looting is horrifically tedious

looting is horrifically tedious

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Envy.1679


seriously, can SOMETHING be done about these useless sigils/runes on every piece of gear?

“use cheap salvage kits” well then you have a much lower chance of getting good mats from salvaging.

And ask yourself, should ridiculous sigil/rune spam even be a trade off of getting better mats? makes ZERO sense to make that argument. The trade off is already that the better kits cost more.

I dont care what the devs do to fix the issue: but here are some things i thought of.

an inventory item that eats ALL non exotic sigils AUTOMATICALLY. I dont care if it doesnt even return you any copper at all. returning like 2 karma per sigil would be usefull and not overpowered.

Master salvage kits that DONT recover sigils AT ALL

REMOVE sigils/runes of blue/greens on level 80 gear that drops from chests/monsters. Who the hell even uses these in the first place? most people atleast have rares, and if not, they can simply buy a cheap ass green sigil if they want to use a green sigil from the trading post.

I spend atleast 4 times as long looting AB than i should have to due 100% to these useless sigils/runes

make them salvageable themselves

make ALL kits have a toggleable feature to enable/disable recovering of upgrades


(edited by Envy.1679)

looting is horrifically tedious

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mauried.5608


What is the issue that needs fixing?
Salvaging has never been guaranteed to only return items that have value.
All the “useless sigils” can be sold to vendors.

looting is horrifically tedious

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Envy.1679


What is the issue that needs fixing?
Salvaging has never been guaranteed to only return items that have value.
All the “useless sigils” can be sold to vendors.

If you read the post you would know.

“All the “useless sigils” can be sold to vendors."

are you saying you would like to loot a little bit, port, come back, loot a little bit, port, come back, loot a little bit, port, come back, loot a little bit, port come back?

There is NO good argument against fixing this issue. I dont even want to hear it. this IS an issue that A LOT of people have. Pretending this problem doesnt exist is just willful ignorance.

or would you like to buy black lion merchant every 30 minutes to sell your sigils to. Which, even then, takes time to do and slows you down.

I dont even want to hear any argument that pretends as if this isnt an issue. it is an issue. It has been an issue, and should have been fixed a long time ago.


(edited by Envy.1679)

looting is horrifically tedious

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: serialkicker.5274


Agree. It’s one of the things that’s been bothering me for a long time now. Too many useless runes that I have to destroy one by one. And, no, I’m not gonna visit vendor after each event.

looting is horrifically tedious

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Loop.8106


I will +1 this. As someone that does almost daily Dungeon Tours I can verify that this is indeed one of the most annoying “features” of gw2. I already have about 90/160 bag slots occupied due to: Undead slaying weapons, all weapon combinations (for mightstacking) Harpy Feathers, Spy kits, Rocks, x12 slaying potions and different kinds of food. Not to mention 4 different kinds of sigils for the different dungeons.

Last thing I need is to merch the sigils (which isn’t a big deal for me cause of the perma merchant) but still more annoying than anything else.

Optimise [OP]

looting is horrifically tedious

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

I don’t think the chance to get higher mats is significant enough to warrant using anything but a Basic Salvage Kit. Unless, one is salvaging Rares or higher. I believe there is information in the Wiki about each salvage kit and salvage rate.

looting is horrifically tedious

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Takashiro.8701


I’d like to have an item that lets us salvage sigills to better ones.
Maybe 5 minor = 1 major and 5 major = 1 superior. That could also net you in some bonus rng gold.
Though I’m not sure how that would affect the economy.

looting is horrifically tedious

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Envy.1679


I don’t think the chance to get higher mats is significant enough to warrant using anything but a Basic Salvage Kit. Unless, one is salvaging Rares or higher. I believe there is information in the Wiki about each salvage kit and salvage rate.

crude kits( which stack to 15, instead of the normal 25,) have 0% chance at rare materials.

the next one up which more conveniently stacks to 25 has a 1 in 10 chance of getting rarer materials

mystic, masters, and silver fed kits have a 1 in 4 chance at rarer materials..

Are you saying a 1 in 4 chance is not so much better than 1 in 10 ( even 1 in infinity) to warrant using it?

