living story

living story

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zurchin.8479


okay so i decided to come back to complete the living story and have been enjoying it, up until i hit bitterfrost frontier, seems i made the mistake many made, after making the cold resist potion decided to take a break then come back and, ohhh thats where the fun began and confusion, who ever thought to tie the story into dailies like this needs a good talking to, absolutely ruined the flow of the story for me, anyway ive reworked out what i need to get and have everything except for the suet, well, ive been collecting it off of mobs, after finding out not any creature drops them like it said, so i was collecting the suet and then check inventory, not in there, check bank, not in there, soooo this is where im stuck, where exactly is it.

Zee Bear Claw [GLAD]
Aurora Glade

living story

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Djinn.9245


okay so i decided to come back to complete the living story and have been enjoying it, up until i hit bitterfrost frontier, seems i made the mistake many made, after making the cold resist potion decided to take a break then come back and, ohhh thats where the fun began and confusion, who ever thought to tie the story into dailies like this needs a good talking to, absolutely ruined the flow of the story for me, anyway ive reworked out what i need to get and have everything except for the suet, well, ive been collecting it off of mobs, after finding out not any creature drops them like it said, so i was collecting the suet and then check inventory, not in there, check bank, not in there, soooo this is where im stuck, where exactly is it.

It should be in your inventory. It’s a little bottle that looks like some of the other bottles in the game so you might have ignored it thinking it was something else.

it’s this luck based mystic toilet that we’re all so sick of flushing our money down. -Salamol

living story

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zurchin.8479


okay i usually wouldnt post something as stupid as this but, after wracking my brain for i dont know how long, i finally solved the problem, ide accidently minimized one of my inventory bags and wasnt seeing anything in it, guess where the suet was, all 86 of them, thankyou for the reply also.

Zee Bear Claw [GLAD]
Aurora Glade