lets rename this game to zerker wars 1
thats pretty cool
wow I think I would stand in a long line not to play this game right now.
I’ve seen this line on here before.
Then stand in it?
Target the necro’s if it’s PvE centered cuz there’s not any problem with frost spotter zerk ranger for PvE. (If it’s PvP you’re talking about then i am sorry but i can’t say smth about that.)
Pvp is broken. 1 shot engi that can take out 3 players with 1 shot, everyone running burst builds. there is no more strategy in this game. really dissapointed in this patch in general, not enough space to rage
Pvp is broken. 1 shot engi that can take out 3 players with 1 shot, everyone running burst builds. there is no more strategy in this game. really dissapointed in this patch in general, not enough space to rage
No more… I guess
i guess what they did is buff every thing to 10 so it appears they did the right thing . when in reality , when they fix all the bugs and turn it down a notch. we will see exactly how bad this patch was
Am I the only one that is praying that they add the new AI to the entire world?
It might not fix the zerker mentality, but you would have to be a kitten good player to pull it off. Things like condi burns and evasive blocks etc. would mean a lot more if the enemy was actually fighting back once in a while. But unfortunately I believe it is all a pipe dream.
There’s nothing wrong with zerker wars. There is also no “zerker mentality”. Just because berserker gear is the optimal, you hate it. If for some reason soldier’s would suddenly be the optimal, you would hate on that too. Splendid.
Can I have your stuff?
OP, you can still go full nomad gear and get into dungeons you know, with your nomad group…..
Archeage = Farmville with PK
There’s nothing wrong with zerker wars. There is also no “zerker mentality”. Just because berserker gear is the optimal, you hate it. If for some reason soldier’s would suddenly be the optimal, you would hate on that too. Splendid.
This. There will always be a Lich King meta. Regardless of the gear stats.
Having a meta is fine.
People who are jerks about the meta is not.
I think OP is ticked about the jerks and that he hasn’t learned how to compete.
Forever known as “that slow guardian who can’t jump worth crap”.
Having a meta is fine.
People who are jerks about the meta is not.
I think OP is ticked about the jerks and that he hasn’t learned how to compete.
Hmmm… I dunno, I kind of agree with the OP. Basically this game has always been about the Zerker. Sadly from the first time someone asked me “What build should I run for my [Enter Class Here]” the answer has always been “Zerker”. There is no call for people to run any other build, unless it’s PvP. But PvE and to a certain extent WvW too… It’s all about the Zerker.
It’s a tricky one to be sure. Anet really need to look at the Holy Trinity of the game and fix it so that people make a build based on the class that they are and the way they want to run it.
For Example: Running as an Ele… Hmm Ele’s do a lot of Conditions, I’ll build a condition Ele… The stats should be something like “Average Attack, High Condition Damage, Low Vitality and Average Defense” Something like that.
Basically the games needs 1 of 3 things.
1. Remove Zerker completely.
2. Boost all defense to counter Zerker.
3. Merge Zerker into ALL armour so everyone is Zerker but has to choose between other stats. Like Condition, or Vitality, or Defense, or any other stats that are in the game.
Personally I think point 3 would solve the issue of a Zerk fest, as it wouldn’t exist anymore. Thus forcing people to re-evaluate there build and stats.
Bang done!
Basically the games needs 1 of 3 things.
1. Remove Zerker completely.
2. Boost all defense to counter Zerker.
3. Merge Zerker into ALL armour so everyone is Zerker but has to choose between other stats. Like Condition, or Vitality, or Defense, or any other stats that are in the game.Personally I think point 3 would solve the issue of a Zerk fest, as it wouldn’t exist anymore. Thus forcing people to re-evaluate there build and stats.
Bang done!
Then everyone will choose condition because it’s gonna be the stat that gives the most damage boost. So you replace zerker gear with +condi gear and you’ll have another meta “LFG condi gear only”.
People will always choose the gear that offers the best damage output, regardless of what stats it has or how it is named.
