one toon, multiple classes
I would love it if one character could freely switch. That was one of the main draws to FFXIV for me (controller support being the only other which it can still boast). I leveled other characters here mainly to open up some of the other achievements, but I really only want to ever have to play on my main.
I’d also like to have access to all armour skins on my main, but unless ANet wants to figure out another solution to that, I’m stuck with cinched trenchcoats (cinchcoats?).
It’s not personally a huge deal to me now since I still prefer Ranger to the other classes, but if one of the others gets an elite specialization with better long-range option(s), it will bother me more.
A shame fun things could not simply be fun.
Won’t work simply because of the Personal story elements are built from it. Its become the single biggest restriction for a lot of “reroll” ideas. To some extent I agree with it, as personal and account unlock systems are setup in a way that could properly handle it. Not to mention the storage issues with gear.
I miss the multi-class system from GW1, which became a core element in advanced builds. But because of the way this game is structured, theres no effective way to balance such a thing.
I can’t really remember any personal story elements related to profession… Race, yes, but profession?
I’m pretty sure the main reason it never happened is because if it were a freely-available feature, it would cut into character slot sales, and making profession ‘expansion’ a gem-store item is more work that they feel it’d be worth.
A shame fun things could not simply be fun.
Well, further restrictions would be, you can’t get another profession until you are level 80 and completed personal story through Zhaitan defeat. That could also open it up to changing races as well, a racial makeover kit that could be sold. Personal story would have to be complete, and it wouldn’t reset with new appearance and/or profession. Racial makeover would also allow people who have played 50 levels of say, charr, and decided they like the class but the race is too large. Then they wouldn’t have to replay those 50 levels.
Shouldn’t be any more difficult than allowing people to have interchangeable craft skills. And, as i stated in my op, you would still pay character slot costs to get the choice of a character slot or an additional class for an existing character. It would not be free. Please read carefully. And , character slots are already a gem store item.
As for GW1: I seem to remember you could change your secondary, but not your primary. You had to go to a trainer and pay a fee. This wouldn’t be terribly different.
I realize that in some ways it is a bit redundant. Before, when skins and other fun things were soul bound it felt more necessary. With the tomes of knowledge, in sufficient quantities, if you want to wipe a toon cause you hate the race but like the class, its easy. but any crafting you’ve built on that toon, is nullified. and any decent equipment, barring legendaries, will undoubtable be soulbound and unusable if you reroll.
Again, I know it will never happen, but a bit of thinking out loud and a bit of a wish.
Yeah it won’t happen but this is a reason why I really like final fantasy. It adds so much to the story development to have one character. It’s also convient because you aren’t doing map completion or needing to get Things like WPs over and over again.
Wont happen for the same reason race changes wont. Profession and race are two character descriptors that are physically (for lack of a better adjective) hardcoded into your character data. Appearance, gender, name, all the other stuff? Variables that can be tinkered with by using the appropriate item.
The only think I can suggest is figuring out exactly what your character’s looks are (sliders and all), and just make another character with that look, using a name that amounts to a “nickname” of your character. Different characters, (sorta) similar names, identical look aside from armor.
all of the reasons above + char slot = $$$
I like the concept of the game not really caring what character you are playing. There’s a lore precedent: Logan’s Ancestor changed his profession and Rytlock is becoming a Revenant.
However, I’m 99.999% sure that such functionality would have to be designed to be in the game from the start. It might be possible to rewrite code to allow this to happen, but I can’t imagine that it would leave the rest of codebase in good shape. I’m sure we would end up seeing all sorts of seemingly unrelated bugs for years.
tl;dr great idea for the next MMO. I wouldn’t want to risk GW2, since I can just create a new toon.
all of the reasons above + char slot = $$$
Well wouldent cut in to the $$$ if it cost the same as another character slot.
They even kitten them self compared to people with more toons since they have to pay to switch out crafting disciplines and cant park their alts at jps for extra money.
I like the concept of the game not really caring what character you are playing. There’s a lore precedent: Logan’s Ancestor changed his profession and Rytlock is becoming a Revenant.
Lore precedent is even earlier – Razah. Unfortunately, the mechanics precedent is very weak. It took Anet a very, very long time to find a solution for Razah, and what it amounted to was a full stat reset. In case of Kieran and Rytlock it’s replacing one npc with another with the same look. The player equivalent would be to delete your character and make a new one identical in looks to the original.
There’s simply no mechanic in the game that would allow class change without full character reset.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
There’s simply no mechanic in the game that would allow class change without full character replacement.
Fixed to mirror what a dev said on the matter eons ago in another thread.
I would happily pay 1000-1500 gems per class. I hate making new character names. I hate Moving unlimited tools and pther gear between characters constantly
Anyways about having to fully replace characters i doubt thats the real issue i played Lineage 2 and they implemented this feature along time after release maybe 4 years
(edited by Jumanji.8724)
While i do love when i can play a class with multiple ’ roles’ besides zerkers ( even some random querky pve only nomad tank healer build) i dont think id like to be able to switch professions as they are
Won’t work simply because of the Personal story elements are built from it.
I have all 8 classes on 80 with Exotic Gear. None of my Toons ever saw the personal story or played at all PVE. No problem then.
BTW: This is not new. Already in GW1, it was possible to create a high-level Toon immediately.
after thinking stuppid stuff , think