(edited by Moderator)
past PVE rewards plx?
It was a reward for completing LS1 but since you can’t do it anymore is it possible to add this item to TP? I really want it.
There are several skins from Season 1 which are no longer obtainable unfortunately.
Hopefully they will add them back one day (ideally IMO by adding Season 1 as permanent content similar to Season 2 and HoT and presumably the up-coming Season 3).
But when, or if, they will is anyone’s guess. It took years for the Stalwart, Apostle and Tribal armour skins to be made available again and apparently they were only removed due to an oversight.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
Why a company would create content only to make it unavailable in any way for the players is beyond me. I mean, I can understand making things rare or hard to get – or even (grudgingly) dependent on a storyline, but completely unavailable at all, ever? Makes no sense to me.
How much art is in the dust bin?
I agree that they need to be re-released but I completely fail to see what PvP has to do with this
ANet has frequently added back in old skins. I imagine that they’ll eventually reintroduce nearly all of them (with maybe a tiny number of exceptions for nostalgia reasons). Unfortunately, their definition of “eventually” seems to be a lot longer than my hope.
Seconded: you have no idea how much I want access to the Selfless Potion again.
Seconded: you have no idea how much I want access to the Selfless Potion again.
There was an event right before the HoT release where you could get hands on that potions again. An event that had nothing to do with the previous event they were designed for and related to.
If you make such stuff obtainable again it removes the feeling of having something special that rewarded you for taking part in an unique event. Where is the point of event related stuff, if you can get it even without those events it was designed for? For many people such items are special keepsakes. Especially because they aren’t obtainable anymore and related to a part of the story of tyria they experienced months or years ago and will never come back again. Most people that complain about such items not being rereleased weren’t even part of the fight against the Toxic Alliance, the fight for Lions Arch, etc.. Why would you give such items to anyone who doesn’t have even a small bit of memories about how they earned them during these times? They would become just pointless stuff.
Wings of the Sunless were an achievement event item in season 1. As were the Shatterer Wings etc. Put out all the armors they want, but S1 event items need to be left alone. They’ve brought back a lot of the cash shop items from first year so new comers can have them….let that suffice. GAME ON
Ideally I’d like to see them bring back Season 1 in it’s entirety, both the content and the rewards you got from it.
That seems unlike to happen at this point, so bringing the skins back at least would be a good compromise. I don’t understand why they added a bunch of them to laurel/festival vendors but left others unobtainable.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
If you make such stuff obtainable again it removes the feeling of having something special that rewarded you for taking part in an unique event. Where is the point of event related stuff, if you can get it even without those events it was designed for? For many people such items are special keepsakes. Especially because they aren’t obtainable anymore and related to a part of the story of tyria they experienced months or years ago and will never come back again. Most people that complain about such items not being rereleased weren’t even part of the fight against the Toxic Alliance, the fight for Lions Arch, etc.. Why would you give such items to anyone who doesn’t have even a small bit of memories about how they earned them during these times? They would become just pointless stuff.
Hey guess what? I’ve got great news for you! You get to keep all that stuff that you earned! No one is taking anything away from you.
If you make such stuff obtainable again it removes the feeling of having something special that rewarded you for taking part in an unique event. Where is the point of event related stuff, if you can get it even without those events it was designed for? For many people such items are special keepsakes. Especially because they aren’t obtainable anymore and related to a part of the story of tyria they experienced months or years ago and will never come back again. Most people that complain about such items not being rereleased weren’t even part of the fight against the Toxic Alliance, the fight for Lions Arch, etc.. Why would you give such items to anyone who doesn’t have even a small bit of memories about how they earned them during these times? They would become just pointless stuff.
Hey guess what? I’ve got great news for you! You get to keep all that stuff that you earned! No one is taking anything away from you.
How about we add a “hipster button” that basically turns skins or effects that other players are using into default skins, if you are also using them. Therefore when you a 5 man party all with Nevermore, you can feel that your Nevermore is still unique as the other players skins are now visually different.
To me, having what are now unobtainable PVE skins just means you were in the right place at the right time… which isn’t quite as impressive. I think it’s okay to rerelease old PVE items periodically, so long as the effort required to get them remains at a similar level as it was before (i.e. don’t put them in the gem store).
Wings of the Sunless were an achievement event item in season 1. As were the Shatterer Wings etc. Put out all the armors they want, but S1 event items need to be left alone. They’ve brought back a lot of the cash shop items from first year so new comers can have them….let that suffice. GAME ON
You were given the chance to work for those rewards. Why are you trying to deny others that same chance? Are you just a more important player? Hell no. Every player deserves equal access to rewards like that.