If so, you either just dont care about getting higher level mats or your math is just bad.


looting is horrifically tedious

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Amaimon.7823


I agree, I don’t have the issue anymore since my main has maxed bag slots with 18-20 bags, but back in the old days my inventory would clog with runes and sigils and yeas, it can be a major inconvenience

looting is horrifically tedious

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TexZero.7910


The day i can salvage runes and sigil’s down to their component material cost is something i’m eagerly waiting.

It likely will never happen as the dust market will cease being a thing though.

looting is horrifically tedious

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Faaris.8013


Well, I wouldn’t mind a “sell all minor and major runes/sigils” button. I never kep any of these.

Herleve – Ruins of Surmia

looting is horrifically tedious

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: HenryChinaski.4732


Use that https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mystic_Forge_Conduit_
A Pocket Mystic Forge

I also dont think using better kits bring you something more then less gold cause they are more expensive.

(edited by HenryChinaski.4732)

looting is horrifically tedious

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zackie.8923


i agree with you TS, but some smarty pants is going to come in and tell you to stop being lazy blah blah blah.

looting is horrifically tedious

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Obtena.7952


There is a link between Anet making money and the way looting works. They aren’t going to make it easy for you to sell your inventory junk anytime soon.

looting is horrifically tedious

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Redfeather.6401


I just wish there was ‘auto-sort’ and ‘auto-deposit material’ checkboxes. Would cut down on the mouse clicks.

looting is horrifically tedious

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: HnRkLnXqZ.1870


We could use an eater-gizmo. Like mawdrey II or the candy corn gobbler. Big problem is the reward/cost issue. I’d love to have essences of luck in return. But the guys who complain about loads of sigils may have outmaxed luck years ago. I guess luck would be even more useless than the sigils.

possible aquisition:
- gathering a stack of 250 of every rune/sigil in the game for a collection achievement that unlocks the gizmo
- sold on gemstore for 500 gems, uses one inventory bag-slot, cannot be placed in a shared inventory slot (like the gathering tools)
- after completing agent of entropy the last time it gives AP, you complete it another time and get the gizmo, account bound, useable in shared slot

possible costs:
- 10 copper on use of any rune/sigil
- 1 essence of luck, depending on rarity of the rune/sigil
- nothing

possible results:
- 1 essence of luck, always the blue one
- stackable trophies of all four rarities, depending on the rarity of the rune/sigil
- 33 % chance to refund the costs, 33% chance to double the costs
- 1 essence of insanity, if you have a stack of 250 you can convert it to 1 random LS currency

I know none of these will make it past anything, but I hope I entertained some of you a little. It is a very boring topic and affects a very noisy minority of the players. I do not care at all. Just had these funny ideas while reading through the thread ^^. Have a nice day o/

dulfy-effect: Knowledge is power. But without fame, you are just a freak.

looting is horrifically tedious

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Moonlit.6421


There is NO good argument against fixing this issue. I dont even want to hear it. this IS an issue that A LOT of people have. Pretending this problem doesnt exist is just willful ignorance.

I dont even want to hear any argument that pretends as if this isnt an issue. it is an issue. It has been an issue, and should have been fixed a long time ago.

Lol comments like this always give me a quick laugh on my way through forums.

Good job to the guy above me though, enjoyed the constructive and polite response. ^^

looting is horrifically tedious

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Amaimon.7823


Another issue I have is, why do the runes and sigils clog up my crafting bags, pushing ACTUAL CRAFTING MATERIALS to other bags

looting is horrifically tedious

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hawken.7932


There is a link between Anet making money and the way looting works. They aren’t going to make it easy for you to sell your inventory junk anytime soon.

This is the thing, of course. We now have showers of loot all the time because it constantly fills our bags and encourages us to buy inventory slots with gems. Plain and simple.

Coming back to the game after a 2 year absence, this is the thing that I find jarring about the state of the game. It has been such a positive experience otherwise, but the loot situation just feels broken.

looting is horrifically tedious

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Paulytnz.7619


Another issue I have is, why do the runes and sigils clog up my crafting bags, pushing ACTUAL CRAFTING MATERIALS to other bags

My guess would be because Runes/Sigils are crafting items as well…..

Since when did this business of being a hero become being a business?

looting is horrifically tedious

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Envy.1679


There is a link between Anet making money and the way looting works. They aren’t going to make it easy for you to sell your inventory junk anytime soon.

This is the thing, of course. We now have showers of loot all the time because it constantly fills our bags and encourages us to buy inventory slots with gems. Plain and simple.

