(edited by vpchelko.4261)
option to toggle off wings
..to be fair, if we really didn’t want to see other peoples (admittedly sometimes obnoxious) attire, it probably was not wise to play an MMO.
Or leave the house, really.
Though people with black wings would mix up the commute.
..to be fair, if we really didn’t want to see other peoples (admittedly sometimes obnoxious) attire, it probably was not wise to play an MMO.
Personally, I absolutely love this argument. “If you don’t like it, don’t play it”. One shots absolutely anything.
can we have such an option please ?
While they’re at it, allow us to toggle off:
- Norn
- Fractal Capacitors
- Twilight
- Sunrise
- Eternity
- ugly Asurans (nonugly ones are okay)
- Quip
- The Dreamer
- all kinds of Spinal Blades
- Wings with stupid static Animations (Holographic Wings and Tequatl Wings)
- Scelerite Karka Shell
- The bulky new Crafting-Discipline-Backpacks
- Job-o-Tron
- Slick Pack
- Zephyr Rucksack (a.k.a non-engineer Hobosack)
- Anti Toxin Injector
i meant on other players cause they are kittening ugly and 1 out of 2 players is wearing this crap
You mean like Norn (wearing,wielding) (Fractal Capacitors,Legendary Greatswords)?
On the serious side though, while i understand why you would want to be able to turn them off, there are little chances of the devs giving you an option specifically for Black Wing Backpacks (if you meant it that way):
- It’s too specific. If i were a dev (i’am at best a hobby programmer though, not a developer), i would hate to add an option specifically for one specific kind of backpack – what would justify one single backpack bloating the Options UI further, and why exactly the backpack in Question? Why not another one? Is there a non-preference-related reason to do so? Or does it all come down to the personal opinion of a few Players?. Either you do it right, or you don’t do it at all, since half-a** solutions might come back to bite you later.
- One possibility would be to generalize the Problem – instead of the very specific Option to hide “Black Feather Wings”, you would instead give an Option do hide every Backpack in general. This is what they did with Musical Instruments – instead of giving you an Option to adjust Trumpet Volume (which would be the musical equivalent of what you’re asking for the Backpack), they just added Volume Control for Instruments in General, regardless of the (Sub)Type.
- Another possibility is to allow for hiding not only one specific backpack, but instead each one of them. Meaning every (Sub)Type of Backpack gets it’s own Toggle. Probably more work; it would most likely also take more space in Options UI.
- Combine the first two Options
- Gemshop Sells might be negatively affected by the chance. I guess it can’t be argued that some players buy the Skins to show them off to others (regardless wether those others like to see it or not – for them it’s the thought of being seen that counts), which means either money for a-net ($/€>Gems) or at least provides an effective Gold Sink(Gold>Gems); if players were able to deactive it, there would be no reason for show-offs to buy them. Yes, there are players (like you) who don’t like to see those skins, but i also bet the fraction of players actually willing to leave the game for that reason is much smaller (and by extension less profitable) than the fraction of players buying Skins to show them off. Not really a reason for a-net to “waste” developing time for a toggle-Option.
While they’re at it, allow us to toggle off:
- Norn
- Fractal Capacitors
- Twilight
- Sunrise
- Eternity
- ugly Asurans (nonugly ones are okay)
- Quip
- The Dreamer
- all kinds of Spinal Blades
- Wings with stupid static Animations (Holographic Wings and Tequatl Wings)
- Scelerite Karka Shell
- The bulky new Crafting-Discipline-Backpacks
- Job-o-Tron
- Slick Pack
- Zephyr Rucksack (a.k.a non-engineer Hobosack)
- Anti Toxin Injector
Had all those things generated requests from players to toggle them off? If yes, give me the links, please.
why exactly the backpack in Question? Why not another one?
Because ppl never asked to toggle off other backpacks?
(edited by cheshader.5081)
Just wait a month and no one will wear them.
Just wait a month and no one will wear them.
At it already. As a result I have enough time to engage in entertaining discussion on forums.
Just wait a month and no one will wear them.
At it already. As a result I have enough time to engage in entertaining discussion on forums.
