open pvp in pve - let players fix the bot problem since anet cant/wont

open pvp in pve - let players fix the bot problem since anet cant/wont

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mystafyi.5987


I wish there was a way to just kill the bots myself. I know this could result in problems, but having the majority of some zones being bots is a bigger problem :/

open pvp in pve - let players fix the bot problem since anet cant/wont

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Saruba.7124


They are all over WvW and people aren’t killing them there, so how would this help? It would just end up turning the PvE realms into giant grief fests with bots on the side.

open pvp in pve - let players fix the bot problem since anet cant/wont

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mystafyi.5987


indeed… i guess i am just about fed up with it and looking for some resolution that doesnt involve me moving to another game….

open pvp in pve - let players fix the bot problem since anet cant/wont

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


Player kill ze botz!

Vigilante : “Are you a bot?”

No reply.

Hundred bladez!

(edited by alcopaul.2156)

open pvp in pve - let players fix the bot problem since anet cant/wont

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Saruba.7124


indeed… i guess i am just about fed up with it and looking for some resolution that doesnt involve me moving to another game….

I can totally sympathize, I’m in the same boat. When this thread gets locked and we both get infracted for daring to speak about the verboten topic it will give us both another little nudge out the door. Kinda makes you feel like thats what they want.

open pvp in pve - let players fix the bot problem since anet cant/wont

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Killface.1896


If you get over 1000 bot report other players can kill you would be awesome :P

open pvp in pve - let players fix the bot problem since anet cant/wont

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RaZaC.1963


What about the Runescape mechanic? The game has the following system:
Random events teleport you away to instanced area’s where you have to complete a simple minigame in order to be teleported back where you where. This system detects people sitting in the same area for extended time periods and will be used more frequently on these people/bots. Now this makes automated botting allot harder not impossible. Just a small idea of my nostalgia MMORPG

Still hops in and out to check on updates

open pvp in pve - let players fix the bot problem since anet cant/wont

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ocfallwind.4821


That would totally ruin the game. Imagine people ganging up on someone due to previous grudge or even randomly.

How to define who/when/where can players be killed by others? It would only create a worse mess than now.

open pvp in pve - let players fix the bot problem since anet cant/wont

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: beren.6048


First this is a suggestion which should go in the suggestion subforum. Second, this has been proposed before (many times). And, my reaction was and is that the only thing this will do is transform GW2 in a ganking game like Tera, Aion, L2 and many others.

Nice? No, GW2 (and GW1) is setup as an exploration game where good behavior is rewarded for a reason. People will get bullied and they will stop playing and you will not find anyone to run dungeons with. The sustainability of open world gank feasts is very little. Many times people start GW2 exactly because they are tired of the open pvp power play games. You want PVP you go WvW.

And, finaly, this does quit the opposite. People who bot will have more resources and they ll have better weapons. Also they ll be bored more quickly and what you see in all the traditional RPG is that the botters will hunt the legits, not the other way around.

(edited by beren.6048)

open pvp in pve - let players fix the bot problem since anet cant/wont

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Algreg.3629


let´s leave aside whether complete open world pvp would be a bad or a good thing in GW2 for a moment. The design or core mechanics of a game should never be changed to fight botters. Whether you like GW2 or not, there is an idea behind the concept and how the game works and adjustments to the game should always be related to the way players play the game. If you start to corrupt your game because of things bots do, you will ruin your game design rather quickly – just look at the DR outrage, it doesn´t bother me much personally, but it is a real turn-off for many players. And that is a comparatively small adjustment.

open pvp in pve - let players fix the bot problem since anet cant/wont

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Morrigan.2809


This sounds like a disguised I want open world PvP to me.
Seriously, Anet is working on the problem, just be patient the game is 2 months old.
I haven’t seen a gold spammer in weeks, bots will go too eventually.

Gunnar’s Hold

open pvp in pve - let players fix the bot problem since anet cant/wont

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CC Eva.6742

CC Eva.6742

Community Coordinator

Hi everyone.

Thanks for your feedback. As we have said already, the team is working on the botting issue constantly, receiving a great deal of reports (greatly appreciated) and the best and only way the players can help us at the moment is by using the in-game reporting tools each time they encounter these fellows.

Thanks for your patience and collaboration.