STOP over-propagandizing “scarlet’s war”….please honestly. did anybody feel this “devastating war”?… went unnoticed to me….completely. please stop spreading this all over the place as if it was a big deal, i mean really, all your fans think season 1 was jsut average content and here you are “ohhhhhh looook let me make 3-5 posts about this”. ok season 1 was was a start to something better (WE HOPE)….but its nothing to brag about or announce repetitively. you did a whatever job, so move on and do better.
ok this is what bothers me about Anet
I don’t even think those are for you.
Most likely for game website for advertising.
Pretty much.
Also I kittening hate Lions Arch, the way it looks, the geography and the unwashed vermin who infest it.
List of people whose posts speak on my behalf:
Lunar Sunset.8742
Lunar Sunset.8742
STOP over-propagandizing “scarlet’s war”….please honestly. did anybody feel this “devastating war”?… went unnoticed to me….completely. please stop spreading this all over the place as if it was a big deal, i mean really, all your fans think season 1 was jsut average content and here you are “ohhhhhh looook let me make 3-5 posts about this”. ok season 1 was was a start to something better (WE HOPE)….but its nothing to brag about or announce repetitively. you did a whatever job, so move on and do better
Um, ive been playing this game for a year since today. and it might just be a game, but i almost cried when saw lions arch destroyed and some of my favorite npcs dead or gone. Lol to say that it was devasting means you either dont play much or you are new. not saying you are bad or anything, its just that most people who play mmos invest alot of time in them and get attached to some of these things. All those times goofin’ round’ with guildies in LA and just doin stuff you do in LA, they gonna be missed.
Join us and RISE to the challenge!
Join us and RISE to the challenge!
Who is “all your fans”? I certainly thought it was better than average. I thought it was a decent first attempt at something new (well, new-ish). And the battle into LA had a pretty epic feel to it I thought.
Ofc they are going to mention it lots. It would be extremely bizarre for them not to. Loads of people complained there was no bridging of content. No rounding up or summary. This is their answer leading into season 2.
A major downside of S1 is that it left a really big number of loose ends. For those who didn’t enjoy S1 that means you are going to hear an awful lot of more of Scarlet and her war before all is said and done.
It might have turned out to not be interesting to me, but what bothered me was having to go to a 3rd party site where I had to watch commercials before watching what I was there to watch.
“Scarlet’s war” did change the face of Tyria. And, I did cry when Lion’s Arch was destroyed. The night before the attack, I joined my guild and so many others on top of the Lion knowing he would be gone. I actually took pictures of all my toons (13 at the time) in LA despite not really hanging out too much there, but map chat was always entertaining. Look at the changes to Kessex Hills as well. And soon we will have a new dragon and/or its’ minions/champs to deal with.
Sure there were parts I didn’t care for, but the majority was entertaining and her attacks in most of Tyria were lucrative. F&F was also good. The ending of her “war” was so-so.
I think they (Anet) are just trying to tie S1 into S2 – The players who’ve been here 14 months know what happened, new players don’t.
OP: But when you say “all your fans” thought it was average… Hmm please don’t speak for me. Just because you weren’t bedazzled by S1, doesn’t mean everyone else feels the same as you. I, for one, am looking forward to S2.
7k hr, 13k AP, 16 char, all classes 80 Sadly, 3.5k hr. Ranger
While I can praise them for practically changing up their story telling methods (the cutscenes were an homage to the original Guild Wars towards the later portions of Season 1 – absolutely hated the cut scenes in GW2’s original campaign) what bothered me about the Living World was at first it was really sub par and then it didn’t get cool until Nightmare Tower (though I still miss Kissex Hills) which is where I saw the changes start to take place.
What I wanted were expansions. I want to see Elona and Cantha. That’s why I didn’t like the Living World because all that happened is we were taken back to areas we had already explored while, in Tyria alone, you have plenty of territories to visit that they haven’t touched: Crystal Desert, Fire Islands, Dominion of Winds, Bloodlegion Homelands, etc. My only hope out of Season 2, which is implied at the moment, is they keep that in mind. I do believe we may see them step it up with the Meguma Wastes when we end up finding out about Mordy. It’ll be slow progression but I’m hopeful they do expand on our existing map more (Southsun Cove was just a bore) so they have one Season to convince me they’re capable of actually producing meaningful content, otherwise afterwards it’s all forgettable; just as Scarlet was.
