playing GW2 just cuz it's not subscription?
they are just tight fisted and think all online games should be free because they don’t want to spend / afford the luxary of subscriptions.
people forget that WoW is a relic of the past and the only reason ppl still sub to it is due to the 10 + years its been out and the attachment to their toons.
I personally don’t mind paying a sub if it meens better quality updates.
then again if u look at Warlords of dreanor you have to ask where is all this sub money going for such pitiful content.
I have no problem paying a sub. But if I’m not playing the game I’m paying a sub on, I feel like I’m wasting my money if I’m not playing. I’m also no shy about buying things of the gem store if I really want them. I bought 90% of the store stuff in Guild Wars, and I’ve dropped £600+ on gems for Guild Wars 2. But one of the many, many reasons I play Guild Wars 2, is that I don’t feel the pressure to play like I would with a sub game. Its why I stopped playing WoW among other reasons like the daily grind and the crazy time it takes to form a raid. And a sub will not equal better quality content. Just because a company makes more money, will in no way mean they will spend more to make a product better. Why change it if it’s making you a lot of money now. Changing it might change the “Golden Goose” as it where.
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You cant change from b2p to subs.
Thats not how this industry works.
And yes 90% of the GW2 players most likely wouldnt have picked up the game if it had a sub. I guess there would be quite a few willing to pay a sub since they are used to the game now. But It’d still be a minority.
And as I said, it is 100% impossible to change an MMO from b2p to a sub.
Doesnt matter who you are, this will kill a game overnight.
I read a thread about the supposition that what if GW2 turns into subscription?
and literally everyone on the thread, not even one exception, answered they’d leave and don’t look back until it’s not subscription again, saying they’d play WOW or etc
so, i’ve recently been thinking i’m losing a bit of interest in this game, and just playing daily pvp. and I concluded the reason is very little reward. I mean, in case of pvp, maybe pvp leaderboards can be seen ingame. that would inspire me so much to play. since I don’t see any progress on my position ingame, when i win I think yay, and when i lose I feel ‘maybe next time’, and that’s all. maybe that’s exactly what Anet intended but we still can see the leaderboard on forum, and why not ingame?
back to my main point, I wonder if you guys are thinking GW2 is not fun enough to subscribe. or does monetary system have nothing to do with fun?
I want your opinions cuz if people are playing GW2 not because it’s fun, but because it’s soso, but free(after purchased at first), it sounds a bit sad
I think your feelings are totally normal about the best of games. You can’t do the same thing forever and find it entertaining (ok maybe there is 1 thing ). Anyway, play something else Archeage is free, SWTOR is free, Star Trek is free, there’s all kinds of things you can goof around in, just don’t waste money on them. You’ll come back, something new may be out, and you’ll have fun again. Even in games people subscribe to like WOW, many people play the new content, and unsubscribe until an expansion.
I’m currently subbed to 2 games, only one of those I am playing daily. I have no problem paying a sub if I find the game worth it.
I couldn’t imagine paying a sub to GW2 because I just don’t have enough things to do in the game. I log in to complete the daily and log out. There’s no way I would pay $12-15 a month to do that.
I started playing this game because I enjoyed the first one so much, I wanted to see how the updated version was. Thus far, not impressed. I JUST started but it’s strayed so much from the original, which I was a huge fan of. they changed a lot and it’s not for the better.
Generally, I don’t pay a sub for an MMO. There’s too many free ones on the market. And I don’t feel like throwing my money into oblivion every month to stare at a screen for a couple of hours. I’m not a fan of in game purchases because it’s telling players, “you’re going to be behind others if you don’t give us your money to get ahead or get ahead much more quickly.” I understand the company needs to make an income but it’s just bothersome.
GW really doesn’t have the content or updates that would suit a sub. They’ve done that on purpose, it really is made to be a FTP after the inital purchase. If they ever changed to a monthly fee, I’d uninstall that moment. I bought the deluxe for $15, so it wouldn’t be a huge loss.
No, I’d leave, because the game is simply not good enough to warrant it. The combat is shallow, PVE is trivial, PVP is a joke of an action click fest and not the tactical RPG that GW1 was (and what I wanted). Wildstar is a better game in almost every way.