Since the Devs have finally caved and re-released long-unobtainable PVP rewards,
can you also rerelease the plethora of unobtainable past PVE rewards?i see no reason why PVEers have been given access to Tribal armour but PVPers can’t access Wings of the Sunless or Air-Filtration-Device for example.
I agree with you.
Just have fun waiting sadly
If you missed the event you do not deserve the reward. (unless the reward is tradeable and can be bought on TP, then go ahead and buy it)
What about all the past PvE rewards that are now available on the laurel vendor?
To me that implies that Anet do not agree with the idea that if you weren’t there the very first time something was available you should never be able to get it.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
To me, having what are now unobtainable PVE skins just means you were in the right place at the right time… which isn’t quite as impressive. I think it’s okay to rerelease old PVE items periodically, so long as the effort required to get them remains at a similar level as it was before (i.e. don’t put them in the gem store).
This, and I’d like to see some of the old events come back with the old rewards. Why isn’t Boss Week an annual thing? Why isn’t there a party in Southsun Cove in the summer? Why isn’t there an annual Dragon Bash festival, Queen’s Gauntlet, Moa Racing? The list goes on. I love annual events in games, and it’s a bummer that we pretty much only have Halloween and Wintersday as guarantees.
If you missed the event you do not deserve the reward. (unless the reward is tradeable and can be bought on TP, then go ahead and buy it)
Generally speaking, the nature of Guild Wars 2 as a game doesn’t really agree with you. It’s always been very friendly to casual players and newcomers. It doesn’t usually punish people who couldn’t play the game when the events were happening or those who simply didn’t even know about Guild Wars then.
The fact that they’ve already given another opportunity to get things like the Selfless Potion before means that they’re not against the idea of rereleasing otherwise unobtainable items. It’s just a matter of when.
Unfortunately, this kind of thing doesn’t have high priority, because a lot of other stuff is going on right now. But maybe they’ll give access to old PVE rewards in some LWS3 events.
Wings of the Sunless were an achievement event item in season 1. As were the Shatterer Wings etc. Put out all the armors they want, but S1 event items need to be left alone. They’ve brought back a lot of the cash shop items from first year so new comers can have them….let that suffice. GAME ON
You were given the chance to work for those rewards. Why are you trying to deny others that same chance? Are you just a more important player? Hell no. Every player deserves equal access to rewards like that.
Not trying to deny anyone anything. By all means bring back the events but make the rewards different. People are missing the point, we WERE there and got those rewards. If you weren’t (for whatever reason) then no you don’t get the same rewards. Like the ball cap, you just had to be there. And before someone pipes in “special snowflake” jargon, apparently ANET thought it was special too because we GOT those rewards. As it stands currently, those events won’t be back anytime soon if at all. But if they are then rest assured I’ll be there to get those as well. GAME ON
Wings of the Sunless were an achievement event item in season 1. As were the Shatterer Wings etc. Put out all the armors they want, but S1 event items need to be left alone. They’ve brought back a lot of the cash shop items from first year so new comers can have them….let that suffice. GAME ON
You were given the chance to work for those rewards. Why are you trying to deny others that same chance? Are you just a more important player? Hell no. Every player deserves equal access to rewards like that.
Not trying to deny anyone anything. By all means bring back the events but make the rewards different. People are missing the point, we WERE there and got those rewards. If you weren’t (for whatever reason) then no you don’t get the same rewards. Like the ball cap, you just had to be there. And before someone pipes in “special snowflake” jargon, apparently ANET thought it was special too because we GOT those rewards. As it stands currently, those events won’t be back anytime soon if at all. But if they are then rest assured I’ll be there to get those as well. GAME ON
As has been mentioned several times in this thread, there are already several examples of the devs bringing back old PvE content, whether through laurel vendors or more events. ANet is not against the idea.
If you missed the event you do not deserve the reward.
oh really?
I would actually be ok with fused and sclerite weapons coming back.
but you missed your shot, clearly you don’t deserve a chance to get them.
i WAS all for prestige, PVE and PVP had relics of the past, long unnobtainable rewards,
but now that the PVP rewards have been rereleased it is only fair that the PVE ones are rereleased too.
Yes. Make everything available so that people can work for them. Being early to the party doesn’t make me or anyone else more worthy of these items than newcomers.
If you missed the event you do not deserve the reward. (unless the reward is tradeable and can be bought on TP, then go ahead and buy it)
I would actually be ok with fused and sclerite weapons coming back.
(edited by DragonflyDusk.6582)
Not trying to deny anyone anything.
Yes, you objectively are trying to deny people something. Whether or not it’s justified can be debated- and is being debated here quite civilly- but the position you are arguing is literally “don’t let new people try to get these old rewards.”
