(edited by Khronos.7283)
real balance issues...
They said they would have balance updates every 3? months (The other number I’m thinking of is 6, it’s 3 or 6 but I’m leaning towards 3). HoT counts as a balance update so expect an update in January.
I hear you but some issues are really out there and needs some attention asap; dont get me wrong i am playing an engi so not so problematic here but i wouldnt wanna play my thief right now considering I have to be perfect and pinpoint accurate to do the damage that another class does standing still with no skill whatsoever and thats not fair imo….
I hear you but some issues are really out there and needs some attention asap; dont get me wrong i am playing an engi so not so problematic here but i wouldnt wanna play my thief right now considering I have to be perfect and pinpoint accurate to do the damage that another class does standing still with no skill whatsoever and thats not fair imo….
Think about it this way, thief cannot be in worse spot than it is right now. And engi is probably peaking in popularity right now. Any investments into engies are VERY risky considering peak classes are often at the center of “balancing”.
Think about it this way, thief cannot be in worse spot than it is right now. And engi is probably peaking in popularity right now. Any investments into engies are VERY risky considering peak classes are often at the center of “balancing”.
you might be right about engi beeing popular than it used to be but i see way more mesmers,druids, rippers and DHs than engineers played in game(pvp-WvW) today and tbh those classes needs more balance than engi…
its not only classes that needs drastically direly rebalancemente,s its more also game mechanics, that need to get addresed also too.
- the condition system is totalyl out of control since June 23rd patch, this needs to get addressed by nerfing the damaging conditions back to normality
- the attribute system’s formulas are absolutely too unefective for all that current game’s power creep, they need to get buffed. especially the defensive attributes vitality and toughness need a serious look at by merging vitality with healign power and buffing vitality to give more health per point and making sure, that a high defensive pllayer with super high toughness actually feels agaisnt direct damage also significantly more, like fightign against such a high defensive mordrem in the triple wurm battle, which you can deal serious damage agaisnt only with conditions… thats the sole god darn reason for why conditions ignore toughness, but under the current game balance toughness practically feels nonexistant as you nearly receive the same high damage with high toughness from direct damage as like when you have nearly no toughness..thats somethign that should have been fixed already 3 years ago, cause the situation now is exactly the same like at game release, Anet never changed somethign on this poor fact that toughness is so freakign super useless!!
- they need to adredss into game balancing finally also the Base Health values, as they are all for the current game balancign state way too low and outdated and need to get adressed finalyl by gettign incresed appropiately.
The Base Health System needs to get reworked completely. Every class in GW2 should have its complete own INDIVIDUAL base health values and not such a silly system, where base health values get just differentiated only between 3 different types.
If all classes woudl have individual different base health values, it would become also easier to balance the classes, because then the devs would have 1 factor more they can take into consideration for the overall balance of a class without affectign other classes automatically too with their changes that share the same base health values.
- condition durations need to get reduced so that condition players need to put points into expertise now to get back the old durations or improve them from a certain point on, so that condition builds finally also have to put points into more than just one attribute to min/max their dps, while direct damage needs for this still 3 attributes
- concentration/expertise needs to get directly added to celestial gear..its all stat gear, thius means it should also improve for us expertise and concentration with the same values that this equipment gives us already for all other stats
Brief said, Anet needs to stop looking always only on the skills and traits of the classes, theres also many other factors that should be take into consideration for game balance.
General Game mechanics are also an important factor that needs to be looked at when balancign classes, instead of getting always ignored …
Like for example also Runes, Sigils and gemstones – last ones needing significant buffs to become finally equal with Rune Stones, because in morst gases are runs just superior over just gemstones which give only attribute points and that way too less to compensate for the passive supportive effects that runes provide…
I hope, that when Anet finally brings the first big balance patch under their new scheme rotation of every 3 months, that it will finally shake up the game again back onto the right path and that things normalize again more so that battles make again more fun and that you can contribute better with all classes in the game, in PvP as like in Raids also especially.
Both modes, where class discrimination currently is very strong due to the massively unbalanced game, especially when you play a thief … the currently most weakest/useless and death nerfed class of all in those two segments of the game, because all other classes in these two areas of the game can do absolutely everything what thiefs can do, but just significantly much better, while providing at the same time also important group support that is for the thief since 3 years nearly non existant or just underwhelming/useless for the situations, because theo ther classes provide just better supportive allrounder effects that are universally more useful, stuff like alacrity, quickness, passive group stat boosts and so on….
don’t hear me wrong but druid is Highly Gated to Heals in celeform which it gains its Asteral energy by dealing damage vs healing , (if the druid has More sources to heal the more hp sustain it has so Bursting targets is more Rewarding and Bypasses a druids ability to heal)
if you take too much damage in a form of direct or condi ticks you are feeding the druid AF so the best counters are Cleanse/burst and CC’ing while they enter Cele form bursting them + dazing them in cele form counters all forms of healing they will have , if they decide to break away Immob them and or stun .
ironicly the druids greatest weakness is also its Celeform leaving the druid defenceless while using celeform.
the damage a druid brings is less than a Sword+torch condi ranger and less than the gs/lb power ranger , its mid tier of damage unless its a condi druid which needs time to ramp up its damage.
im my opinion Druid is pretty much Balanced for 1vs1’s and team fights due to its Massive weakness while using its Celeform , to have any means of Survival it uses most of its Utilities to counter this weakness.
also i do say Thief could use a boost since its burst type attacks are now very hard to land correctly in this current meta of CC,sustain combined with Team support makes it even harder to keep the damage pressure on , thief post-HoT (burst) was enough to be effective , but now if it wishes to keep its current play style of Suprise attacks it’ll need a little boost to help balance itself vs the new improved team sustain.
which is all it needs, daredevill provided the thief with its survival Abilities now the base thief needs a tweek.
soon enough things should balance out ,i just hope anet do it properly as the game is in a very Delicate state right now.
its not only classes that needs drastically direly rebalancemente,s its more also game mechanics, that need to get addresed also too
- they need to adredss into game balancing finally also the Base Health values, as they are all for the current game balancign state way too low and outdated and need to get adressed finalyl by gettign incresed appropiately.
The Base Health System needs to get reworked completely. Every class in GW2 should have its complete own INDIVIDUAL base health values and not such a silly system, where base health values get just differentiated only between 3 different types.
If all classes woudl have individual different base health values, it would become also easier to balance the classes, because then the devs would have 1 factor more they can take into consideration for the overall balance of a class without affectign other classes automatically too with their changes that share the same base health values.
- condition durations need to get reduced so that condition players need to put points into expertise now to get back the old durations or improve them from a certain point on, so that condition builds finally also have to put points into more than just one attribute to min/max their dps, while direct damage needs for this still 3 attributes
- concentration/expertise needs to get directly added to celestial gear..its all stat gear, thius means it should also improve for us expertise and concentration with the same values that this equipment gives us already for all other stats
Both modes, where class discrimination currently is very strong due to the massively unbalanced game, especially when you play a thief … the currently most weakest/useless and death nerfed class of all in those two segments of the game, because all other classes in these two areas of the game can do absolutely everything what thiefs can do, but just significantly much better, while providing at the same time also important group support that is for the thief since 3 years nearly non existant or just underwhelming/useless for the situations, because theo ther classes provide just better supportive allrounder effects that are universally more useful, stuff like alacrity, quickness, passive group stat boosts and so on….
I agree to most of what you said bro…