I’m by no means enamored by the events, but that’s because I pay very little attention to in game story content and get my info wiki-wise (for all games not just GW2), I do find the plot to be interesting, and now and then visit places or events others posted online to see for myself. I know other players who are truly interested in the story, weather or not they like the direction or all the characters. But as others have pointed out, speak for yourself. Just because you and the people you play with don’t enjoy that aspect of the game, doesn’t mean a majority of people don’t.
Edit: I also miss weeks-months of game time due to my job, these recaps and post on the story actually helps me out quite a bit.
(edited by Keiel.7489)
Linking to ign was a very bad move. Even youtube could have done better, but this is the worst ‘news’ update I have ever seen. It is just a picture with a link. Stuff like this gets taken down by spam bots on other sites forums. While the factuality of the video isn’t correct, the fact it was just a link to ign is the biggest insult yet from anet.
STOP over-propagandizing “scarlet’s war”….please honestly. did anybody feel this “devastating war”?… went unnoticed to me….completely. please stop spreading this all over the place as if it was a big deal, i mean really, all your fans think season 1 was jsut average content and here you are “ohhhhhh looook let me make 3-5 posts about this”. ok season 1 was was a start to something better (WE HOPE)….but its nothing to brag about or announce repetitively. you did a whatever job, so move on and do better
Um, ive been playing this game for a year since today. and it might just be a game, but i almost cried when saw lions arch destroyed and some of my favorite npcs dead or gone. Lol to say that it was devasting means you either dont play much or you are new. not saying you are bad or anything, its just that most people who play mmos invest alot of time in them and get attached to some of these things. All those times goofin’ round’ with guildies in LA and just doin stuff you do in LA, they gonna be missed.
I have been playing since Release. I remember Lion’s Arch before it was destroyed. and the destruction at first was just a Huge inconvenience. I did Not cry…I Just yawned.
To say that " scarlet’s war" was " devestating" is Hyperbole at best…. So a zone was changed, Big whoop…where are the new races, the new classes, the " new" permanent content? and don’t tell me a new merchant In an Old zone that sells some piece of crap for karma is the extent of " new permanent" content.
The mind is its own place and in itself, can make a Heaven of Hell, a Hell of Heaven.
Please learn what “propaganda” means.
Even though he tried to use a noun as a verb, he used it fairly well in context
What if HoT turns out to be the Mordrem Invasion event, x100?
STOP over-propagandizing “scarlet’s war”….please honestly. did anybody feel this “devastating war”?… went unnoticed to me….completely. please stop spreading this all over the place as if it was a big deal, i mean really, all your fans think season 1 was jsut average content and here you are “ohhhhhh looook let me make 3-5 posts about this”. ok season 1 was was a start to something better (WE HOPE)….but its nothing to brag about or announce repetitively. you did a whatever job, so move on and do better
Um, ive been playing this game for a year since today. and it might just be a game, but i almost cried when saw lions arch destroyed and some of my favorite npcs dead or gone. Lol to say that it was devasting means you either dont play much or you are new. not saying you are bad or anything, its just that most people who play mmos invest alot of time in them and get attached to some of these things. All those times goofin’ round’ with guildies in LA and just doin stuff you do in LA, they gonna be missed.
Are you over sensitive lol?
Pretty much.
Also I kittening hate Lions Arch, the way it looks, the geography and the unwashed vermin who infest it.
I actually like it a whole lot more now than I did before, I like the bombed-out, war-torn environment.
To each their own though.
If they promote it as they are now, then its ‘hype’ and ‘over promotion’.
If they say nothing, then its ‘a failure’, ‘wash’, ‘waste of resources’.
Oh rock and hard place, you always have a purpose in an mmo.
War is devastating to someone, though perhaps not you in this instance OP.