So why am I here instead of in WS? 2 reasons: Firstly, Wildstar is a vertical gear grind, which I hate. Secondly, GW2 costs me nothing after the initial purchase. Change either of those, and I’d be playing an Esper on Nexus in a heartbeat instead of mucking around here.
provide a service that I’m willing to purchase.” – Fortuna.7259
I love how you say Wildstar is better than GW2 in every way then give lame reasons why you are playing this instead. Thank you for making me lol at work.
For the record, you can now buy wow game time for in game gold. Bought 2 months worth for dirt cheap.
For the record, you can now buy wow game time for in game gold. Bought 2 months worth for dirt cheap.
If 24K gold is cheap. Well when released Blizard set the initial price at 30K gold.
RIP City of Heroes
For the record, you can now buy wow game time for in game gold. Bought 2 months worth for dirt cheap.
If 24K gold is cheap. Well when released Blizard set the initial price at 30K gold.
I got around 120k in 2months barely playing. Some of that was selling dungeon boe’s but even then the garrison makes a ton of money if you do it right, plus daily earnings for little effort.
If it was the thread I was posting on, at least two of us said we would be happy to pay a sub.
In my case, though, I would only be happy with that situation (or, in fact, the current situation) if certain issues are resolved.
Some of which affect the potential individual fun (for “fun”, here, read balance and proper function) people could have on their chosen class and some of which definitely affect the overall fun (for “fun”, here, read balance and flexibility) most people can, typically, have in things like dungeon paths.
As I said on that thread, I think there are still a potential pool of people in this genre who are willing to pay a sub, but most of those people are only going to pay one on a game they view as worthy of one.
This game, currently, isn’t (quite), but it does have the potential, with a little work (IMO).
(edited by Tigaseye.2047)
I wouldn’t pay for GW2 any additional money at current state of the game.
I love how you say Wildstar is better than GW2 in every way then give lame reasons why you are playing this instead. Thank you for making me lol at work.
They weren’t “lame” reasons; they were perfectly reasonable ones.
We don’t all think the same.
…I’m fundamentally opposed to paying a monthly subscription. I haven’t yet, very much doubt I ever will.
^ This.
I spend money every month either to buy gems or buy new account if it is on sale.
GW2 is a really good game. I dont’ think subscription or not have anything to do with it.
Out of curiosity….
What is giving some of you the impression that GW2 is not bringing in the $$$ with its current business model?
Because I just don’t see it.
Nor do I understand the longing for a subscription system in its place.
Out of curiosity….
What is giving some of you the impression that GW2 is not bringing in the $$$ with its current business model?
Because I just don’t see it.
Nor do I understand the longing for a subscription system in its place.
I’d say the game lost a whole year of development because of China release which means we should be now much further with features and content, but creating new client and then merging it with ours consumed a lot of money.
I would not subscribe to a game but i would also not play a game just because it does not have a subscription.
Because I see it as this:
Developers: "Don’t worry we are…
“NO! I’m stopping, taking the loss and leaving!”
“I didn’t like this patch. Not only will I say on the forums my displeasement, but I will not give money to show it as well!”with the B2P model, I feel the player has a better way to show if they like where the game is going or not. Subscription is basically forcing you to pay for a game you just fully bought, in which case it causes the feeling of investment, so giving up is harder.
(Wildstar player?)
Back to the OT:
P2P stopped being guarantee for the good content/updates years and years ago. All of the releases where just box+sub cash grabs till they can get away with it (milking players) then switching to the more or less badly implemented F2P model (except FFXIV).
That’s the reason I won’t play sub games any more
No, I’d leave, because the game is simply not good enough to warrant it. The combat is shallow, PVE is trivial, PVP is a joke of an action click fest and not the tactical RPG that GW1 was (and what I wanted). Wildstar is a better game in almost every way.
So why am I here instead of in WS? 2 reasons: Firstly, Wildstar is a vertical gear grind, which I hate. Secondly, GW2 costs me nothing after the initial purchase. Change either of those, and I’d be playing an Esper on Nexus in a heartbeat instead of mucking around here.
Funny, that’s the exactly the reason I had to quit Wildstar for the second time.
