leveling alts

leveling alts

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: pullnointer.1476


any way of doing this fast without spending 80g on it? I really just wanna experience other classes in dungeons and I feel that this is keeping me from it, random open world content is boring as chit..

edit: also I’m guessing wvw ppl would have a problem with this as well. why restrict access to other classes with things like this?

could experience consumables solve this issue? just like liquid karma, dropping from places like high level fotm would be nice.

(edited by pullnointer.1476)

leveling alts

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phaedryn.3698


Well, I do it almost exclusively through crafting, however I have so many materials from playing through the game so far that I rarely spend a dime to level them. I avoid cooking because that is the one craft that I don’t have an over abundance of materials for, but if I need to make up some levels at the end I just go through enough of the personal story to hit 80 (usually no more than 4-5 quests/missions).

leveling alts

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: pullnointer.1476


in other games if you know how to play, you can progress through much, much faster. I’m sad this is not the case here.

leveling alts

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Yargesh.4965


How fast is fast? Even without crafting you can hit max in a few days.

leveling alts

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Danikat.8537


I don’t know how they did it but some people got to level 80 during the headstart weekend and they can’t have done it entirely through crafting because they wouldn’t have had the materials and the TP wasn’t working for most of it so it’s unlikely they’d be able to buy everything they needed.

So clearly it can be done pretty quickly.

Danielle Aurorel, Dear Dragon We Got Your Cookies [Nom], Desolation (EU).

“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”

leveling alts

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Well, I do it almost exclusively through crafting, however I have so many materials from playing through the game so far that I rarely spend a dime to level them. I avoid cooking because that is the one craft that I don’t have an over abundance of materials for, but if I need to make up some levels at the end I just go through enough of the personal story to hit 80 (usually no more than 4-5 quests/missions).

Cooking costs about 3g to fully level if you have most of the map unlocked and the right guide. Oh and a few hundred karma for the various sacks of stuff.

leveling alts

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tcat.6725


You seem to have the gist of it. Only 1 way to level fast and it cost lots of gold. If you don’t have the gold or don’t want to spend the money to get gems and convert to gold, you are going to have to play through some sort of content.

leveling alts

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: pullnointer.1476


How fast is fast? Even without crafting you can hit max in a few days.

about 10x the speed a casual could do it is acceptable in my opinion. the point of leveling is to introduce me to the game, especially with gw2 lacking any sort of challenging content until 80. I could do dungeons I mean, but I’d pref to not be a burden on my team/find a team.

things like higher level mobs giving more exp would be a step in the right direction for example. at the moment, you level slower if you actually seek challenges in pve because of the additional time it takes to do content 4+ levels above you.

(edited by pullnointer.1476)

leveling alts

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phaedryn.3698


in other games if you know how to play, you can progress through much, much faster. I’m sad this is not the case here.

Much faster? Than what? My last toon hit 80 in just under 8 hours (total) play time.

leveling alts

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phaedryn.3698


Well, I do it almost exclusively through crafting, however I have so many materials from playing through the game so far that I rarely spend a dime to level them. I avoid cooking because that is the one craft that I don’t have an over abundance of materials for, but if I need to make up some levels at the end I just go through enough of the personal story to hit 80 (usually no more than 4-5 quests/missions).

Cooking costs about 3g to fully level if you have most of the map unlocked and the right guide. Oh and a few hundred karma for the various sacks of stuff.

Yeah, I know…it’s usually a matter of not remembering to prep (hit the karma merchants) before I pop the crafting xp booster and then once I start I really don’t want to run all over…lol

leveling alts

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Knighthonor.4061


How fast is fast? Even without crafting you can hit max in a few days.

But if its not fun, why do it? Better yet why have it at all?
Leveling isn’t whats fun about the game. Playing what I want to full intent is. I like others want to play WvW with a class that has full access to builds. I can’t do that with the current system. It only scales my level.

Try playing a support Warrior without being level 60. You don’t get a heal for others that’s effective until level 60 from traits.

Stuff like that is just bad game design. Fun should start from day one first level. Not 60 levels later…

leveling alts

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: pullnointer.1476


in other games if you know how to play, you can progress through much, much faster. I’m sad this is not the case here.

