Guild Leader for Tyria Liberation Council [TLC]
legendary progression require events to fail?
Gunnar’s Hold
Guild Leader for Tyria Liberation Council [TLC]
Guild Leader for Tyria Liberation Council [TLC]
Very few legendary weapons requires events to fail — there is almost always an alternative (and that is almost always posted on the wiki).
Which scavenger hunt step(s) are you working on? Maybe someone can offer a suggestion for how to make it happen
John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”
Most of the weapons were corrected, but I believe one that has not is Dreamer III, which requires items that only drop from the Temple CAPTURES, not defenses.
This was changed, it’s in the wiki page that you can complete the successful version twice and get credit for the achievement and it worked fine when I was going thorugh the collection.
That worked, thanks nsleep.7839