Well in that case do dungeons or fractals and kick everyone who wears them and never look at them again? Lol
Just wait a month and no one will wear them.
At it already. As a result I have enough time to engage in entertaining discussion on forums.
Well in that case do dungeons or fractals and kick everyone who wears them and never look at them again? Lol
I don’t like to kick people.
I have to say it calmed down in game very quick. I see a very small proportion with them compared to the rest of a group at say Tequatl or Silverwastes.
I’m not seeing the issue really. I don’t like them, others do. Certainly isn’t something I get offended over in a video game though.
I have to say it calmed down in game very quick. I see a very small proportion with them compared to the rest of a group at say Tequatl or Silverwastes.
I’m not seeing the issue really. I don’t like them, others do. Certainly isn’t something I get offended over in a video game though.
Yes. It already has improved as far as the wings go.
However I would still like to have the ability to turn off backpacks on other players. I’ve wanted it ever since they released the Job-o-tron backpack. I can’t stand it. There are people that bought that bloody thing because it bothers other players. Why trolls like that are given priority over those of us that are just asking for a toggle ability is beyond my understanding.
It’s probably not something that is either easily coded or considered a high priority versus the multitude of things on their to-do list. An expansion, new camera system, re-balances – that’s going to be taking up all the time of people required to look into this I’d imagine.
Also, where does the line stop? Helmets? Gloves? Boots? All armour? I know it sounds ridiculous, but when a precedent is set, the flood gates of demands will inevitably open. That’s likely another reason against them devs doing such a thing.
Had all those things generated requests from players to toggle them off? If yes, give me the links, please.
The Sarcasm must have eluded you when you read that first part of the post. Thought that much was obvious (the issues of text-based-communication.. ) If you read further, you come to
On the serious side though, (…)
which was intended to hint at it. The Opinion that a dev should implement a specific option to someones specific tastes seems so ridiculous, that i just threw in all my equally ridiculous demands (and some i just made up for fun) – if you want, i can go and create a topic requesting the devs to give me a toggle to turn all those things off, and give you the link afterwards. I could also get some of my guildies/ingame friends, (a majority of which hate the big norn-wielding-legendary-greatswords stereotype, including the Leg-GS-Skins themselves) to create a similar topic, if you want links as in plural. Really, there are a bunch of things that i (and others) don’t want to see ingame; we simply don’t feel entitled enough to start a topic for it – implementing those changes would take time from devs (which could be used for more pressing matters), and if we go and block Skins that annoy us, then please with equal treatment across the board.
Also (albeit for more practical reasons) a link regarding SFX-Clutter and huge Backpacks (which fits most of the Backpacks on my list): https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/gw2/Add-option-to-switch-off-graphical-junk
(…)why exactly the backpack in Question? Why not another one?(…)
Because ppl never asked to toggle off other backpacks?
So if i ask a-net something ridiculous like banning you because i don’t like your character (don’t take this seriously, just think of some ridiculous reason), is that actually a reason for them to do so ? Like, some non-preference-related reason
i meant on other players cause they are kittening ugly and 1 out of 2 players is wearing this crap
Still an improvement over the hobotron backpacks. The wings are silent.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
I find many fashion trends sickeningly amusing (and yes, annoying), but lemmings will be lemmings….
Fate is just the weight of circumstances
That’s the way that lady luck dances
Main selling point is to clutter screenspace of other players? Ok.
No, main selling point is to show your cosmetics to other people. If they can turn it off at will, why bother buying it?
The same argument could be used for gemstore armor skins.
But those can be turned off.
Backpieces shouldn’t get any special treatment.
Main selling point is to clutter screenspace of other players? Ok.
No, main selling point is to show your cosmetics to other people. If they can turn it off at will, why bother buying it?
The same argument could be used for gemstore armor skins.
But those can be turned off.
Backpieces shouldn’t get any special treatment.
Turned off by the person who bought them.
Just like wings can.
I’m entertained by the “I’m offended by immersion breaking wings” arguments, because I am almost certain several people of that mindset want SAB back.
