quick question

quick question

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kazaa.9140


so stardust is a shortbow with 113+ stats across the board, whats the longbow equivalent? thanks for the help guys

quick question

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: penelopehannibal.8947


I couldn’t find any with the same stats on the Trading Post, sorry. Looks like there’s a possibility only crafting a longbow with the same stats yourself is possible.

Blood & Merlot [Wine]

quick question

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kazaa.9140


gonna have to be wupwup ascended bow i take it?

quick question

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alrik Triffon.3524

Alrik Triffon.3524

quick question

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: penelopehannibal.8947


gonna have to be wupwup ascended bow i take it?

An ascended one would be better stats anyway, I suppose. So yeah!

Blood & Merlot [Wine]

quick question

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Danikat.8537


Short answer: That stat combination is called Celestial, so you want to find an exotic celestial longbow. I can’t check right now but they may only be available by crafting.

Long answer: Stat combinations in this game are standardised across items and each one has a name (2 names if you count ascended), which is often different to the name of items which use it. This is because the transmutation system means an items stats and appearance can be entirely unrelated. (Although sometimes it will be included in the name, which can lead to weird items like my Rabid Quaggan Killer Whale backpack.)

You can find all the currently available combinations and their names on this wiki page, along with links to pages that tell you how to get them: http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Item_nomenclature

(I can never remember the name of the page but if you search for any of the combos, like celestial or rabid, the Wiki will redirect you.)

It’s not possible to get every stat combination on every item type (for example Giver’s stats are only on armour and Winter’s are only on trinkets) but it is fairly standardised – you will never find an item with stats which are not available anywhere else. At the very least it will be available on all other items of the same type (meaning all weapons or all armour etc.), it’s just a matter of finding out the name and where they come from.

Danielle Aurorel, Dear Dragon We Got Your Cookies [Nom], Desolation (EU).

“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”

quick question

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Loosmaster.8263


Short answer: That stat combination is called Celestial, so you want to find an exotic celestial longbow. I can’t check right now but they may only be available by crafting.

Long answer: Stat combinations in this game are standardised across items and each one has a name (2 names if you count ascended), which is often different to the name of items which use it. This is because the transmutation system means an items stats and appearance can be entirely unrelated. (Although sometimes it will be included in the name, which can lead to weird items like my Rabid Quaggan Killer Whale backpack.)

You can find all the currently available combinations and their names on this wiki page, along with links to pages that tell you how to get them: http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Item_nomenclature

(I can never remember the name of the page but if you search for any of the combos, like celestial or rabid, the Wiki will redirect you.)

It’s not possible to get every stat combination on every item type (for example Giver’s stats are only on armour and Winter’s are only on trinkets) but it is fairly standardised – you will never find an item with stats which are not available anywhere else. At the very least it will be available on all other items of the same type (meaning all weapons or all armour etc.), it’s just a matter of finding out the name and where they come from.

Correct, anything with Celestial stats is Account Bound.

Tacktical Killers [TK]
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