I’m sure the Charr and Norn refugees that were chased from their lands, had their homes burned, or were captured and experimented on during Flame and Frost found it “devastating.”
The denizens of LA probably weren’t feeling peachy when bombs started dropping on their city and they were running for their lives.
Nor did the quaggan and other inhabitants of Kessex Hills find the unleashing of the Tower of Nightmares to their benefit.
You kitten about ‘mediocre content,’ but fail to step back and look at what that mediocre content did, the ground work it laid.
Don’t look at me like that. Whatever you’ve heard, it’s probably not true.
I actually like the recaps. Is just like a “Previously on Battlestar Galactica…”. My wife who just started playing the game, is interested in learning about what happened as she prepares for season 2. It’s a good idea for new players coming in, and for older players, as a reminderbefore season 2 launch. If you don’t like it, you don’t have to read/watch it.
“You know what the chain of command is?
It’s the chain I beat you with until you
recognize my command!”
It’s the chain I beat you with until you
recognize my command!”
STOP over-propagandizing “scarlet’s war”….please honestly. did anybody feel this “devastating war”?… went unnoticed to me….completely. please stop spreading this all over the place as if it was a big deal, i mean really, all your fans think season 1 was jsut average content and here you are “ohhhhhh looook let me make 3-5 posts about this”. ok season 1 was was a start to something better (WE HOPE)….but its nothing to brag about or announce repetitively. you did a whatever job, so move on and do better
Um, ive been playing this game for a year since today. and it might just be a game, but i almost cried when saw lions arch destroyed and some of my favorite npcs dead or gone. Lol to say that it was devasting means you either dont play much or you are new. not saying you are bad or anything, its just that most people who play mmos invest alot of time in them and get attached to some of these things. All those times goofin’ round’ with guildies in LA and just doin stuff you do in LA, they gonna be missed.
I have been playing since Release. I remember Lion’s Arch before it was destroyed. and the destruction at first was just a Huge inconvenience. I did Not cry…I Just yawned.
To say that " scarlet’s war" was " devestating" is Hyperbole at best…. So a zone was changed, Big whoop…where are the new races, the new classes, the " new" permanent content? and don’t tell me a new merchant In an Old zone that sells some piece of crap for karma is the extent of " new permanent" content.
Im sorry i get into the game, ill try to be more shallow next time. games are for kids right? silly things, why would anyone actually care about them……
Join us and RISE to the challenge!
Join us and RISE to the challenge!
To say that " scarlet’s war" was " devestating" is Hyperbole at best….
As is claiming it made you yawn.
At least the developers don’t sound like pompous windbags that harshly judge everything because being picky to the point of unpleasable makes one, ‘cool’.
(edited by Conncept.7638)
I actually like the recaps. Is just like a “Previously on Battlestar Galactica…”. My wife who just started playing the game, is interested in learning about what happened as she prepares for season 2. It’s a good idea for new players coming in, and for older players, as a reminderbefore season 2 launch. If you don’t like it, you don’t have to read/watch it.
But I believe this particular OP just likes to start a new thread each week to kitten this or that. Unless I’ve gotten him/her confused with another – which I don’t think I have.
I actually like the recaps. Is just like a “Previously on Battlestar Galactica…”. My wife who just started playing the game, is interested in learning about what happened as she prepares for season 2. It’s a good idea for new players coming in, and for older players, as a reminderbefore season 2 launch. If you don’t like it, you don’t have to read/watch it.
But I believe this particular OP just likes to start a new thread each week to kitten this or that. Unless I’ve gotten him/her confused with another – which I don’t think I have.
Edit: This might fit better
“You know what the chain of command is?
It’s the chain I beat you with until you
recognize my command!”
It’s the chain I beat you with until you
recognize my command!”
(edited by pdavis.8031)
ok this is what bothers me about Anet
this entire thread and all its kitten kittening bothers me
except this guys post
Please learn what “propaganda” means.
only post that had any semblance of rational thought whatsoever.. you sir deserve an omnomberry bar
it’s just a bunch of promotions for season 2
i wuda felt it more if they had killed off a few main characters (ellen kiel plz) or perhaps 1 of those 2 “ladies”……nobody likes either of them….u almost had it when majory was injured at the end i was rooting for scarlet on that one…..oh well i guess next time we can hope that maybe taimi’s golem catches on fire and she cant get out from inside it
Haha agreed, I feel like the lesbian relationships in this game were an annoying attempt to appeal to what’s going on in the US, without the actual struggle and doesn’t add to the story whatsoever. Aka because..lesbians! Kissing!
