leveling through crafting
I understand your frustration. I am soooooo glad i decided to max out all crafting the weekend before the update. But if i hadn’t i would feel as you do now. Wish i could help but all i can do is sympathize.
the worst part is i bought armor and weapons for my char already because the weapons were cheaper than ever before so i bought them and now i dont have a comfortable amount to just blow it on crafting. Did not expect this
You guys sure have a strong determination to get all that done. I got the game 3 days ago leveled a necromancer to 21 and I’m already bored…. this game is a grind house …
You’re only level 21; give the game a chance.
You can’t expect to be given everything. You actually have to do some work.
hmm dont see how that has to do with this post at all….
this was more about how anet nerfs things that dont need to be fixed like crafting to level.
(as someone said once in the threads i forget when)
Anet never gives you something without taking something away
Anet never gives you something without taking something away
^ Balance.
You guys sure have a strong determination to get all that done. I got the game 3 days ago leveled a necromancer to 21 and I’m already bored…. this game is a grind house …
You played the game for 3 days and it’s a grind house ? people leveled chars to 80 in 2 hours through crafting , i did it on 3 chars. Yes it’s an insane grind … what will we do ?