The problem with GW2 is that stats priority are not differentiated for professions, so you end up with everyone having zerk as meta. If we had stats like Intelect for eles, Strenght for warriors, Unicornpower for rangers, etc., then every proffesion would have different gear sets and the overall meta will dissapear.
(edited by VaLee.5102)
Well they were gonna call it “I’m a crybaby and lose sleep at night over how other people play the game because I wanna be a speshul snowflake” but that took up most of the game box’s cover and didn’t leave much room for art. :/
Im all for a buff to defense
Id like people to not laugh at my Nomads Guardian
seems like everyone is running zerker 3 hits dead.i don’t know what happen to this game but they took all the fun out of it.i fill bad for the rangers.poor guys.thanks anet for this big pile of glass fest.its been over three years with no new skills.no new weps.and this is what u give us.even when hot comes out we get four new skills. wow I think I would stand in a long line not to play this game right now.
I’m having a good time with the zerkers. My mes was killed by a barrage once so i logged onto my non zerk thief and haven’t died to a necro, engi, or miscellaneous since.
These zerk players all do the same moves at the same time. You should be killing them now.
I specifically target necros and engi’s in any large fight and they literally melt to my non zerk damage.
seems like everyone is running zerker 3 hits dead.i don’t know what happen to this game but they took all the fun out of it.i fill bad for the rangers.poor guys.thanks anet for this big pile of glass fest.its been over three years with no new skills.no new weps.and this is what u give us.even when hot comes out we get four new skills. wow I think I would stand in a long line not to play this game right now.
I’m having a good time with the zerkers. My mes was killed by a barrage once so i logged onto my non zerk thief and haven’t died to a necro, engi, or miscellaneous since.
These zerk players all do the same moves at the same time. You should be killing them now.
I specifically target necros and engi’s in any large fight and they literally melt to my non zerk damage.
So condi damage? My Necro would just LOVE to see that happen lmao.
seems like everyone is running zerker 3 hits dead.i don’t know what happen to this game but they took all the fun out of it.i fill bad for the rangers.poor guys.thanks anet for this big pile of glass fest.its been over three years with no new skills.no new weps.and this is what u give us.even when hot comes out we get four new skills. wow I think I would stand in a long line not to play this game right now.
I’m having a good time with the zerkers. My mes was killed by a barrage once so i logged onto my non zerk thief and haven’t died to a necro, engi, or miscellaneous since.
These zerk players all do the same moves at the same time. You should be killing them now.
I specifically target necros and engi’s in any large fight and they literally melt to my non zerk damage.
So condi damage? My Necro would just LOVE to see that happen lmao.
mmm yes….I can’t wait when they nerf zerk and condition take over. Then everyone can come to the forums complaining about how everyone is running condition dmg builds and it needs nerf….so then they nerf it and zerk rises once more until people start complain….
you get the point
There are people abusing the broken the conditions (especially burning) to the max in pvp at the moment. It just isn’t any fun when some noob with little to no skill is steam rolling another team using a youtube exploit build. I’m surprised no one tested these condition formulas before rolling them out. PvP is even more toxic than before, people are quitting after the first fight at mid.
I’m having a good time with the zerkers. My mes was killed by a barrage once so i logged onto my non zerk thief and haven’t died to a necro, engi, or miscellaneous since.
These zerk players all do the same moves at the same time. You should be killing them now.
I specifically target necros and engi’s in any large fight and they literally melt to my non zerk damage.[/quote]
So condi damage? My Necro would just LOVE to see that happen lmao.[/quote]
Ahh, you would think but No, no you wouldn’t. Necros are easy to beat. Whether power /condi/meta… who cares. I’d be embarrassed if i lost to one.
Diamond skin eles. Those i cant kill.
i fill bad for the rangers.poor guys.
Rangers are like THE zerk class.
They have pets to draw aggro off them.
Extremely high personal melee damage.
Extremely good ranged damage.
Lots of evasion skills and other ways to not get hit.
Burst comparable to thieves.
It’s the ultimate “kill it before it even targets you” class.
I think there is a bit of confusion over “Meta” and “Required”.
