make warriors banners/ eles owners only

make warriors banners/ eles owners only

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nibblesalil.3561



ok it has come to my attention that warriors have these banners that anyone can pick up but they are put down there for a reason i think that it would be better for these to be for the owner to use not for some jo shome to just pick it up carry it off and you dont get the boon for it anyway so why use it ?? this is truely the most annoying thing ever !!

warriors put banners down for the group for some idiot to pick it up and walk off with it ??? i can see why most use signets , i was wondering if they could be owners use only so then at least the warrior gets the use out of it they deserve

anyone agree here ??

and the ele’s ice bow and lightening hammer should also be owner there are people being and running round with them when the ele’s dont even have a chance to use it them selves it seems they want it cos ooh loook thats cool when the original owners dont even get a shot at it

am i wrong for wanting there to be this owner bound due to the fact it would make them more use and more warriors will be inclinded to use banners ??? more eles can use and have free reign over there own hammers , ice bow etc

i was wondering does anyone feel this and how annoying it is for someone to take per say your banner of defense when its needed for defense and someone comes along picks it up cos they need it more than most or more than the owner themselves ???

does anyone feel like some people are selfish and what it cos they want it even when they are the same class

this grinds my gears !!!

if life is a cabaret old chum ………lets caberet

make warriors banners/ eles owners only

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nerelith.7360



Maximus and Saint have good Points why it should not be " summoner Only". But I still feel that there should be something in case someone just runs with the banner and takes it where it is not in range of the warrior.

This happened to me today. I put the banner down.. I killed what i was gonna kill… there was another warrior also fighting the thing, he literally Picked up my banner, and ran off.

Now I have a Long cooldown… and NO banner. I have zero use of the slot to summon it.

I can understand that there is a defenite benefir to having your group mates or even random Jo Shmo’s pick up your banner, and take it where you are also going.

I know, you can only pick up One banner… but… people will In open world…Pick up my banner…. and run with it.

why is a warrior, needing MY banner…can’t he summon his own?

so as I said… if the banner gets so far out of range where the warrior no longer gets any boost whatsoever…. have it Poof and come back to the warrior. I mean… random Jo Shmo grabs the banner, runs with it to the next place he has to go..Now he has speed boost and dex +, defence +, strength + whatever….. and the warrior doesn’t,….but now has a utility slot on a Long cooldown? and No boost?

I think I can see why a warrior would go with signets… it is very selfish from my perspective. It’s Like a Guardian not using shouts but imagine if someone could take a Guardian’s shout away from the guardian?

The mind is its own place and in itself, can make a Heaven of Hell, a Hell of Heaven.

make warriors banners/ eles owners only

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

Can’t say I do….sorry.

make warriors banners/ eles owners only

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hayashi.3416


Elementalists summon two weapons at a time, they’re guaranteed one weapon.

Banners are for group use. If soloing, signets always give a better return on investment for buff/time. If only the user could pick it up this would be an issue, as there are a few rare multiple-banner builds for warriors which depend on party members helping to move all 3/4 banners from one fight to the next.

The only problem I have is when someone takes my 2nd lightning hammer in a dungeon, because it results in a reduction of DPS to the party for 15 seconds, which sabotages everyone with a slightly slower completion time. Telling people about it after the first time they do it usually solves the situation, since most people have no idea how a S/F LH build even functions, they can’t really be blamed for doing it.

Calm down.

make warriors banners/ eles owners only

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nerelith.7360


I can agree a Little here. I am also playing a low level warrior. I have dropped a banner trying to get it close to where it will benefit as many people around me as Possible… and it can be upsetting to see some Jo Shmo, grab the banner,… and run off with it, because he has personal plans and wants a speed boost to get there as fast as possible.

Asa to elementalist. I used to play a Lightening Hammer elementalist, even with + 10 or whatever charges from a trait, the fact is… you will end up out of charges. Then you look for your other hammer… and some warrior grabs it.

I can see that the summoned weapons are summoned, and have a seperate reality from the summoner… Not Like the guardian sprit weapons… but at the same time….

Warriors that drop banners try to place them where they will benefit them… Not so someone can just grab the banner and run with it.

And it seems to me,…. maybe I am being selfish… but.. who should benefit most from that banner… the warrior that summoned it, and gave up a slot to call it up as needed… or some random by stander that wants a speed boost as he goes from point A ( where the warrior is..) to point B….( where the warrior is not) ?