Zarin Mistcloak(THF) Valkyrie Mistblade(WAR) Kossori Mistwalker(REV) Durendal Mistward(GRD)
I used to think (build op, pls nerf) like you, but then I took a nerf to the knee.
Charr and Norns are too big. They block my view when I’m on my Asura. I need a toggle to make them disappear also. (And some of them are ugly too. I shouldn’t have to see ugly chars. Only beautiful ones).
ANet may give it to you.
I bought this item with the knowledge everyone can see it, not just me. I would not have paid as much for it otherwise. To change it now would be robbing the ones who have it of value.
So if I am following the logic of this post, the OP is offended by the perceived ugliness of the Black Feather Backpack and would like an check-box option to toggle off “show other players black wings”?
I just checked the wiki Backpiece page and it shows roughly 100 different backpieces; is it the OP’s suggestion to have option check boxes for each individual Backpiece option or toggle off everyone’s Back item across the board.
- if you wish each piece individually, that will be a bit of designing for each item in question and leave us with quite the list of check-box options to pick from.
- if you wish to turn them all off, that will certainly be easier from a programming point of view but then that bares the question…Where does it end?
- What if next someone doesn’t like a character’s gaudy helmet and those hideously offensive gloves, do we have check-boxes for them and so on and so on.
I wonder as to the realistic feasibility of this suggestion.
So if I am following the logic of this post, the OP is offended by the perceived ugliness of the Black Feather Backpack and would like an check-box option to toggle off “show other players black wings”?
I just checked the wiki Backpiece page and it shows roughly 100 different backpieces; is it the OP’s suggestion to have option check boxes for each individual Backpiece option or toggle off everyone’s Back item across the board.
- if you wish each piece individually, that will be a bit of designing for each item in question and leave us with quite the list of check-box options to pick from.
- if you wish to turn them all off, that will certainly be easier from a programming point of view but then that bares the question…Where does it end?
- What if next someone doesn’t like a character’s gaudy helmet and those hideously offensive gloves, do we have check-boxes for them and so on and so on.
I wonder as to the realistic feasibility of this suggestion.
It’s not feasible, period. Part of the experience of MMORPGs includes putting up with people that have different tastes, cultures, likes, dislikes, and mentalities than you. If you dont like something they’re wearing but it does not violate ToS, there’s nothing you can do.
But hey, people can turn off their own wings. I bet they’d love you to ask them to do so to appease your sense of fashion, as previously stated.
Zarin Mistcloak(THF) Valkyrie Mistblade(WAR) Kossori Mistwalker(REV) Durendal Mistward(GRD)
I used to think (build op, pls nerf) like you, but then I took a nerf to the knee.
If it’s on you, then just hide the back piece. If it’s on other people, use the basic character models.
So players whom don’t like the back piece have to have their video settings set to suck globally? I think there’s a better solution than that. Certainly a more granular approach to it. Especially when a lot of the “immersion” breaking discussion comes from back pieces specifically.
This conversion falls on deaf ears. It’s like the constant community feedback on hobo sacks. #NoHobo2013, #NoHobo2014, #NoHobo2015
Main selling point is to clutter screenspace of other players? Ok.
No, main selling point is to show your cosmetics to other people. If they can turn it off at will, why bother buying it?
The same argument could be used for gemstore armor skins.
But those can be turned off.
Backpieces shouldn’t get any special treatment.
Turned off by the person who bought them.
Just like wings can.
I’m entertained by the “I’m offended by immersion breaking wings” arguments, because I am almost certain several people of that mindset want SAB back.
No I can turn off the armor of anybody I want in my Graphics options.
Thats the entire point.
You can turn of armor, but for some reason not back items.
This should be fixed asap, but it wont.
Because Anet doesnt give a kitten .
This is NOT a game called AION.
This is NOT a game of thrones.
We’re NOT Crows.
Then why black wings in a game where there is no flying involved?
Pro-tip: Look at the underwater world. Sell Underwater goggles, underwater accessories, bermudas, bikinis. etc. But, please no more wings!
+1 to this
While we’re at it can we have an option to hide people spamming /dance? Most annoying thing in game by far.
