stays at 5%. But you will be able to swap stats. As per post stated by Colin
hahaha I ninjaed you all.
hahaha I ninjaed you all.
Is this Thief specialisation confirmed then? The Yamsandjams Elite Specialisation?
Calm down. Believe me I hated that data mined info too, but Colin confirmed that it’s not going to happen. Plus they are giving us a way to swap stats so anyone with boxes of useless stat ascended gear can finally change them to something useful.
Calm down. Believe me I hated that data mined info too, but Colin confirmed that it’s not going to happen. Plus they are giving us a way to swap stats so anyone with boxes of useless stat ascended gear can finally change them to something useful.
Indeed. Which I’m absolutely stoked about. I’ve been saving all my useless garbage stat gear boxes and I’m looking at a full light amor set now without needing to touch tailoring
Quality A Grade thread mate. Try to do some research next time.
I believe that change was already reverted, Ascended stays as is but you can change stats in the forge.
Private retriever of runaway NPCs
Mistband[MIST] – PVP Training guild EU
I’m just confused how the announcement of character slots for vets has anything to do with Ascended in the first place, even if it was getting buffed.
You’re a day late to the protest and holding up a picket sign for something not happening mate. Can we put down the pitchforks now and have one week of complaining about the new patch instead. lol
You’re a day late to the protest and holding up a picket sign for something not happening mate. Can we put down the pitchforks now and have one week of complaining about the new patch instead. lol
OMG…. nothing is ever enough for some people….
Here is an idea, go back to WOW and leave this game to people who can read, care, and possibly understand.
In other news, the new class Revanant confirmed.
Don’t care about the character slot, I’m satisfied because they are giving refunds to the people that have purchased the game since HoTs announcement, at which time they clearly stated that you would need to have purchased the base game beforehand to play HoT. That was just wrong, in every way, and left thousands of people feeling as if ANet had flat out conned them, which they pretty much had.
That said, I’m still not prepurchasing the expansion, and I prepurchased the base game. What they’ve show so far, hasn’t shown the game to be worth $50, especially since half the features they are adding are guild related things that the base game should have launched with or at least had patched in. Maybe release or more previews will change my mind, or maybe I’ll be waiting for the inevitable sale price a few months after initial release.
(edited by Conncept.7638)
hahaha I ninjaed you all.
Is this Thief specialisation confirmed then? The Yamsandjams Elite Specialisation?
actually that be a cool specialization and seeing he ninjaed people he gets the thief one