Suggestion. The warrior that summoned itm, gave up a utility slot for it, and… it has a 2 Minute recharge…. because it is supposed to last a while..what happens when someone grabs the banner and runs off with it? the warrior loses BOTH the use of the banner… and has to wait for a full cool down…

here’s a thought, if someone takes the banner out of range of the warrior, so he or she gains no benefit from it… 5 seconds later it poofs. and returns so it is again within range of the warrior. After all… why should someone else benefit more than the warrior for a banner that cost the warrior a slot to summon, and Now has NO banner, and 2 minutes til they can summon another?

The mind is its own place and in itself, can make a Heaven of Hell, a Hell of Heaven.

(edited by Nerelith.7360)

make warriors banners/ eles owners only

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nibblesalil.3561


I can agree a Little here. I am also playing a low level warrior. I have dropped a banner trying to get it close to where it will benefit as many people around me as Possible… and it can be upsetting to see some Jo Shmo, grab the banner,… and run off with it, because he has personal plans and wants a speed boost to get there as fast as possible.

Asa to elementalist. I used to play a Lightening Hammer elementalist, even with + 10 or whatever charges from a trait, the fact is… you will end up out of charges. Then you look for your other hammer… and some warrior grabs it.

I can see that the summoned weapons are summoned, and have a seperate reality from the summoner… Not Like the guardian sprit weapons… but at the same time….

Warriors that drop banners try to place them where they will benefit them… Not so someone can just grab the banner and run with it.

And it seems to me,…. maybe I am being selfish… but.. who should benefit most from that banner… the warrior that summoned it, and gave up a slot to call it up as needed… or some random by stander that wants a speed boost as he goes from point A ( where the warrior is..) to point B….( where the warrior is not) ?

Suggestion. The warrior that summoned itm, gave up a utility slot for it, and… it has a 2 Minute recharge…. because it is supposed to last a while..what happens when someone grabs the banner and runs off with it? the warrior loses BOTH the use of the banner… and has to wait for a full cool down…

here’s a thought, if someone takes the abnner out of range of the warrior, so he or she gains no benefit from it… 5 seconds later it poofs. and returns so it is again within range of the warrior. After all… why should someone else benefit more than the warrior for a banner that cost the warrior a slot to summon, and Now has NO banner, and 2 minutes til they can summon another?

exactly !!!! my point intirely couldnt have said it any better myself right here !!

it takes up a slot and also you still have to wait so the banner of defense you put down is no longer there , then you have no defense , no banner , no protection , waiting long cooldown exactly my point !!

to make them owner bound would give you sufficent use of the banner without someone running off with it and to do what its supposed to i still stand by make them owner bound they are no use like this

if life is a cabaret old chum ………lets caberet

(edited by nibblesalil.3561)

make warriors banners/ eles owners only

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Maximus Delion.8719

Maximus Delion.8719

I respectfully disagree.

While I frequently see people picking up my banner and moving it around, I can’t ever recall someone picking it up and running off with it in the middle of a fight. I like that other people can use it, and I encourage people to do so. I’m pretty mobile during a big fight, and I don’t have time to keep breaking off to pick up my banner, cast the buffs, then run back into melee again. I would much prefer that whomever is closest to my banner do so. Or better yet, have several people do so in rapid succession. Banner skill 5 is a blast finisher. When someone throws down a combo field, you can easily stack buffs by having several people take turns picking up the banner and slamming it down in the field. If I see another warrior’s banner, I will always try to pick it up, cast the buffs, then plant it again.

As for elementalist weapons, their conjuration spells create two weapons — one in the caster’s hands and one next to the caster. You can never deprive the caster of her weapon. The intent is that someone else can and should pick up that second weapon and make use of it. I suppose an elementalist may want to keep the second weapon to herself for when the first one runs out of charges, but I’d say that’s far more selfish than someone picking it up and making use of it immediately. If we’re fighting a tough foe and I see a lightning hammer or ice bow sitting on the ground, you better believe I’m picking that thing up and making good use of it for the benefit of the team!

Now, I will agree that if someone ran by, grabbed my banner or lightning hammer and used the speed buff to run off into the sunset with it, that would be rather rude and annoying. But I’ve yet to see that happen.

make warriors banners/ eles owners only

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Saint.5647


It has just come to your attention? It has always been the case :P

At any rate, no. A Warrior can only carry one banner at a time and excluding the drop, only stomp it one time to stack might. It would be a severe downgrade to the banners to make them for War use only.

As for the Conjures, also no. While I am strongly against ‘Joe Shmoes’ (as you call them) taking a conjure, I also realize that this only really happens consistently in some open world activities where it isn’t such a huge deal. If you run dungeons with Guild & friends, you can make sure to retain your Conjure rights.