It seems that the Anti-Zerk crowd, often tends to use the terms interchangeably.
The say things along the lines of: Every posting in the LFG is zerk only. I don’t have zerk, and so I cannot ever do dungeons ever. We need to change the zerk meta because it prevents people from playing the game."
I myself was anti-zerk for quite awhile. I learned to accept it. Granted only one of my 5 characters uses it. but I don’t hate on zerk because “Reasons”. I just don’t typically use it.
So the zerk meta is all about is pumping out as much damage as you can to clear content as fast as you can.
But that doesn’t mean that I MUST use bezerker gear to be able to do anything in the game. Heck I’ve done most everything (except high level fractals) in the game, including dungeons, hundreds of times on my warrior using Valk gear. Never really had a problem. I’ve even soloed dungeons with Valk gear.
Its all a matter of preference and choice. If you don’t like it/want it, don’t use it. It’s that simple. But don’t expect the players to change, and Anet to change it, but for whatever reason you don’t like it.
It’s the chain I beat you with until you
recognize my command!”
actually i pre purchased the ultimate version but somehow i found this “new HP WB patch” boring as can be. Why? you may ask, well:
1. Jormag was boring before, now is epic boring (and no theres no fun on the same boss with the same atacks and more HP)
2. Teq is impossible for casual players (it became a battle for the self called hardcores and elites, fill the chap map with the usual “noob” -Read casual- player insults, waiting 1 hour to a posble win/fail is super boring, again is not fun to devote a life to a single boss… but well harcores are happy that they can spit on the player base and can brag about its egos – thing that they cant do in Real life-
3. it broke the dps balance like hell (thats a bug is actually not intentional like the other 2)
4. AND THE MOST IMPORTANT PART, they AGAIN, broke a already shattered community (now is not about friendly playing, is about whos on the better -read elits hardcore guild/map/zerker/ascended-legendary gear) actually i dont wanna play with braggarts, and mostly jerks…
remember Anet motto (at least the new one) “COUSE BORING IS THE NEW FUN”
Warrior Elite Specialization said hi
I’m not changing my build or playstyle just because you don’t like it. I have no problem with smarter AI, but I have issues with people asking to remove zerker completely. That would kill some peoples’ playstyle, and it would also just make other zerkers move to the next highest damage dealing stat setup as another player stated.
Removing zerker or merging it or whatever will not change anything in the long run. I think smarter AI is probably the key, but then again, I’m not an ArenaNet dev.
Fan Story – The Assassin of Rata Sum - Guild Wars 2 Screenshots - Vini Short Story
seems like everyone is running zerker 3 hits dead.i don’t know what happen to this game but they took all the fun out of it.i fill bad for the rangers.poor guys.thanks anet for this big pile of glass fest.its been over three years with no new skills.no new weps.and this is what u give us.even when hot comes out we get four new skills. wow I think I would stand in a long line not to play this game right now.
I’m having a good time with the zerkers. My mes was killed by a barrage once so i logged onto my non zerk thief and haven’t died to a necro, engi, or miscellaneous since.
These zerk players all do the same moves at the same time. You should be killing them now.
I specifically target necros and engi’s in any large fight and they literally melt to my non zerk damage.
So condi damage? My Necro would just LOVE to see that happen lmao.
mmm yes….I can’t wait when they nerf zerk and condition take over. Then everyone can come to the forums complaining about how everyone is running condition dmg builds and it needs nerf….so then they nerf it and zerk rises once more until people start complain….
you get the point
What are you even talking about…
Okay, those who want the “zerker meta to be gone” are quite likely wearing soldier’s or whatever tanky gear and feel inferior. So they claim that those playing in zerker gear are brainless and can do so because there’s no AI.
So; if the AI gets raised – who’s the first to die?
Not the zerkers.
oh so people wanna remove the zerker :O lest do it! i meand whats the worst thing that could happen… ummm maybe 50%+ of the player base will lose their armors? lol, na this is a stupid thing to do specially if you, but may i ask why you just make all armor berzeker, that way no one will complain… couse we all be siners! lol (yes is all sacarsm actualli the only thing i want is bosses having normal hp)
I think there is a bit of confusion over “Meta” and “Required”.