Regardless how much I liked design and look of the world there is nothing that can hide lame slow combat (compared to GW2), very small world (with no variations), class/race locks, fetch/10rats in your face, flight paths, almost no community (except vocal fanboys), (in the WS players words) dead PvP and most importantly pure vertical gated hamsterwheel themepark kitten design. Even as F2P that game won’t get far.
There are many reason why people do not play games with subscription fees. Some might say it is because the game is not good enough. But that is not the reason I would stop playing GW2 if it went for a subscription model.
I do not play GW2 because it is buy to play. I play it because it is fun and has a lot of things to do. It has the best feeling combat in the genre currently and an exellent character customization system. Those two things alone would be enough to keep me player, but it offers so much more. So it really has nothing to do with its payment model.
Sure I might go through periods where I get bored of the content and at those times I’ll play something else for a while. But because GW2 doesn’t have a sub fee I am free to jump out of and back in to the game whenever I please. I am not tied down to just one MMO, by some restrictive monthly fee. Anet gives us the choice to give them more money and does not force a fee on us, and for that I am very grateful. Hell, I have probably spent more money on gems than I would have done through a subscription, but it was my choice and that makes all the difference.
Something else to note about subscirption models is, very few people these days stick with only one MMO. There are more and more options out there these days and the subscription model is dying as a result. WoW succeeded because it was one of the best MMO’s out there vs the limited number of competitors at the time. But it is a much wider market now, with more decent games on offer, and that is why its numbers are falling. It is not necessarily because players are getting bored of the game, a big part of it is because there are free or cheaper alternatives that offer just as much fun.
Why play a sub game when you can find other F2P or B2P games that can offer you just as much entertainment?
I’ve said this in the other thread but i think here is worth saying it as well.
An optional sub that give you a discounted ammount of gems in exchange would be a solution.
You could keep playing like now, F2P and buying gems with gold or cash.
Or you could pay a 10$ sub (for example) that every month gives you 10$ worth in gems, and every 4th month a bonus of 20$ worth in gems (same as giving you 15$ worth in gems every month, but this way they avoid ppl paying the sub just once to get the discounted price)
So actually you don’t pay for just play you get something in exchange. An a bonus if you keep it.
There would be a draw back of doing a gem based sub, it doesn’t really address why people may want a sub, but thats already been discussed.
Adding a gem based sub would just end up being a sub for gold. Since there is only a limited amount of stuff you can buy or possibly want to buy on the gem store. So people will just flood the exchange with gems. Which then in return would devaluate gems making them not as worth it to buy.
There would be a draw back of doing a gem based sub, it doesn’t really address why people may want a sub, but thats already been discussed.
Adding a gem based sub would just end up being a sub for gold. Since there is only a limited amount of stuff you can buy or possibly want to buy on the gem store. So people will just flood the exchange with gems. Which then in return would devaluate gems making them not as worth it to buy.
Bah. Stop using logic =P
In all seriousness i don’t mind paying a sub for a game, as long as i feel the continued payment is worth my money. I would rather pay a sub and have a game get updates and other things that make me enjoy playing it longer, as essentially i’m paying for my entertainment. If the game is free, but i don’t get much time out of it, then there is no value there.
If there was a game that required subs, that i stopped liking(like wow after several expansions) then i just stop playing it. It wasn’t the sub that made me hate the game, it was many other other things
Value is subjective, and opinion based, so there is no “sub is better, or f2p is better”. All we can argue currently are subjective opinions and our experiences/thoughts behind games of each type.
For me, its about the content and quality of the game. Price isn’t as big a deal.
For people that complain a sub is too much money, I am also willing to bet that you spend more on fast food than that. The psychology behind a sub is a different issue however.
Since GW2 has no subscription, I simply stop playing it for some period of time when I get tired of it (or find something more interesting to play). I’ve done it at least 3 times since release (and looks like I may start taking another break soon). Each time, I come back to the game with a new found enthusiasm and can pick up where I left off just fine.
To be honest the lack of a subscription is not why I play, but why I am ABLE to step away from the game and take a break…..exactly what I want.
Fate is just the weight of circumstances
That’s the way that lady luck dances
I’m new to GW2, but I used to play GW semi regularly ( preface )
I’ll admit it, one of the main things that attracted me to GW1 was the idea of the full MMO package with no sub fee, I’m not a huge PC gamer and have never been into MMOs ( old roommate tried with WoW and I couldn’t get into it ). I couldn’t justify consistently spending money on a game that I might not consistently play, call me a casul or scrub if you like, but this is true for many people I know.