What if HoT turns out to be the Mordrem Invasion event, x100?
Gearing up for LS 2 would be dropping teasers about the new content, not ruminating over Scarlet. :p They’re just defending their decision to focus solely on Scarlet for content generation and story. Like the LS 1 is their ‘legacy’ or something, which frankly is pathetic. More and more I feel like GW1 is something they’d like to sweep under the rug for good.
In some ways I’m not looking forward to the LS 2 just because it’s been fun focusing on the core content rather than watching this travesty of a storyline unfold. Oh well. Cheers to hoping for better updates, I guess.
I fairly certain that Anet is slowly building up to LS2, they’ll have something about poi’s tomorrow and Lion’s Arch Lament next week. The videos they’ve been releasing, I would imagine, are for new players to let them know what happened last season, summarizing the effects of Scarlet’s actions and we shall see what they choose to show.
Seeing how it’s 11 days away, I’d imagine they will be releasing more info about LS2 shortly before.
Sheesh! People complain when ArenaNet shows future content and when they don’t. Can’t win I suppose.
7k hr, 13k AP, 16 char, all classes 80 Sadly, 3.5k hr. Ranger
People cried for this mess of a story?
I bet few could recall moments when their dams blew wide open, releasing a torrent of salty tears, over anything in the personal story.
Maybe when our BFF died but that’s only just one time…
We’ve all (meaning many) become digesters of poorly-crafted/articulated media…
Devona’s Rest
Nope honestly when they began the whole LS thing I was like YAY more stuff about what happened to Orr and the main storyline WOOT and then i saw fire and frost….then when they began the whole Scarlet thing while coming to the forums I kept thinking, guess no one’s checked the forums lately…
Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!
I’ll never forget saving refugees from the miasma. It was awesome.
Saving the refugees was my favourite bit too.
Although it was sad to see, I loved that Anet was brave enough to lay waste to the game’s main city for the sake of the story. It made it all feel so real.
I always thought that Divinity’s Reach would have been amazing as Lion’s Arch, although the location isn’t central. Anyway it makes sense what they did so they could change LA as they please to fit with whatever they want to do with Living Story.
What if HoT turns out to be the Mordrem Invasion event, x100?
yea the LA thing was awesome….i kinda meant everything as a WHOLE…..not the very end -.-.
STOP over-propagandizing “scarlet’s war”….please honestly. did anybody feel this “devastating war”?… went unnoticed to me….completely. please stop spreading this all over the place as if it was a big deal, i mean really, all your fans think season 1 was jsut average content and here you are “ohhhhhh looook let me make 3-5 posts about this”. ok season 1 was was a start to something better (WE HOPE)….but its nothing to brag about or announce repetitively. you did a whatever job, so move on and do better
Um, ive been playing this game for a year since today. and it might just be a game, but i almost cried when saw lions arch destroyed and some of my favorite npcs dead or gone. Lol to say that it was devasting means you either dont play much or you are new. not saying you are bad or anything, its just that most people who play mmos invest alot of time in them and get attached to some of these things. All those times goofin’ round’ with guildies in LA and just doin stuff you do in LA, they gonna be missed.
I have been playing since Release. I remember Lion’s Arch before it was destroyed. and the destruction at first was just a Huge inconvenience. I did Not cry…I Just yawned.
To say that " scarlet’s war" was " devestating" is Hyperbole at best…. So a zone was changed, Big whoop…where are the new races, the new classes, the " new" permanent content? and don’t tell me a new merchant In an Old zone that sells some piece of crap for karma is the extent of " new permanent" content.
Im sorry i get into the game, ill try to be more shallow next time. games are for kids right? silly things, why would anyone actually care about them……
Strawman Argument, oh how I love theee. You never fail to make an appearance.
