players typing in color? exploiting?

players typing in color? exploiting?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: sereniity seven.5603

sereniity seven.5603

so lately i have been seeing players take items and completely change the color / name of the item and constantly spam in world chat. is this bannable ? or is it even considered an exploit? this just dont seem legit and im suprised a net isnt doing anything about it.

players typing in color? exploiting?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crovax.7854


just screwing around with the item code. nothing offensive or bannable

players typing in color? exploiting?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Esplen.3940


It’s code manipulation. If they didn’t want it, they wouldn’t parse the codes typed manually in the chat.

players typing in color? exploiting?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Umut.5471


i think they’ll just fix this code manipulation exploit and go on, because these item link codes weren’t intended to be used like that. they don’t want players to use custom colors in chat. but i also think that there’s no reason to punish users of it.

players typing in color? exploiting?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sarabande.8260


Off with their heads!

players typing in color? exploiting?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Villious.8530


I wish we could set the different chat channels to be custom colors. When it comes to the GW2 UI, there’s nothing customizable about it. After all, it is 2013 and this isn’t a console game.

Just my .02

players typing in color? exploiting?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sarabande.8260


I wish we could set the different chat channels to be custom colors. When it comes to the GW2 UI, there’s nothing customizable about it. After all, it is 2013 and this isn’t a console game.

Just my .02

Customize the UI?! Blasphemy!

In all seriousness, I don’t know why the devs (and a lot of players) are so against it. It’s one thing I really don’t like about the game, the lack of UI customization. It doesn’t have to be anything over the top, I am not asking to open the door to tons of modders, nothing that far – just something more than adjusting the scale and the location of the chatbox and simple stuff like that.

We should really be able to move our abilities around and put some things like food on our bar, and move our health orb and energy bar as well.

The UI in an MMO is, in my humble opinion, something very personal. The devs should give us a bit of freedom with it.

players typing in color? exploiting?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kaz.7482


I wish we could set the different chat channels to be custom colors. When it comes to the GW2 UI, there’s nothing customizable about it. After all, it is 2013 and this isn’t a console game.

Just my .02

Customize the UI?! Blasphemy!

In all seriousness, I don’t know why the devs (and a lot of players) are so against it. It’s one thing I really don’t like about the game, the lack of UI customization. It doesn’t have to be anything over the top, I am not asking to open the door to tons of modders, nothing that far – just something more than adjusting the scale and the location of the chatbox and simple stuff like that.

We should really be able to move our abilities around and put some things like food on our bar, and move our health orb and energy bar as well.

The UI in an MMO is, in my humble opinion, something very personal. The devs should give us a bit of freedom with it.

Like in the first game?

players typing in color? exploiting?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dante.1508


Off with their heads!

^ This

players typing in color? exploiting?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Uhaen.9876


In what way is this an exploit? Is someone using it gaining an advantage over someone who doesn’t? Are their colors damaging your photosensors? Will you require medical attention?

I’m actually struggling to find a reason, any reason at all, as to what kind of damage item-link colors could possibly cause. I’m struggling harder to try to find out why you’d think it’s an exploit — it really makes no sense. It can’t possibly hurt you.


players typing in color? exploiting?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Saelune.5316


It seems the issue with this is deception, not just someone customizing it. Its like in Pokemon Black and White, when people name things Mew or something, but its actually something else, and try to essentially bait and switch. And as for text, I wouldnt want custom colors since it would confuse me. Red is map, blue is party, white is local, etc.

players typing in color? exploiting?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Villious.8530


I wish we could set the different chat channels to be custom colors. When it comes to the GW2 UI, there’s nothing customizable about it. After all, it is 2013 and this isn’t a console game.

Just my .02

Customize the UI?! Blasphemy!

In all seriousness, I don’t know why the devs (and a lot of players) are so against it. It’s one thing I really don’t like about the game, the lack of UI customization. It doesn’t have to be anything over the top, I am not asking to open the door to tons of modders, nothing that far – just something more than adjusting the scale and the location of the chatbox and simple stuff like that.

We should really be able to move our abilities around and put some things like food on our bar, and move our health orb and energy bar as well.

The UI in an MMO is, in my humble opinion, something very personal. The devs should give us a bit of freedom with it.

Totally agree. I’m not asking for mods either. Just moving a few of the UI panes around would help. I’d love to move my target pane down close to my health bubble. That way I’m not having to look from the top to bottom of my 30" monitor to watch mine and the mobs health.

A small bar to put food and such on. Having to open the inventory to eat and such is just archaic. Small enhancements such as these go a long way. Even SWTOR had a no mods, but a very flexible UI from the start. IMO, something that should be standard in all new MMOs.

players typing in color? exploiting?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Akari Storm.6809

Akari Storm.6809

I’d like a customizable UI. I’d also like a consumable bar for food, tonics and minis. I’d also would like an out of combat weapon swap button for before I enter combat. That way I wouldn’t have to dig in my bags or open my character profile to do it.

players typing in color? exploiting?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Esplen.3940


It seems the issue with this is deception, not just someone customizing it. Its like in Pokemon Black and White, when people name things Mew or something, but its actually something else, and try to essentially bait and switch. And as for text, I wouldnt want custom colors since it would confuse me. Red is map, blue is party, white is local, etc.

Oh man, I used to troll people with a Zoroark named the same thing as one of my sweepers, so I’d have two sweepers and the Zoroark would be the opposite of my other one so they’d counter themselves. Hue.

Back on-topic, I’d like to have custom colors for things in-game as I AM red-green color blind. I’d also like to change the width of the AoE circles to a more… substantial line.