Coming back to the game after a 2 year absence, this is the thing that I find jarring about the state of the game. It has been such a positive experience otherwise, but the loot situation just feels broken.

even people with inventory/bank slots still have to deal with sigil/rune spam. theyre screwing over everybody with this nonsense. whether or not you have bag slots you still have to either run to a vendor to sell them or delete them one by one.


looting is horrifically tedious

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mercure.5689


There is NO good argument against fixing this issue. I dont even want to hear it. this IS an issue that A LOT of people have. Pretending this problem doesnt exist is just willful ignorance.

I dont even want to hear any argument that pretends as if this isnt an issue. it is an issue. It has been an issue, and should have been fixed a long time ago.

Lol comments like this always give me a quick laugh on my way through forums.

I know right? I mean, why did he even post on a discussion forum if he didn’t want a discussion? (O_o)

Anyhow, whether it’s an issue or not isn’t objective, it’s subjective. You think it’s a problem, and that’s your valid opinion. But that doesn’t make it the one and only objective truth, mate.

I actually use minor/major runes/sigils when leveling new characters. In addition, I tend to toss them (mostly major ones) into the mystic forge, which occasionally can give you quite a good payout if you get lucky with the results. So I’m not sure I’d like removing them entirely from a certain level of equipment.

And there are options to get rid of them semi-quickly and earning a bit from them. If your guild has the Gilded Hollow, you can go there for free and spawn next to a Merchant, for instance. Or you can get a pocket Mystic Forge to potentially turn them into better runes. Or if you really hate them, use the crappiest salvage kits you can find. Any loss/decrease in materials resulting from that is just the price you’d pay for the convenience of not having a bunch of sigils/runes clutter up your inventory.

That said, I certainly wouldn’t mind an easier solution to get rid of minor sigils/runes, either through some sort of auto-deleter, a gobbler of some kind or even just the option to toggle certain items (like minor sigils/runes) as junk items to make it easier to quickly sell them.

I used to be really annoyed by them back in the old days, when I had less inventory space and you had to manually salvage everything, but these days, I’m honestly not too bothered. There’s the occasional spot of annoyance, but nothing too major. I wouldn’t oppose anything which would make sigil/rune disposal easier/faster though.

looting is horrifically tedious

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kratan.4619


here are a limited number of types of runes and sigils, even if I let them sit in my bags they stack anyway. Even without extra bag slots, getting 4 18 slot bags is not that hard. this gives you almost 100 slots, how much crap do you carry with you?

looting is horrifically tedious

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Behellagh.1468


Players complain activities aren’t rewarding enough.

ANet ups the loot drop.

Players complain there’s too much loot and postulate it’s a scheme ANet dreamt up to sell more bag slots, collection expanders, unlimited salvage kits, etc.

Here’s a fix, learn to carry less before you start up your farming so your bags don’t fill up as fast with “worthless stuff”. Take a minute or two every hour, 1/2 hour, whatever to flush out the “worthless stuff” at any of the NPC vendors near you or the guild hall (which you can return back to the exact spot you left when you are done there).

Why not ask for an option to collect the coin value of every drop instead so you never have to worry about inventory management or your collection space overflowing?

We are heroes. This is what we do!

RIP City of Heroes

looting is horrifically tedious

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

I don’t think the chance to get higher mats is significant enough to warrant using anything but a Basic Salvage Kit. Unless, one is salvaging Rares or higher. I believe there is information in the Wiki about each salvage kit and salvage rate.

crude kits( which stack to 15, instead of the normal 25,) have 0% chance at rare materials.

the next one up which more conveniently stacks to 25 has a 1 in 10 chance of getting rarer materials

mystic, masters, and silver fed kits have a 1 in 4 chance at rarer materials..

Are you saying a 1 in 4 chance is not so much better than 1 in 10 ( even 1 in infinity) to warrant using it?

If so, you either just dont care about getting higher level mats or your math is just bad.

Well, if you use a Master Salvage Kit to salvage all those blues and greens for a bit more copper, your math may be bad. There’s a reason so many players suggest the Copper-Fed-Salvage-O-Matic when someone asks what they should spend Gems on.