Making them Ele only is a severe limitation though. You would effectively cut your group’s DPS for certain segments. Simply put, there are times when NO ONE should be taking your Conjures, and there are times when it is actually best if everyone takes a Conjure….and there are times where a certain class is prioritized a certain conjure. Mesmers and feedback are a good example of a benefit of sharing the LH.

One True God
Fashion Forward!
Guild Wars Dinosaur

make warriors banners/ eles owners only

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Travis the Terrible.4739

Travis the Terrible.4739

I find most people only steal your banners is when you’re in open world and you’re killing random trash mobs and the people who steal them are so few and far between that it’s not even worth bothering. Besides use signets in open world.

Follow the darkness into the depths, it’s more fun than the light can provide.

make warriors banners/ eles owners only

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nerelith.7360


I find most people only steal your banners is when you’re in open world and you’re killing random trash mobs and the people who steal them are so few and far between that it’s not even worth bothering. Besides use signets in open world.

Do signets grant you, and your partner a speed boost?

The mind is its own place and in itself, can make a Heaven of Hell, a Hell of Heaven.

make warriors banners/ eles owners only

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Imbune.5497


I’d be happy with only allowing party members to interact with said objects because as others have pointed out there are times when conjures (especially ice bow) should be used by other people. It is incredibly annoying when you see a might stacked gs warrior pick up your LH in a dungeon to hit things with just because ‘oooh shiny’. As for the open world? If I can’t hide it in some corner I just don’t use conjures.

Well…if the cd was say cut in half I don’t think it would bother me that other people picked it up because chances are I’ll be able to summon another one in short order. Really the only times it annoys me is when something unexpected happen and I need to drop the hammer prematurely to use some attunement spell-most often it’s focus air 4/earth 4 and 5. After the crisis has been averted and I look for the other hammer…lo and behold, nowhere to be seen and I have to wait for another 40s to summon another one. Sure I could summon the fgs to do damage at that point (assuming it’s not on cd) but generally I’d prefer the fury+might stack+blind on the hammer.

Oh, as for warrior banners in open world…I don’t bother using them. I dropped a banner at boar once and some guy picked it up, ran off with it and placed it near the heart npc for no reason.

When free speech ends, tyranny begins.

The beginning of wisdom is to call things by their proper name.

make warriors banners/ eles owners only

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zavve.8205


Funny thing, I always end up picking up someones banner while I am trying to stomp an enemy or collect loot during giant group fights :s

I don’t want the banner but I am always surrounded by like ten of the darn things lol.

make warriors banners/ eles owners only

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kuma.3640


For open world content, I can somewhat see where you’re coming from, certainly in the case of specialized builds like LH eles, since they rely on their conjures regardless of content type. However, most other conjures are much more situational and actually benefit a coordinated party more when shared between players (OMG give frost bow for burrows plz!). It’s a matter of using specific skills off the conjured skill bar for specific tasks at hand, rather than spamming the auto attack, in which case you won’t need as many charges, since those specific skills are usually on cooldowns anyway.

When it comes to banners, they’re most useful and are mainly utilized in group content, much of which is instanced (i.e. dungeons, fractals). No random Joe Schmoe there, at least not one who can run off into the sunset with your banner.
If you allow only the creator of the banner access to the bundle object, you effectively limit the amount of banners you can bring from one encounter to another, to one – unless you have multiple players with the same profession.
And imho, there are precious few times outside of instanced gameplay where banners are of much use. Slotting a banner on your skill bar is usually a waste, for most open world content – as mentioned above in several posts, warriors get more out of slotting signets for solo play. As for Swiftness for you and your partners, bring a Warhorn on weapon swap, or just carry one in your inv. for use when traveling.

(edited by Kuma.3640)

make warriors banners/ eles owners only

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hayashi.3416


Banners don’t give ‘full’ swiftness, and it takes time to drop it.

25% perm run speed on melee weapon use is FAR better, and doesn’t take a slot on your utility bar.

make warriors banners/ eles owners only

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gandolfi.1507


It’s quite easy to accidentally pick up someone’s banner when pressing ‘F’ to collect loot during a large open world fight – it’s hard to see the banner amongst all the particle effects, and it’s easy to mistake the yellow dialogue thing for the loot one. I always put it straight down again, but many of the episodes mentioned above are probably not intentional.

Godrik Gandolfi – human warrior; Lucius Foestabber – charr reaper
The Path Least Travelled, Gunnar’s Hold

make warriors banners/ eles owners only

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hayashi.3416


Yuno AoE-loot? ;-)

make warriors banners/ eles owners only

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lishtenbird.2814


So you warriors really lack personal DPS, personal mobility and personal defence, and that’s why you need personal banners?

