kinetic battery nerf - balance offences

kinetic battery nerf - balance offences

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Malandain.9532


kinetic battery was an important part of the condi pp burst engi ( a build anet features as one of the 2 pvp templates! )
one of the few traits that made any sense in a pvp view, as in, long cd, needs to be activated by dodging to use it to maximum effect, could be used for stealth reset for survivablity or for moa/6burns for a more aggressive option.

Patchnotes: “The Tools line was suffering from poor options at its Grandmaster tier”
For pve yes! for pvp, no. it was not viable on scrapper and for condi engi, one could opt for a bit more dodges over potential double burst utility skills.

Instead of deleting the gadgets trait that noone ever used or will use because, guess what, your gadgets do, what people in jobs with sexual favours do.

Finishing off with another quote: “We are also taking some time to do a pass on the older trait lines in order to update them for the current state of the game.”
yeah, well, maybe you should have looked back a bit to fix the current state of the game instead of doing random stuff and if any def intended to give a viable pve trait option for power core engi?
guess again, in raids and fractals you already have perma quickness so the new trait is basically useless, but you can’t take the old dodge trait now, because you now dont want edurance to do dmg, genius.

kinetic battery nerf - balance offences

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: vicious.5683


you should see what they did to necromancers…

kinetic battery nerf - balance offences

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Malandain.9532


oh i did see it, they basically nerfed axe 3 gave it a kittenty 25% hp procc last patch and now, when they finally fix the trait, they just make it old axe 3, genius.

besides that, they took some shroud tankyness, which can be argued for and against, buffed the life force gain on spectral to balance it out a bit, but failed to give nec more burst against heavy mobility classes like teefs and mesmer. also the healbuffs and leech buffs are too insignificant to help sustain any fights without ele.
+lichform still no viable cooldown, 10 sec lichform on 120 sec base cd would be something ppl could actually use.