Up to you, of course. If the inconvenience (for you) of all those Runes and Sigils is worth the copper, sobeit.

looting is horrifically tedious

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hawken.7932


It’s not a question of whether we should get this much loot or not that’s the problem. It’s cool we get lots of loot, that’s fine. It’s the implementation of the kind of loot we get, that’s the problem. The thing that feels broken is that, for example, we complete the meta event in one of the HoT maps, then go around looting 20+ chests, get a ton of gear that’s intended to be salvaged. What this does is just create a total mess of runes and sigils in our bags which have to be vendored, sold, or whatever. It’s fine the first 20’times you do such an event, but after the 50th time it gets pretty stale.

There’s no reason why they couldn’t just instead of giving us 20 pieces of gear, give us a salvage item which would output almost the same amount of materials. Getting 20 pieces of gear just feels immersion breaking and silly.

looting is horrifically tedious

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


I solved the problem by making a portable mystic forge conduit.

looting is horrifically tedious

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ArchonWing.9480


Maybe you should be able to salvage the sigils into materials too.
Or be able to classify minor sigils as “junk”

For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards,
for there you have been and there you will long to return.

looting is horrifically tedious

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: IndigoSundown.5419


While I don’t find it tiresome to run to a merchant when my bags are full, I wouldn’t mind a “Sell all masterwork sigils and runes.” button alongside the “Sell all junk.” button. It could even be a “Sell all sigils and runes.” button, I’d just have to use it before salvaging rares if I want to Tp those for the extra coppers.

looting is horrifically tedious

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Just a flesh wound.3589

Just a flesh wound.3589

I’m still wanting a button on the inventory UI that says Vendor minor runes/sigils. Push the button, minor runes and sigils disappear from your inventory and 16 copper each appears in your bank.

Edit: I mean wherever you are you can vendor them, not just by a merchant.

Be careful what you ask for
ANet may give it to you.

(edited by Just a flesh wound.3589)

looting is horrifically tedious

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Amaimon.7823


Another issue I have is, why do the runes and sigils clog up my crafting bags, pushing ACTUAL CRAFTING MATERIALS to other bags

My guess would be because Runes/Sigils are crafting items as well…..

Either they are, or they’re not.
If they’re not, they have no business in my crafting bags
If they are, then they have no business in my inventory after I click “deposit all crafting materials”

looting is horrifically tedious

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Paulytnz.7619


Another issue I have is, why do the runes and sigils clog up my crafting bags, pushing ACTUAL CRAFTING MATERIALS to other bags

My guess would be because Runes/Sigils are crafting items as well…..

Either they are, or they’re not.
If they’re not, they have no business in my crafting bags
If they are, then they have no business in my inventory after I click “deposit all crafting materials”

They are. There are many, many, many crafting mats that have no dedicated slots in the auto deposit slots sadly.

To the people suggesting the Mystic Forge conduit thing-a-mig-jig, I would prefer to save my mystc coins ty very much.

Since when did this business of being a hero become being a business?

looting is horrifically tedious

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Okhu.7948


Another issue I have is, why do the runes and sigils clog up my crafting bags, pushing ACTUAL CRAFTING MATERIALS to other bags

My guess would be because Runes/Sigils are crafting items as well…..

Either they are, or they’re not.
If they’re not, they have no business in my crafting bags
If they are, then they have no business in my inventory after I click “deposit all crafting materials”

They are. There are many, many, many crafting mats that have no dedicated slots in the auto deposit slots sadly.

To the people suggesting the Mystic Forge conduit thing-a-mig-jig, I would prefer to save my mystc coins ty very much.

You can buy a mystic forge conduit off the Auction House. Your mystic coins are safe.

looting is horrifically tedious

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Deihnyx.6318


I mean. 160 slots max. 160 !!! You guys ever played GW1…?
There’s quite a lot of merchants in most maps.
And I’m sorry but by salvaging, unless you’re doing AB again and again, you only very rarely get full. If you get full, you probably have a lot of useless stuff in the first place.

If you really can’t deal with it… There’s the Tarrkun delivery portal. It’s a merchant with infinite uses and you can keep the window open.

looting is horrifically tedious

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Just a flesh wound.3589

Just a flesh wound.3589

I mean. 160 slots max. 160 !!! You guys ever played GW1…?
There’s quite a lot of merchants in most maps.
And I’m sorry but by salvaging, unless you’re doing AB again and again, you only very rarely get full. If you get full, you probably have a lot of useless stuff in the first place.