All that being said, I think no sub fee makes the game much more approachable to new players and I don’t think that’s a bad thing. I’ve gotten several friends and acquaintances to try ( and inevitably get hooked on lol ) GW2 because, on top of everything else this awesome game has to offer, there’s no looming dollar signs attached to playing.
I guess what I’m trying to say is, that not having a subscription fee is probably doing them more good than harm, sure other MMOs might get more content or regular updates, but that’s part of what you’re paying for so it should be expected. I believe that it not having a monthly fee is one of the things that makes GW unique and if they changed that, it would be just another MMO ( I’d probably pay it though cuz I enjoy the game so much lol ).
(Wildstar player?
Ha! No. Played the beta and saw the trainwreck coming a mile away, so saved myself time and money never attempting.
No, I believe in seeing player activity and allowing them to spend the money as they see fit to be better, and shows if the game is healthy more accurately. Lets face it, some people forget to unsub to some games, but dont play, or since a sub pays for a month, how much of that time is actually used? Sub for a month, but play for less than a few days? As a dev, I would be more concerned on the activity of an account, because if it drops so much, then chances are, it will just end and I’m out of money.
Paying a monthly subscription can be compared to the difference in renting a home or buying a home, in a way or getting a car payment compared to buying a car in cash. I am fine with buying games as I had pre-ordered GW2 but I only pay for what I want and only exactly what I want. A monthly sub is a general payment and that just never would work for me ever.
If Anet adds things to the gem store that I want, it’s simple enough to buy whatever it was that I wanted. If I want to take a few months off like I recently did, that’s fine too. I’ll probably start getting on GW2 again soon but if it had a monthly sub then most likely I would have never returned after the first time I took a few month break from the game.
The pay to play monthly subscription model is not dead but it certainly is not nearly as common as it once was. A lot of people now days play multiple games and often may not feel a single game is worth a set monthly investment. If a developer wants people to flock to a MMO with a monthly sub and happily pay it then perhaps a developer should create and release an actual original and unique MMO with well let’s say with things done vastly differently than what is considered normal.
Far too often MMOs are released and they’re different yes but overall they’re the same thing over and over. Mages, Wizards, Warriors, Tanks, Healers, Swords, Daggers, Bows and Arrows, Fireballs etc etc. I know there are a few MMOs that explore what can be and some are sci-fi but I would personally like to see a MMO really make use of the sci-fi potential.
I don’t know who is familiar with it but Mass Effect 1, minus the 3rd person shooting, could be a partial template to look at. Obtaining a space ship but no need for battles in space with ships but instead using it as a means to travel to other planets in the game. Instead of running on foot from one map to the next we could have different planets to explore and quest on, run raids on etc.
If a developer ever wanted to attempt this they could also do such a simple thing as to honestly and genuinely ask people’s opinions and poll certain things. Then the developer could take the most requested ideas to use for future content updates to create new content that the majority of players would want rather than creating what the developers would want.
We all know that most MMOs have weak and even often pathetic story lines that many simply skip. GW2 wasn’t bad on stories but if I want a game with a really good story then I would find a single player game that suited that. I play a MMO for the combat, exploration and social aspect of running content with people and just enjoying it.
I know some of this post is off topic but also relevant. GW2 I think is a fun game, I think the player community is more social and friendly than many other MMOs I’ve played but GW2 overall is still the old and over used dungeons and dragons generally themed game. I used sci-fi in my idea because it’s pretty much the opposite yet equal to the fantasy setting.
Both offer developers near unlimited freedom to be creative in ideals and design. Any MMO designed more on modern times would be too restricted and the dragons and such things have been over used for well over a decade in MMO after MMO. I know there is the SWTOR but although that is free to play, there’s some money grab restrictions that require a monthly sub to unlock.
I know Anet got my money long ago when I bought GW2 and from gem store but I think my overall point is that developers should stop thinking they know best and ask the players what they want and design content based on player response. It just seems too simple to not be done because if a developer makes content how the majority of players wants it to be then the majority of players surely would be completely happy with the game and more willing to spend money on the game and play the game longer.