The mind is its own place and in itself, can make a Heaven of Hell, a Hell of Heaven.
People cried for this mess of a story?
I bet few could recall moments when their dams blew wide open, releasing a torrent of salty tears, over anything in the personal story.
Maybe when our BFF died but that’s only just one time…We’ve all (meaning many) become digesters of poorly-crafted/articulated media…
If we show the purveyors of said poorly crafted/articulated media, that we are content with the drivel, I guess they will never rise above " good enough for them" Will they?
Why give us Shakespear…. or even “Friends” for that matter, if they can give us… " see spot run…. run spot run"?
The mind is its own place and in itself, can make a Heaven of Hell, a Hell of Heaven.
Pretty much.
Also I kittening hate Lions Arch, the way it looks, the geography and the unwashed vermin who infest it.
I actually like it a whole lot more now than I did before, I like the bombed-out, war-torn environment.
To each their own though.
Also prefer LA now, hated it before, it felt like a shopping mall on a saturday morning before, where all the cool kids hung outside the, now at least its cosy and intimate and as you say has that worn-torn feel to it.
Also prefer LA now, hated it before, it felt like a shopping mall on a saturday morning before, where all the cool kids hung outside the, now at least its cosy and intimate and as you say has that worn-torn feel to it.
I would have to agree. Old LA was… ok, but the whole thing looked like it was only one step above Krait architecture. We all know the city was built by pirates, hence being built out of wreaked ships and whatnot, but that city was also filthy rich and an economic hub of Tyria. With all those resources, the Old LA still seems a bit dull.
Surprisingly, it being torn apart and blown to bits added a bit of character. To me anyway. Plus, there is the added promise of it hopefully being rebuilt in finally match it’s status in Tyria.
(The added banks, merchants, and crafting stations also helps ALOT.)
If you’re referring to the trailers for Season one, those were most likely to summarize the story for new players and to advertize.
EDIT: Also, if it went unnoticed to you, maybe it’s your own fault.
Because you didn’t like it they shouldn’t talk about it? Two maps changed forever, story created, explored and being built on for season 2, and they should just act like it never happened?
Can you say asinine?
You should look up what that means and in what context it is typically used.
I won’t stop because I can’t stop.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
Because you didn’t like it they shouldn’t talk about it? Two maps changed forever, story created, explored and being built on for season 2, and they should just act like it never happened?
Can you say asinine?
No,…But at the same time, it’s Not “Merryl Streep” worthy drama either.
The mind is its own place and in itself, can make a Heaven of Hell, a Hell of Heaven.
The vast majority of players on my friends list only want new WvW content. A PvE boss or farming event will not help the long term longevity of this game. Only better WvW or a GvG game mode can save this game in 1 year.
I don’t understand how Anet can let WvW in the current situation; where most servers are empty and the same unbalanced matchups are played for months as old content only gets older.
Because you didn’t like it they shouldn’t talk about it? Two maps changed forever, story created, explored and being built on for season 2, and they should just act like it never happened?
Can you say asinine?
No,…But at the same time, it’s Not “Merryl Streep” worthy drama either.
Subjective opinions are subjective. I’ve played a whole lot of games. I’ve played a whole lot of MMOs. I’ve yet to play an MMO where story (not lore) was much better than this game, and those stories are rare indeed.
It’s not because we don’t deserve Shakespeare. It’s because Shakespeare wasn’t making games. he was writing literature. Literature isn’t games. They’re different genres. They are made for different audiences. I’m pretty sure if we got Shakespeare, most people playing would neither like nor appreciate it.
However, we did get a story that was good for an MMO. I’ve played lots of single player games with great stories, but not many MMOs. There’s a reason for that. It’s much harder to tell stories in an open world with hundreds of people running around all thinking the story is about them.
This isn’t about accepting mediocrity. It’s about accepting the limitations of the genre, including time/budget and situational limitations.
If you want story, read a book.
If you want story, read a book.
Are you visiting us from the 15th century?
If you want story, read a book.
Are you visiting us from the 15th century?
No I was already old by the 15th century.