I see…

20 level 80s and counting.

make warriors banners/ eles owners only

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ellie.5203


No, leave them how it is.. do you know how many times a Warrior has placed his banners right on top of a stack and i have had to pick it up and move it to the side because it makes ressing people (or picking up the cultist hammer in Frac) incredibly annoying when you got banners stuck on top of you.. ! Too many times to count !! (Even when you tell them not to place it on the stack but to the side)

make warriors banners/ eles owners only

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lishtenbird.2814


No, leave them how it is.. do you know how many times a Warrior has placed his banners right on top of a stack and i have had to pick it up and move it to the side because it makes ressing people (or picking up the cultist hammer in Frac) incredibly annoying when you got banners stuck on top of you.. ! Too many times to count !! (Even when you tell them not to place it on the stack but to the side)

Or vice versa – when you have an ele with fire fields but a banner is too far away to move a bit, grab it and blast with skill 5 for area might.

20 level 80s and counting.

make warriors banners/ eles owners only

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aeolus.3615


On the battlefield sometimes i missclick and grab a wammo banner also.

1st April joke, when gw2 receives a “balance” update.

make warriors banners/ eles owners only

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: KotCR.6024


Making it so Warrior Banners and Elementalist Conjure Weapons were user only would entirely defeat the purpose of the skills, and you could argue, to do that, would basically be the same as just removing them from the game.

.and there are times where a certain class is prioritized a certain conjure. Mesmers and feedback are a good example of a benefit of sharing the LH.

Another good example is Rangers in general. Ranger weapons do ~30% less DPS than other classes weapons to make up for the fact that they have a pet; However if a Ranger acquires a Conjure Weapon, it will have the full 100% equivalent DPS of any other class, seems the Conjure Weapon is no weaker or less effective on a Ranger than it is on any other class, while the Ranger will still retain an ‘extra’ ~30% DPS from the pet. Infact a team with an Elementalist doling out Great Swords and Hammers to Rangers, probably has some of the highest overall DPS a party could possibly have in the game.

make warriors banners/ eles owners only

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Truthbearer.9708


Just give bannerskills a chainskill that summons/respawns the banner back into your hands.

I don’t see a problem with conjured weapons though, the ele already gets one for its own use.

make warriors banners/ eles owners only

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Greyhound.2058


I always hope someone WILL pick up my spare fiery GS, then we can take down an enemy in a fraction of the time. People are always amazed by how much damage they do and they have loads of fun with them.

Not to mention it’s great to conjure them as a toy when we’re waiting for some champ to spawn Sorry but you won’t find me supporting any change to conjurer-only.

make warriors banners/ eles owners only

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CrossedHorse.4261


Others have answered the Elementalist summoned weapon thing – you get two. I think that’s good and it’s great to have an Ele around dropping weapons for others to use.

I do wish they’d limit who can pick up Banners however – not because I’ve ever seen anyone who shouldn’t have one running off with one, but because in the middle of a fight, I’m trying to loot, revive or whatever, and I keep picking up a Banner! I’m so used to spamming F periodically and ignoring it afterwards that sometimes I don’t even know I’ve done it until I wonder why my ranged attacks aren’t registering, then glance down and realise I’m waving a Banner around! I’d love it if only the summoner could pick these up again.

make warriors banners/ eles owners only

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: khani.4786


~picks up all the banners and runs off and puts them on the other side of the zone~


My most favorite mini-game for world bosses. XD

make warriors banners/ eles owners only

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Erich.1783


I had a tendancy topick up banners by mistake, and I have noticed some others say that. Basically, in a big fight, multiple on both sides, if the indicator to pick things up pops up, you just press F to grab your loot, unfortunately it grabs the banner, bow, whatever. One solution, and the one I used, is I changed interact from F to Z and set F to just be auto loot, so if the indicator shows up I press F if it is loot I grab it, but I don’t interact with anything else.

make warriors banners/ eles owners only

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Erus Keb.8379

Erus Keb.8379

at least not one who can run off into the sunset with your banner.

You shouldn’t write things like that. Now I find myself wanting to pick one up and run off into the sunset! Why is that thought so entertaining? Capture the flag anyone?

In the words of Steve Miller Band: go on, take the banner and run.

