liongurrd lyns is i still disabled..
She will probably be back on the 28th update.
yeah thats what i tought but the forum as a massage that she is leaving in the 28th..
The forum message is for the Wintersday merchant, the one you trade ugly gifts with.
If I remember correctly:
she will be back on the 28th
the winters-day merchant is the one thats leaving 28th
Clark Kent and Peter Parker always disappear at the exact moment that Superman and Spiderman appear.
REVELATION: The Wintersday Merchant IS Lionguard Lyns!!
Just to be clear, she will be back WITHOUT keys.
That’s kinda something that gets me. They removed the keys, but I’ve heard some people complaining about that.
Maybe it’s just me, but you can trade gold for gems and get a key for about 2g 50s. I always found gathering up that many coins a lot easier than gathering up that many commendations. Was there some trick I missed?
Yes, there was a trick you missed.