Aeneaaa – 80 engineer
Aeeneaa – 80 Ele
Can I get my own private server so I don’t have to talk, play or look at other players?
cause this game is supposed to be about my story and my character apparently so why should I have to share the world with other people?
;) seriously though.. loving this thread its hilarious lol
This is NOT a game called AION.
This is NOT a game of thrones.
We’re NOT Crows.Then why black wings in a game where there is no flying involved?
Notice something missing from the second?
It’s literally in lore, I don’t know why people are pretending that somehow Anet promised that they would never, ever sell us back mounted wings due to it being against the nature of all good mmos or something.
I’m all for bikinis and goggles and underwater themed stuff, but there’s no argument that wings are this completely new, unfamiliar concept to Guild Wars.
Zarin Mistcloak(THF) Valkyrie Mistblade(WAR) Kossori Mistwalker(REV) Durendal Mistward(GRD)
I used to think (build op, pls nerf) like you, but then I took a nerf to the knee.
(edited by Azure The Heartless.3261)
You can’t ask to rid off of things just for personal aesthetic reasons. Bad form.
BUT you can ask to get rid off things that really interfere with your gameplay. Like giant black wings that continuously obscure the vision.
that it makes every other class in the game boring to play.”
You can’t ask to rid off of things just for personal aesthetic reasons. Bad form.
BUT you can ask to get rid off things that really interfere with your gameplay. Like giant black wings that continually obscure the vision.
So I should be able to ask to get rid of Norn and Charr characters then?
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
i’d like to toggle out legendary effects, several other effects but hey my fps might get better so i’ll guess we keep it that way
I wish I could hide all the asura too, now that you mention it.
I can’t even begin to tell you how much this made me laugh! In your case just wait till first person view comes out and then never look down. xD
You can’t ask to rid off of things just for personal aesthetic reasons. Bad form.
BUT you can ask to get rid off things that really interfere with your gameplay. Like giant black wings that continually obscure the vision.So I should be able to ask to get rid of Norn and Charr characters then?
and zergs, and bling from sfx effects, yes.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
For all those wearing wings thinking it compliments your look, sorry to say all I see is the wings. They overpower everything else and I tune it out.
Wonder how much of the salt in this thread is just thinly veiled “I missed my chance at the wings so if I can’t have them than no one should”
You know perfectly well that those specific features aren’t actually in the game.
Oh really? Because…
The fact that you can accomplish the things you listed
So yep, those specific features are in the game, you can accomplish them.
It’s very simple to see that, from being able to hide a character’s armor and skin appearance, it’s only one more step to be able to hide weapons and backpacks. Pretty much the same reasons apply. Thus, even a child can see that the request in this topic, which ultimately boils down to “allow us to hide backpack as well” is nicely and perfectly reasonable.
For all those wearing wings thinking it compliments your look, sorry to say all I see is the wings. They overpower everything else and I tune it out.
That is your problem. Why should other people care? If the wings really compliment their looks for them, that is all that should matter.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
This is NOT a game called AION.
This is NOT a game of thrones.
We’re NOT Crows.Then why black wings in a game where there is no flying involved?
Pro-tip: Look at the underwater world. Sell Underwater goggles, underwater accessories, bermudas, bikinis. etc. But, please no more wings!
If only the wings were actually wings… they look pretty only when standing still taking selfies. They don’t bend very well when you jump, they don’t flap, they don’t have any kind of significant animation, they don’t move at all when you use skills. It’s like gluing some big black wings on your back, it’s a back item after all and NOT real wings.
That is your problem. Why should other people care? If the wings really compliment their looks for them, that is all that should matter.
Exactly.. although tbh I’ve not seen many good wing armor combos myself
I’ve been building my Necro around a devil theme since I hit lvl 80 so im very much looking forward to getting my wings when they return
frankly though people can dress how they like
doesn’t matter if they look good or silly.. its their choice
Haha, a button for one specific back piece skin?
I could understand if you wanted a “hide all player backpieces” button, but only for the wings is just silly.
The wings fad will fade, just like the karka backpieces did when they first came out. Everyone had them, now it’s not nearly as common.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….