I know, not really on topic but I couldn’t help it.

make warriors banners/ eles owners only

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: shadowpass.4236


banners should teleport back to the summoner if it gets carried away by someone past x distance

the summoner should also be able to “call” the banner back on a reduced cd depending on how long its been out

I was a power ranger before it was cool.
Guild Leader of Favorable Winds [Wind]

make warriors banners/ eles owners only

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azure Moonfire.7493

Azure Moonfire.7493

Seems to me there’s a simple solution to these problems: toggle-able options. Warriors and Elementalists should be able to set up their abilities so that either anyone can pick up summoned objects, only party members can, or only they can.

Really, arguing for keeping it the way it is or changing it completely seems odd to me. Obviously, there are some problems with the system as it is now (Eles who want to use both summoned weapons in turn having one stolen, Warriors having their banners taken for no good reason), and obviously, the changes suggested by the OP would create entirely new problems (Eles who want allies to be able to use their weapons not being able to do so [the skill kinda was designed for that purpose], warriors who rely on party members to transport banners, etc.)

So Anet, please allow player control over who can use player-summoned items.

make warriors banners/ eles owners only

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zyst.3514


As a ranger, I’ll gladly steal a warrior’s banner or an ele’s weapons. Specifically, >3 the hammer, but picking up an ice bow for a freeze and aoe is nice. Though, I dont like the fiery great sword as much. The lightning hammer and ice bow you can use up fast then go back to normal skills. Helping warrior move multiple banners when in dungeons is simply a good move. Open world pve….stealing banners/weapons sounds fun and is something i might do, if i actually did open world pve.

Ranger main, no matter what nerf bat they hit us with!
SF guild on Jade Quarry.
Fav pet; Reef Drake

make warriors banners/ eles owners only

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tman.6349


I oppose this idea. From the perspective of someone that often runs PuG dungeons, as I play late some nights, I will attest to the fact that a LOT of Warriors have no idea that their banners are any more usefull than their passive effects. IE. Plant in ground and forget about till the next fight. Who cares about perma Fury, perma swift, and huge stacks of might on your entire party right? Well I, for one, do care. I often even see groups leaving behind sets of banners and running off headfirst into the next boss fight. O.o It sux when Conjure Weapons are stolen for sure, but most Eles who depend on them will vocalize it before it becomes a problem. As for running banners in open world PvE…..what are you doing? O.o

make warriors banners/ eles owners only

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bambu.4270


I think it would be best if these conjured weapons and banners were “party-bound” so anyone in your party can use them but nobody else. Limiting these only to self-bound is terrible idea when it comes to group fights (like a 5 people party).

That’s progress. Hooray for progress!

make warriors banners/ eles owners only

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tweeve.3782


For me, I run conjured weapons mostly for other people to use. If I drop a firery great sword, I dont expect to be able to use both of them. Same with the ice bow, if I can use both that is great, if not, no big deal, I will be able to throw down another one in a few seconds anyway.

For me if I run the ice bow it is a one shot weapon anyway. Drop ice bow, hit #4, drop ice bow, pop meteor shower. Target or targets dead.

make warriors banners/ eles owners only

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wethospu.6437


An option for “no restriction”, “only party/squad” and “only me” would do fine.

make warriors banners/ eles owners only

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Oniyui.8279


No, leave them how it is.. do you know how many times a Warrior has placed his banners right on top of a stack and i have had to pick it up and move it to the side because it makes ressing people (or picking up the cultist hammer in Frac) incredibly annoying when you got banners stuck on top of you.. ! Too many times to count !! (Even when you tell them not to place it on the stack but to the side)

Although I’m against the proposed changeā€¦ this reason’s just bad. If they made it so you couldn’t interact with the banner then it wouldn’t give you any more trouble.

make warriors banners/ eles owners only

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Warkupo.1025


I don’t really mind when someone picks up my hammer; it’s a lot more spike damage all at once and I am hardly helpless if I need to use my daggers a bit longer (i’m a lot more survivable, actually).

make warriors banners/ eles owners only

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JVJD.4912


Well would not always work cause if i put 2 banners down then would need someone to pick the other one up, same goes with eles icebow and fgs

make warriors banners/ eles owners only

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Caedmon.6798


I think,for banners atleast a lock/unlock option in the skill menu would be nice to have.Let me choose if i want people to grab my banner or if i want to be the only one able to grab em.Even in pvp it happens that people randomly pick up my banner and ran away with it.Eventhough the banner plays a big part of the build and when youre traiting a banner setup,regen etc,it gets pretty kitten annoying that they still insist on doing it.

make warriors banners/ eles owners only

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ellie.5203


my friend took someones banner once and the guy literally chased him half way across the map as if he could somehow magically snatch it back out of his hands lol

make warriors banners/ eles owners only

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dace.8019


The change banners need is that they need to be destructible to mobs/enemy players.