It seems that the Anti-Zerk crowd, often tends to use the terms interchangeably.
The say things along the lines of: Every posting in the LFG is zerk only. I don’t have zerk, and so I cannot ever do dungeons ever. We need to change the zerk meta because it prevents people from playing the game."I myself was anti-zerk for quite awhile. I learned to accept it. Granted only one of my 5 characters uses it. but I don’t hate on zerk because “Reasons”. I just don’t typically use it.
So the zerk meta is all about is pumping out as much damage as you can to clear content as fast as you can.
But that doesn’t mean that I MUST use bezerker gear to be able to do anything in the game. Heck I’ve done most everything (except high level fractals) in the game, including dungeons, hundreds of times on my warrior using Valk gear. Never really had a problem. I’ve even soloed dungeons with Valk gear.Its all a matter of preference and choice. If you don’t like it/want it, don’t use it. It’s that simple. But don’t expect the players to change, and Anet to change it, but for whatever reason you don’t like it.
Finally someone who gets it. I’m sorry this post will be ignored from now on though :’(
I think there is a bit of confusion over “Meta” and “Required”.
It seems that the Anti-Zerk crowd, often tends to use the terms interchangeably.
The say things along the lines of: Every posting in the LFG is zerk only. I don’t have zerk, and so I cannot ever do dungeons ever. We need to change the zerk meta because it prevents people from playing the game."I myself was anti-zerk for quite awhile. I learned to accept it. Granted only one of my 5 characters uses it. but I don’t hate on zerk because “Reasons”. I just don’t typically use it.
So the zerk meta is all about is pumping out as much damage as you can to clear content as fast as you can.
But that doesn’t mean that I MUST use bezerker gear to be able to do anything in the game. Heck I’ve done most everything (except high level fractals) in the game, including dungeons, hundreds of times on my warrior using Valk gear. Never really had a problem. I’ve even soloed dungeons with Valk gear.Its all a matter of preference and choice. If you don’t like it/want it, don’t use it. It’s that simple. But don’t expect the players to change, and Anet to change it, but for whatever reason you don’t like it.
Finally someone who gets it. I’m sorry this post will be ignored from now on though :’(
Yeah pretty much….
It’s the chain I beat you with until you
recognize my command!”
Basically the games needs 1 of 3 things.
1. Remove Zerker completely.
2. Boost all defense to counter Zerker.
3. Merge Zerker into ALL armour so everyone is Zerker but has to choose between other stats. Like Condition, or Vitality, or Defense, or any other stats that are in the game.
These are horrible changes.
1. Then best gear would just move to the next highest DPS gear and then that’d be the meta and we’d be in exactly the same position.
2. Boosting what defense? Enemies? So everyone equally takes longer to do content? This is going to give even more reason to use zerker because other stuff would take forever to kill things. Unless conditions then become better, and then meta would be sinister (see 1 for why this is no better).
3. The point of zerker is to at least have some risk associated (albeit it’s lacking). To remove that little risk would be terrible. Zerker gear at least usually requires dodges/active playing with blocks and blinds. Remove that and what challenge is left in the content will be completely gone.
Okay, those who want the “zerker meta to be gone” are quite likely wearing soldier’s or whatever tanky gear and feel inferior. So they claim that those playing in zerker gear are brainless and can do so because there’s no AI.
So; if the AI gets raised – who’s the first to die?
Not the zerkers.
I’m sorry but this makes no sense. If you built to be tough you do not feel inferior, although it does take a bit longer to kill things. And generally if you built to be tanky you don’t go down as easily as those that wear full zerk. So your assumption of the zerker being the last man standing is illogical at it’s core. I am not saying that there are not exceptions, but saying this as fact is just wrong.
Okay, those who want the “zerker meta to be gone” are quite likely wearing soldier’s or whatever tanky gear and feel inferior. So they claim that those playing in zerker gear are brainless and can do so because there’s no AI.
