(edited by rstripn.8697)
issue with festive imbiber achievement
Well on the one hand this should be merged with:
But on the other hand, that will be completely ignored by ANet, so why not, +1
“In relative terms, it -should- in theory be almost as easy to complete the wintersday drinks achievement as the one for eating candy canes.”
Whey doe Anet thing we do not work or have a life? Starting to HATE Guild Wars 2.
Most MMO’g give the players a present for this time of year and a thank you.
Maybe they will nerf it now that I’ve done it xD
It’s really weird because the first tier is 50 and starts suddenly increasing rapidly. I mean really, where did they get the numbers from? Were they watching Dragon Ball and thought more zeroes were cool; leaving half the people to exclaim “There’s no way that could be right!”, while the other half is smashing whatever is in their hands in anger. Though I suppose the later happens already.
for there you have been and there you will long to return.
The cap of it should either get lowered to 5000, or every wintersday gift should give at a 100% rate instead of a 80% rate always also some alcoholic drinks and some useless items should be reemoved or put together as 1 item to improve chances to receive more meaningful rewards….
Also they should add to the wintersday gifts the chance to receive these drinks in large packs, just like you can randomly by luck receive like 50 units of t7 materials, there should also exist the chance to receive 50 units of alcohol/sweets, as just adding this would also slightly decrease the overall grind, especialyl when such lucky drops could be affected by stuff like magic find to increase your chances to receive these high unit drops more oftenly
Instead of giving us like drop chances for 3 different sweets, gifts should drop an item, that enables us to get a food item of our choice.
Same thing should be done with the transformation tonics.. instead of having drop chances for like 3 different tonis, it should be just only 1 item that enables us to receive a transformation tonic of our choice.
This way would get the chance increased to receive something meaningful (and lesser clicking and moving of items from our inventory and actualyl gettign what we want to get).
ANet should also increase the amount of gifts you receive from some of the activities, as especialyl snowball mayhem, toypocalpyse and tixx are for the amount of time you spent weith them not rewarding enough compared to the JP or bell choir.
Mayhem would be good, if you would receive like 1-3 gifts per player kill and like 5 gifts per delivered gift to your base instead of just only 1.
That would be already a good start to make mayhem more appropiately rewarding to the point, that it is equally rewarding with bells and JP.
In fact mayhem should be imo one of the most rewarding activities simply out of the reason, because it is the only activitiy, where you have to play against other players, which do something against you, that you don’t receive gifts, while all other activities are either solo effort or teamwork activities, where beign gifted is 100% guaranteed
Mayhem needs improvements therefore that you get rewarded there best for your efforts, because you have to play agaisnt other players that do their best so that you don’t get their best rewards or rewards at all, making mayhem in a effort/time spent relationship currently the least rewarding besides of the way too long needing toypocalypse with its way too low gift rewards for the amount of time you spent with it, until you get rewards and can do somethign else….
This is all the reason, why i made some time ago a suggestion thread with specific improvement ideas for how ANet should make Wintersday better for the next years to come.
They need to improve the existign content by reworkin the rewards and rebalancing them
And they need to add finalyl again new content to Wintersday.. doing year per year per year always again the same stuff becomes very boring quickly, when there gets added at best every year somethign completely new to keep also the very old gw2 veterans entertained that don’t have interest in repeating the same stuff in wintersday for like the 3rd+ time in a row.
Its more required than adding just only 1 single little new side quest for a new reward (t7 material eater) and call it then a day
The current existign activities need to get their content expanded (like for exampole new songs for bells, new JP map courses, new roles/buffs/maps for mayhem ect.)
as also adding new activities that can bring back also more importantly some of the old GW1 wintersday nostalgia back (that I personally am missing extremely much), because for me belong absolutely for example to Wintersday also the grentches and humbugs, they were for me an important part of Wintersday, that there is also the counterside, that doesn’t like the festive activities and wants to try to disturb them…
Toen Invasions with grentches and humbugs would be somethign new what I hope we will see returning beign added for GW2 next year as it would be new wintersday content, that could then also entertain the older GW2 veterans to give them somethign new, what we haven’t done in GW2 already for like the x th time in a row over the last years of itself repeating same content.
The thing is, if it’s something you don’t actually need, is it wrong to require a lot for it?
People don’t have to sell their precursors for it.
They could just keep them, or sell them and buy several items from the gemstore, instead.
So, why are they doing it?
Because they all have a particular liking for snowflakes?
Or because they regard it as some kind of status symbol?
The former I would have a lot more sympathy for, but the latter just seems kind of shallow.
I do think the game needs more accessible things in-game, but it’s a non-sub game and this is how non-sub games work, unfortunately.
(edited by Tigaseye.2047)
The thing is, if it’s something you don’t actually need, is it wrong to require a lot for it?
People don’t have to sell their precursors for it.
They could just keep them, or sell them and buy several items from the gemstore, instead.
So, why are they doing it?
Because they all have a particular liking for snowflakes?
Or because they regard it as some kind of status symbol?
The former I would have a lot more sympathy for, but the latter just seems kind of shallow.
I do think the game needs more accessible things in-game, but it’s a non-sub game and this is how non-sub games work, unfortunately.
My problem is that I just looked at about half the requirements and decided that I wanted to do it, because they seemed reasonable (and because I hate most shoulder piece skins, and because I do like snow…). The problem is that, ~70% of the way through, I saw this requirement. This requirement is insane compared to every other requirement for it. It’s so ridiculously out of proportion. A few gold spent and an hour or two, and it’s telling me that I’m 90% of the way there. Now all I have to do is farm 700 gold for no readily apparent reason. The winter armor skin should not be more expensive than a kitten precursor.
The achievement is fine, otherwise everyone had this aura item. Pick between how Nightfury was done or this one. Anet wont make pretty aura items which are easy to get.
Almost there. 1600+ left. I did a lot of jumping of course, but also pvp reward track, karma 100/day, other mini games (i like the bell orchestra), and bought some on the TP maybe around 200g (basically all I had). At least I know I can make it in time. I wish you good grind too! I do have a job so yeah I play maybe 2h a day, and more on the weekends. Dont give up!
Nerfentalist of Augury Rock
The problem is that for most people, even if they get it, it will take all the festival to grind it , or longer, and it’s kind of pointless after the event.