Sometimes this community is amazing (see the thread about players gifting other players things) and then threads like this pop up and we get to see the speshul snowflakes come out of the woodwork and try to defend time-locked skins with the idea of ‘you weren’t there so you shouldn’t have them’ attitude.
I’d love the idea of them implementing those skins back into the game somehow…maybe a ‘defeat Teq 100 times’ achievement for the wings…same thing with the Shatterer. Make it hard but but not bonkers hard like the prec farm is. Or kitten, even just sticking them in a PVP track reward would be fine. This game is all about the skins and to lock some away because someone didn’t own the game the time needs to be changed.
If Anet could find a way to let newer players earn the rewards by doing achievements related to the old ones, I’d be all for it. Unfortunately, I don’t know how they’d go about that, and as more time passes, it seems less likely that we’ll get an actual replay version of season 1 stuff (not faulting Anet for this; I imagine that’s a heck of a lot of work that they’d rather focus on other, newer things). And since that might not ever be an option, I’d honestly be ok with adding most of them to the Laurel Vendor. Could increase the price slightly (30 laurels + 20 gold maybe?) for the ones that were achievement rewards, I suppose.
If Anet could find a way to let newer players earn the rewards by doing achievements related to the old ones, I’d be all for it. Unfortunately, I don’t know how they’d go about that, and as more time passes, it seems less likely that we’ll get an actual replay version of season 1 stuff (not faulting Anet for this; I imagine that’s a heck of a lot of work that they’d rather focus on other, newer things). And since that might not ever be an option, I’d honestly be ok with adding most of them to the Laurel Vendor. Could increase the price slightly (30 laurels + 20 gold maybe?) for the ones that were achievement rewards, I suppose.
The prize is already high enough at 25 laurels and 15 gold for the achievement rewards and up from there. It doesn’t need to be increased. Adding it to laurel vendors is not even a good solution in my opinion. In LWS1 players had to earn these rewards. Now we just have to sit and login for 10 seconds each day to pick up our daily login gift, do dailies every other day, and at the end of the month we can afford 2 of the past rewards.
That’s a horrible system, good only for the players that missed 1 or 2 rewards max. It doesn’t require you to actually play the game to earn the rewards beyond a few simple dailies. At the same time, actually playing the game doesn’t help you earn the rewards period, they don’t even speed it up as you are time gated by the laurels. What I, and other people commenting here and in other threads, are requesting is a way for us to actually earn these rewards by working for them. If you or anyone else wants to pay laurels for them that’s fine, it really is. But I want to earn them, and am willing to put in the work if only I were allowed to.
I’d prefer that option (actually playing to earn them), too. But, like I said, that option seems less and less likely, no matter how much I’d prefer it.
Sometimes this community is amazing (see the thread about players gifting other players things) and then threads like this pop up and we get to see the speshul snowflakes come out of the woodwork and try to defend time-locked skins with the idea of ‘you weren’t there so you shouldn’t have them’ attitude.
I’d love the idea of them implementing those skins back into the game somehow…maybe a ‘defeat Teq 100 times’ achievement for the wings…same thing with the Shatterer. Make it hard but but not bonkers hard like the prec farm is. Or kitten, even just sticking them in a PVP track reward would be fine. This game is all about the skins and to lock some away because someone didn’t own the game the time needs to be changed.
Defeating Tequatl 100 times would be ridiculous. I got those wings for talking to Rox, clicking F 10 times in Sparkfly, and fighting 7 world bosses. I think I only actual did Teq twice and we didn’t kill him either time.
The Fervid Censer was harder to get (although I also enjoyed it more), and now that’s on the laurel vendor for 25 laurels + 15g.
I think this is the main reason I don’t understand this mentality that having these items is some kind of big achievement and somehow that is lessened if other people can get it. I think I’ve got most of them, and most of them were very easy to get. They took a bit of time because they included “achievements” like ‘click 500 things’ or ‘kill 100 of the same enemy’ but they weren’t actually difficult.
But also the ones I really like having fall into two categories (or sometimes the same item is in both): either I like how it looks and it suits one of my characters or I have good memories of the release it came from and it reminds me of that. And neither of those things is invalidated by other people having the same item.
In the first instance I actually really like it if someone else has it because I can see how they’re using it – what other skins and dyes they’ve combined it with. It’s nice to know other people like the same skins I do (especially when I worry that some of my favourites, like the Holographic Shattered Wings are predominantly seen as obnoxious).
In the second instance the important thing is my memories and those aren’t going to be impacted by what other people have got. I still remember getting a Desert Rose skin during Cutthroat Politics and I don’t even have that unlocked because I sold it (for about 30g, which seemed like a crazy amount to me at the time). If I see someone drop the Zephyr Sanctum model I don’t worry about whether they got it at the time or if they bought it just now from the laurel vendor. I watch the cut scene and remember the fun I had trying to get up and down and up those cliffs and doing crazy things like dolyak racing.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
If you missed the event you do not deserve the reward.
oh really?