If you really can’t deal with it… There’s the Tarrkun delivery portal. It’s a merchant with infinite uses and you can keep the window open.

And how much does that cost to get in order to have the ability to easily sell 16 copper items?

Be careful what you ask for
ANet may give it to you.

looting is horrifically tedious

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Deihnyx.6318


And how much does that cost to get in order to have the ability to easily sell 16 copper items?

OP’s request is about convenience. And like any convenience item it’s not cheap.
There already are items that get rid of this convenience issue. If not Tarrkun there’s consumable merchants.
But again I don’t exactly see how you can get constantly full by just playing normally with an inventory that can go up to 160 items. Not even talking of shared inventory.
Getting full happens but it’s more an inventory management issue – or lack of bags (and the it’s 11g on TP, 100ish for extra bag spot in gemstore) but it’s not too much asked I think.

looting is horrifically tedious

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Justine.6351


*Open all bags
*Copper Fed → Salvage All green/blue/white
*Silver Fed → Salvage all rare
*Deposit All
*Go to Merchant, Sell all Junk
*Click spam green sigils/runes
*Mystic Forge rare runes/sigils
*TP any exotics I already have the skin for
*If I don’t have the skin, Black Lion Kit salvage any exotics that are not worth much and then merchant the exotic sigils/runes or TP if any value

The game really is not that hard.

looting is horrifically tedious

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Katastroff.1045


Dear Anet, Tonite I’m planning on doing the Meta in Auric Bassin, do my dailies then farm some chests in Bitterfrost. Please be kind enough to recycle all greens and lower, recycle all rare worth less then 1 gold and send it all my loot in my bank.

Thank you.

P.S.: Would any Dev and or employee be kind enough to play my account in these instance? I really feel lazy tonite.

Why simplify things when its so easy to complicate them ?

looting is horrifically tedious

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TexZero.7910


Players complain activities aren’t rewarding enough.

ANet ups the loot drop.

Players complain there’s too much loot and postulate it’s a scheme ANet dreamt up to sell more bag slots, collection expanders, unlimited salvage kits, etc.

Here’s a fix, learn to carry less before you start up your farming so your bags don’t fill up as fast with “worthless stuff”. Take a minute or two every hour, 1/2 hour, whatever to flush out the “worthless stuff” at any of the NPC vendors near you or the guild hall (which you can return back to the exact spot you left when you are done there).

Why not ask for an option to collect the coin value of every drop instead so you never have to worry about inventory management or your collection space overflowing?

I don’t think you’ll find a player in this game who asked for increased junk. Anytime rewards are brought up its typical increase the quality of item. IE level 80 exotics really shouldn’t be salvaging into mithril and only mithril.

Loot in this game has forever been a problem though, that’s why we went through bagception during HoT’s release. It’s why we’re here now honestly, because for some unbeknownst economic reason putting items in items, in bags, in bags, on a corpse is fun an interesting gameplay.

Maybe it’s the old guy in me, but cant we just have the items and skip the bags part or heck even just raw currency.

looting is horrifically tedious

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Just a flesh wound.3589

Just a flesh wound.3589

And how much does that cost to get in order to have the ability to easily sell 16 copper items?

OP’s request is about convenience. And like any convenience item it’s not cheap.
There already are items that get rid of this convenience issue. If not Tarrkun there’s consumable merchants.
But again I don’t exactly see how you can get constantly full by just playing normally with an inventory that can go up to 160 items. Not even talking of shared inventory.
Getting full happens but it’s more an inventory management issue – or lack of bags (and the it’s 11g on TP, 100ish for extra bag spot in gemstore) but it’s not too much asked I think.

And yet, did not ANet give us the ability to mass salvage, a convenience for everyone, for no cost at all?

So, maybe they can give us a cheap convenient way to sell 16 copper items. Such as a vendor all minor runes/sigils button on the inventory UI.

Be careful what you ask for
ANet may give it to you.

looting is horrifically tedious

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Deihnyx.6318


And yet, did not ANet give us the ability to mass salvage, a convenience for everyone, for no cost at all?

So, maybe they can give us a cheap convenient way to sell 16 copper items. Such as a vendor all minor runes/sigils button on the inventory UI.