So; if the AI gets raised – who’s the first to die?
Not the zerkers.I’m sorry but this makes no sense. If you built to be tough you do not feel inferior, although it does take a bit longer to kill things. And generally if you built to be tanky you don’t go down as easily as those that wear full zerk. So your assumption of the zerker being the last man standing is illogical at it’s core. I am not saying that there are not exceptions, but saying this as fact is just wrong.
You don’t – ok – why then complain about those who wear a different gear? There has to be a reason for that?
You do as you don’t know how to play – sorry but it’s true – if you knew you’d go full glass. So if the mobs became harder those who need tanky gear right now wouldn’t stand a chance.
I’m aware that there’s a lotof people out there who wear zerker’s although they shouldn’t, but I somehow guess that’s still a minority.
(And btw I’m quite often the last (wo)man standing – in full zerkers)
Okay, those who want the “zerker meta to be gone” are quite likely wearing soldier’s or whatever tanky gear and feel inferior. So they claim that those playing in zerker gear are brainless and can do so because there’s no AI.
So; if the AI gets raised – who’s the first to die?
Not the zerkers.I’m sorry but this makes no sense. If you built to be tough you do not feel inferior, although it does take a bit longer to kill things. And generally if you built to be tanky you don’t go down as easily as those that wear full zerk. So your assumption of the zerker being the last man standing is illogical at it’s core. I am not saying that there are not exceptions, but saying this as fact is just wrong.
You don’t – ok – why then complain about those who wear a different gear? There has to be a reason for that?
You do as you don’t know how to play – sorry but it’s true – if you knew you’d go full glass. So if the mobs became harder those who need tanky gear right now wouldn’t stand a chance.
I’m aware that there’s a lotof people out there who wear zerker’s although they shouldn’t, but I somehow guess that’s still a minority.(And btw I’m quite often the last (wo)man standing – in full zerkers
I did not complain, I was merely stating that iron man (can take a beating) is inherently tougher than spiderman (can’t), to use a analogy. As for the AI, it remains to be seen as to what (if anything) is done to it, and at this point it is all conjecture. If a player wants to go naked through arah it makes no difference to me as I was not the OP. Becoming more tanky allows one to take more damage (not just avoid it with dodges) and hence makes you less likely to die when you slip up. If you cannot understand this simple principle I cannot help you further.
Edit: And I am glad you are often the last person standing, but that does not disregard that hitting a cement block would do less damage than hitting say a balsa wood plank.
(edited by Tommyknocker.6089)
I did not complain, I was merely stating that iron man (can take a beating) is inherently tougher than spiderman (can’t), to use a analogy.
I wasn’t referring to you with myfirst post in this thread- as others have stated – if you know how to play GW2 you don’t need to take a beating.
Edit: And I am glad you are often the last person standing, but that does not disregard that hitting a cement block would do less damage than hitting say a balsa wood plank.
Great – but glass hit’s harder.
And I don’t really feel like lowering my IQ tonight – so have fun.
Zerker Wars? I thought it was celestial/soldier/zerker/cleric/marauder/carrion wars.
Did anyone try to compare sinister and rampage with zerk?
Im still using zerk but am i gimping myself or not
Did anyone try to compare sinister and rampage with zerk?
Im still using zerk but am i gimping myself or not
I’m curious about whether or not the condition changes have made rampager more viable as well on certain classes, primarily those with condition on crit effects.
The high stat crit means you’d be stacking conditions incredibly quickly, with reasonable condition damage and power, and even without ferocity, crit damage is still 150%.
We might also see more cases where condition damage is preferable on some enemies and less so on others in the future, like the husks in Triple Trouble that would incentivise rampagers as a middle ground offensive stat spread.
(edited by Eponet.4829)
And I don’t really feel like lowering my IQ tonight – so have fun.
Good thing we kept it courteous and professional. I would have hated to see this devolve into insult throwing. Would you like to start throwing feces now? I f so I am not interested.
(edited by Tommyknocker.6089)