I would actually be ok with fused and sclerite weapons coming back.
but you missed your shot, clearly you don’t deserve a chance to get them.
i WAS all for prestige, PVE and PVP had relics of the past, long unnobtainable rewards,
but now that the PVP rewards have been rereleased it is only fair that the PVE ones are rereleased too.
I am ok with those (sclerite, fused etc) coming back because because they added achievements for them after removing them from aquisation. Its not compareable to the items.
I love people picking quotes out of contest. Your rhetoric tricks do not work on me.
And of course I defend my interests, why should I care about the interests of people who are in no way affliated with me? “Let the devil take the hindmost!”
I am anti communist/socialist, so dont expect any empathy from me when it goes against my own interests.
(edited by Malediktus.9250)
If you missed the event you do not deserve the reward.
oh really?
I would actually be ok with fused and sclerite weapons coming back.
but you missed your shot, clearly you don’t deserve a chance to get them.
i WAS all for prestige, PVE and PVP had relics of the past, long unnobtainable rewards,
but now that the PVP rewards have been rereleased it is only fair that the PVE ones are rereleased too.I am ok with those (sclerite, fused etc) coming back because because they added achievements for them after removing them from aquisation. Its not compareable to the items.
I love people picking quotes out of contest. Your rhetoric tricks do not work on me.And of course I defend my interests, why should I care about the interests of people who are in no way affliated with me? “Let the devil take the hindmost!”
I am anti communist/socialist, so dont expect any empathy from me when it goes against my own interests.
They are completely comparable. Of course they are.
The fact that you’re honest about your selfishness is refreshing though. Too many people pretend that their own self interests are for the common good.
Deserve the reward was funny though; like being there at a particular time was a great challenge.
Sometimes this community is amazing (see the thread about players gifting other players things) and then threads like this pop up and we get to see the speshul snowflakes come out of the woodwork and try to defend time-locked skins with the idea of ‘you weren’t there so you shouldn’t have them’ attitude.
I’d love the idea of them implementing those skins back into the game somehow…maybe a ‘defeat Teq 100 times’ achievement for the wings…same thing with the Shatterer. Make it hard but but not bonkers hard like the prec farm is. Or kitten, even just sticking them in a PVP track reward would be fine. This game is all about the skins and to lock some away because someone didn’t own the game the time needs to be changed.
Defeating Tequatl 100 times would be ridiculous. I got those wings for talking to Rox, clicking F 10 times in Sparkfly, and fighting 7 world bosses. I think I only actual did Teq twice and we didn’t kill him either time.
The Fervid Censer was harder to get (although I also enjoyed it more), and now that’s on the laurel vendor for 25 laurels + 15g.
I think this is the main reason I don’t understand this mentality that having these items is some kind of big achievement and somehow that is lessened if other people can get it. I think I’ve got most of them, and most of them were very easy to get. They took a bit of time because they included “achievements” like ‘click 500 things’ or ‘kill 100 of the same enemy’ but they weren’t actually difficult.
But also the ones I really like having fall into two categories (or sometimes the same item is in both): either I like how it looks and it suits one of my characters or I have good memories of the release it came from and it reminds me of that. And neither of those things is invalidated by other people having the same item.
In the first instance I actually really like it if someone else has it because I can see how they’re using it – what other skins and dyes they’ve combined it with. It’s nice to know other people like the same skins I do (especially when I worry that some of my favourites, like the Holographic Shattered Wings are predominantly seen as obnoxious).
In the second instance the important thing is my memories and those aren’t going to be impacted by what other people have got. I still remember getting a Desert Rose skin during Cutthroat Politics and I don’t even have that unlocked because I sold it (for about 30g, which seemed like a crazy amount to me at the time). If I see someone drop the Zephyr Sanctum model I don’t worry about whether they got it at the time or if they bought it just now from the laurel vendor. I watch the cut scene and remember the fun I had trying to get up and down and up those cliffs and doing crazy things like dolyak racing.
You hit the nail on the head. Other people getting the same skins that you got from LWS1 doesn’t invalidate the skins you have already earned. It doesn’t make them any less useful to you. The only real reason to not support letting people work for it (especially considering a lot of them were handed out for doing practically nothing in LWS1……….) is because you’re a scrooge. People that want them to come back are willing to put in more work than you did for the same skins as long as they have a fair chance to get them. We aren’t asking to be handed skins
it would be nice to get the torch gizmo from the queen’s jubilee
I found that you can buy some LS1 rewards from laurel merchant but still they should add missing ones like Scarlet’s Veil Skin. I really want it lol.
(edited by Simeonus.9237)