A new option to sell all green / rare runes would probably work yes, since it’s a new feature. However anything that involves giving permanent merchant for free wouldn’t, because then people who went through the pain of getting a merchant or tarrkun would complain.

looting is horrifically tedious

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Just a flesh wound.3589

Just a flesh wound.3589

And yet, did not ANet give us the ability to mass salvage, a convenience for everyone, for no cost at all?

So, maybe they can give us a cheap convenient way to sell 16 copper items. Such as a vendor all minor runes/sigils button on the inventory UI.

A new option to sell all green / rare runes would probably work yes, since it’s a new feature. However anything that involves giving permanent merchant for free wouldn’t, because then people who went through the pain of getting a merchant or tarrkun would complain.

I’d personally be happy with just the ability to remote vendor minor sigils/runes from the inventory UI. Anything more can be considered to impinge too much on the other gem store and ingame merchants, imo.

Be careful what you ask for
ANet may give it to you.

looting is horrifically tedious

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orion Templar.4589

Orion Templar.4589

I know it doesn’t solve the problem of needing to go back to a vendor to sell the minor runes/sigils, but that part of it doesn’t bother me so much. What I’d like to see though is the ability to flag certain items as “junk”, and maintain a personalized “junk” list. Then at the merchant when I click the “sell junk” button it would sell everything I had personally flagged as junk.

looting is horrifically tedious

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Svarty.8019


here are a limited number of types of runes and sigils, even if I let them sit in my bags they stack anyway. Even without extra bag slots, getting 4 18 slot bags is not that hard. this gives you almost 100 slots, how much crap do you carry with you?

I carry multiple sets of equipment because I don’t want to have to do raiding for the versatile set.

Nobody at Anet loves WvW like Grouch loved PvP. That’s what we need, a WvW Grouch, but taller.

looting is horrifically tedious

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Samnang.1879


I totally agree. Sigils take up so much space.

Also can anet please do something about bag types???? Why are there 4 bag types with the exact same name but won’t stack? WTF?

4 different type of “Gilded strongboxes” take up 4 inventory slots, even though the spelling is exactly the same, what is up with that.

Please nerf bag types instead of class skills!

(edited by Samnang.1879)

looting is horrifically tedious

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: IndigoSundown.5419


Maybe it’s the old guy in me, but cant we just have the items and skip the bags part or heck even just raw currency.

While I get the feeling, raw currency would turn loot into a faucet, whereas the way it is it’s for the most part a sink. Too many faucets would cause inflation. As to loose loot over bags, I’d be happier with bags if there were fewer types because they stack. Stacking bags mean less space taken up by loot. As it is, though, there are too many types of bags. Take Champion Bags. If there was one type, they’d all stack in one slot. As it is, though, I rarely find more than 2 Champ Bags in the same slot even if I’ve killed a dozen champs since the last inventory management stop.

looting is horrifically tedious

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Roscoe.2348


Just to clear up some misinformation about salvage kits.

During this week using crude kits only I salvaged bucket loads of high level wood producing weapons to generate about 14k mats of which about 5% were ancient.

Just now I salvaged 500 weapons using fine salvage kit and generated approximately 4.5% ancient. I admit I was probably having a bad run with rng but this helps demonstrate what the chance of better materials is actually about as this is nowhere near 15%.

AFAIK it has been previously stated that the percent chance of better mats is actually only an increase in the basic chance of getting a better mat.

So this means I should have probably got 5.15% return of ancients from my recent testing give or take some rng.

So you should probably be using basic kits for all MW and lower, mystic for rares and BL for exotics depending on value of rune or sigil.

My solution for bag space is to have a mystic forge conduit in my sharable space. Salvage all blues and lower, forge all greens to rares and if rares aren’t valuable (anything not staff or GS) forge again hoping for a pre or decent exo.

Just as a side note last year I did a several k salvage run on medium armours using basic kits and found the rate of hardened leather to be about 3% return.

looting is horrifically tedious

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ashantara.8731


REMOVE sigils/runes of blue/greens on level 80 gear that drops from chests/monsters. Who the hell even uses these in the first place? most people atleast have rares, and if not, they can simply buy a cheap ass green sigil if they want to use a green sigil from the trading post.

Uhm… soon there won’t be any to buy at the TP if they no longer drop.

Also, “Who uses them?” Well, people who are new to the game and still on the road of leveling their character(s) to Lvl 80.