Goldseller Spam

Goldseller Spam

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zaraki.5784


Each of us will certainly have received a mail in game from pvpban_k at least once. I suppose everyone has reported them for selling gold. So why are they continuing to send mails and their website is still open as if nothing happened?!

If in the title of the topic or in the text I write “pvpban_k” without the “_” i get “I AM A GOLD SPAMMER. PLEASE REPORT ME BY PRESSING THE REPORT FLAG ICON IN THE BOTTOM RIGHT OF THIS POST!” Why???

(edited by Zaraki.5784)

Goldseller Spam

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lordkrall.7241


Different accounts.

They are continuing because people are stupid enough to buy gold from them.
As for the website, it is not much ArenaNet can do about that.

Krall Bloodsword – Mesmer
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square

Goldseller Spam

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lilius.9850


There are a bunch of legit gold traders that sell for $0.10-$0.95 per g.

Though you do have to look hard and make sure he’s not a scammer.

Goldseller Spam

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zaraki.5784


Different accounts.

They are continuing because people are stupid enough to buy gold from them.
As for the website, it is not much ArenaNet can do about that.

Who has the power to get them to shut down their site for good?

There are a bunch of legit gold traders that sell for $0.10-$0.95 per g.

Though you do have to look hard and make sure he’s not a scammer.

It’s not legit to sell in game gold for real money gold even if the rate would be 1000g/0,01$

And what about the second part of my first post?

(edited by Zaraki.5784)

Goldseller Spam

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Darkobra.6439


There are a bunch of legit gold traders that sell for $0.10-$0.95 per g.

Though you do have to look hard and make sure he’s not a scammer.

There’s nothing legit about it. It is completely against the rules.

You also seem to know a bit too much about this.

Goldseller Spam

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: WRay.2391


While grind exists and somebody proposing a way to get rid of it for some bucks gold sellers will be there. For good reason. If anet will add ways to greatly reduce grind for fair price they will be gone.
If somebody will propose me mats for ascended for $10 so I don’t need to grind for it as a robot I will go for it. I never report these guys. I don’t like spam but see this as forced by anet currently.

Goldseller Spam

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mark Katzbach

Mark Katzbach

Content Marketing Manager

If you receive gold seller spam in game, please report it using the in-game tool or through Customer Support. If anybody spams you here on the forums, please report them using the forum report tools.