Much faster? Than what? My last toon hit 80 in just under 8 hours (total) play time.

example: my first run in dark souls took 48 hours(I took it a bit slow) and I reckon I could do it in under 5 this time, maybe less. there are speedrunners getting 1hr with no exploiting. this is good. what did you do on that char may I ask?

leveling alts

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phaedryn.3698


in other games if you know how to play, you can progress through much, much faster. I’m sad this is not the case here.

Much faster? Than what? My last toon hit 80 in just under 8 hours (total) play time.

example: my first run in dark souls took 48 hours(I took it a bit slow) and I reckon I could do it in under 5 this time, maybe less. there are speedrunners getting 1hr with no exploiting. this is good. what did you do on that char may I ask?

Never played Dark Souls, but as I understand it that isn’t an MMO (which I wasn’t even considering when I addressed the question).

I crafted 99% of it, with boosters of course.

leveling alts

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: pullnointer.1476


in other games if you know how to play, you can progress through much, much faster. I’m sad this is not the case here.

Much faster? Than what? My last toon hit 80 in just under 8 hours (total) play time.

example: my first run in dark souls took 48 hours(I took it a bit slow) and I reckon I could do it in under 5 this time, maybe less. there are speedrunners getting 1hr with no exploiting. this is good. what did you do on that char may I ask?

Never played Dark Souls, but as I understand it that isn’t an MMO (which I wasn’t even considering when I addressed the question).

I crafted 99% of it, with boosters of course.

it isn’t. is that relevant? if at least the loot table was fixed then ppl who do hard content(if such thing exists in this game) aka ppl who do not need this slow leveling learning bs would be able to craft it easier. crafting takes a couple hours too afaik so that isn’t exactly the fastest either(with gold costs involved and all..).

leveling alts

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phaedryn.3698


in other games if you know how to play, you can progress through much, much faster. I’m sad this is not the case here.

Much faster? Than what? My last toon hit 80 in just under 8 hours (total) play time.

example: my first run in dark souls took 48 hours(I took it a bit slow) and I reckon I could do it in under 5 this time, maybe less. there are speedrunners getting 1hr with no exploiting. this is good. what did you do on that char may I ask?

Never played Dark Souls, but as I understand it that isn’t an MMO (which I wasn’t even considering when I addressed the question).

I crafted 99% of it, with boosters of course.

it isn’t. is that relevant? if at least the loot table was fixed then ppl who do hard content(if such thing exists in this game) aka ppl who do not need this slow leveling learning bs would be able to craft it easier. crafting takes a couple hours too afaik so that isn’t exactly the fastest either(with gold costs involved and all..).

I am not saying it isn’t relevant. I just wasn’t thinking “non-MMO” when I considered the question. Most of the games I play are MMO’s (GW2 is actualy the 4th MMO I am currently active in behind Eve, TSW, and DAoC).

The last go around it was just under 8 hours total, and less than 2 gold (granted I had TONS of mats in the bank so I didn’t need to buy much).

leveling alts

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jemmi.6058


I agree with the how fast is fast?

You can hit level 80 in 40-50 hours of playtime, which is pretty fast. That is with 0 hours for crafting. I’ve done it by personal story, dynamic events and map completion on several characters.

leveling alts

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Theftwind.8976


Currently I have 8 level 80’s with the ninth about 1/3 of the way there. There is one major flaw behind wanting to level faster and that flaw becomes especially evident the faster you level your character. You just cannot play with the same degree of skill on a fast leveled character then you can on a slow leveled toon. The characters that I leveled quickly do poorer in WvW then the ones that I took my time on simply because I know how to play that character better. I am more familiar with the strengths and the weaknesses of the slower leveled character.

I have seen this in most every game I have played. Someone will get power leveled or even buy that service but when push comes to shove they do not know how to play that character and more often then not become a liability to the party/group. So although it is possible in GW2 to level a toon to 80 in a few hours I take at least a week to do so and do it through the full range of possibilities, crafting, questing, story, wvw, etc. so when that character is ready to play as a level 80 I am ready to play it as a level 80 and not as a brand new character with high skills.

Theftwind (HoD)