skyrocketing gold to gems price?

skyrocketing gold to gems price?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrTree.4890



Hi yesterday when i was checking the gold to gem price i saw it was +100g for 400gems, this while te price was steady around let’s say 73g (no not calculated but saw differences between about 67gand 80g)
Could anyone explain plz how the price can skyrocket rather fast (less then a month) like this?

skyrocketing gold to gems price?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Beorn Raukar.4328

Beorn Raukar.4328


100g for 400gems is imo a felony that should be punished if it was real life

No felony here

it’s like hey here you want this awesome keychain? Well it used to be 70€ but this month we’ll ask 100€ no one couls so this unless ofcourse they have a monopoly

They are not randomly spiking up the price, the price is fixed always it is 400gems which corresponds to 5€ in Belgium. What is changing is what that corresponds in gold, as the exchange gold to gems can fluctuate. In your example is not like they increased the price of the keychain in euros, but the price of that keychain is fixed in dollars and so many people from the EU want to buy that keychain that they cause the price of the dollar in euros to increase. In a virtual game where gold can be generated out of nothing (as opposed to a currency in real life that needs to be backed with productivity and international exchange) the exchange can have a lot of volatility.

skyrocketing gold to gems price?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Qugi.2653


More thing in gem store player want to use gold to buy gem. More people make gold in to gem price go up. Also less player change gem to gold. Maybe that new gem store glider very popular.


(edited by Qugi.2653)

skyrocketing gold to gems price?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


Happens every time they release something popular in the gem store.

skyrocketing gold to gems price?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrTree.4890


More thing in gem store player want to use gold to buy gem. More people make gold in to gem price go up. Also less player change gem to gold.

Yes but they add stuff on regular base so to be honnest that answer doesn’t feel right there is more to it theb just stuff just got in store like a said i underdtand deviation on that 75 and inflation/deflation but that takes time not 1month this became realy expensive realy fast could you go more in detail? (Cause you might be right but what do theynoffer now or why is no one changing gems to gold now suddenly)

skyrocketing gold to gems price?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NoxInfernus.2361


I think you may have answered your own question OP. You specifically mention 400gems. Were you considering picking up that new Glider?
It seems to be very popular at the moment.

I’m sure many folks would rather convert gold to gems, than have to resort to a real money purchase (I know I did – and when I did it, the conversion was at 89gp about 6 hours after that glider hit the market).

It’s a classic supply and demand scenario.

(edited by NoxInfernus.2361)

skyrocketing gold to gems price?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrTree.4890


If it happens everytime something popular in store, thzn how long will this last cause 100g for 400gems is imo a felony that should be punished if it was real life it’s like hey here you want this awesome keychain? Well it used to be 70€ but this month we’ll ask 100€ no one couls so this unless ofcourse they have a monopoly (like with gold to gems) and monopoly’s are frowned uppon in real life (goverment will probably mix in and should imo) btw I’m a belgien before i get these typical american answer about my analogy of the market beeing communistic and i get labeled as that russian guy :p

skyrocketing gold to gems price?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Qugi.2653


It is not Anet make the price change. It is player. Like I say more player that buy gem with gold make price go up. Here is chart. From this week. Top line cost of gold to buy 100 gem. That glider and new outfit release afternoon of 23 Feb. It seem obvious more player make gold to gem to buy these. You can see price goes down again slowly after release.

When Anet had that week with many sale the price was high entire week and then some time after.



(edited by Qugi.2653)

skyrocketing gold to gems price?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TexZero.7910


I know of a few people are actively not purchasing gems currently due to being dissatisfied, but the same people still want the new shiny so they are using gold instead of $.

Now then if this is happening on a wide enough scale i can totally see the price of gold → Gem being astronomically higher than normal.

skyrocketing gold to gems price?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Behellagh.1468


People are telling you the reason for the spike but you don’t believe it, that’s on you MrTree but it’s a pattern seen time and time again on the exchange chart. Those who spend cash for the gems appear to convert the excess into gold which then brings the price back down.

Personally I like the metallic chrome sheen to the new outfit than the sparky glider but either way it is driving people to cash in their gold to buy gems, not to mention the return of Belinda’s Greatsword skin which some have been asking for.

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skyrocketing gold to gems price?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


You’ll likely see a greater change in the gold→gem conversion rate when/if they re-release the bunny ears. The exchange rate within the game fluctuates based on players converting gold to gems and gems to gold. The rate for buying gems with real world currency is constant and not influenced by this.

skyrocketing gold to gems price?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Danikat.8537


The exchange rate is based on how many players use it. More people exchanging gold for gems causes gems to be more expensive, more people exchanging gems for gold moves it the other way.

Have a look at the graph on this link for a complete picture (you can track it all the way back to when the game came out):

You can see the price rises and falls on a daily basis, roughly following times when more people are online and using the exchange. But you can also see the price jump up every so often, usually when they release new items in the store.

I assume it is possible for Anet to change the exchange rate, but unless they removed the current system it wouldn’t make much difference because as soon as they reduced it lots of people would exchange gold while it’s cheap and push it back up again.

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skyrocketing gold to gems price?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

Hi yesterday when i was checking the gold to gem price i saw it was +100g for 400gems, this while te price was steady around let’s say 73g (no not calculated but saw differences between about 67gand 80g)
Could anyone explain plz how the price can skyrocket rather fast (less then a month) like this?

100 gems has consistently cost between 16g and 21g (i.e. 64-84g for 400 gems) for almost the entirety of the last two years.

  • It has dropped below 17g around Wintersday, when people get gift cards as presents in RL and when the gem shop was sparse on new or returning items.
  • It has consistently move up to 19-22g when the shop offers something incredibly appealing to a significant subset. Examples include pretty much any type of winged glider|backpack, character slot discounts, storage expansion (especially the new shared slots), etc.

I’d agree it “spikes” but don’t think that “skyrocketed” is accurate, because the difference between 16 and 21 isn’t enough for people to “flip” gems.

  • Buy 100 gems at 17g.
  • Wait for the spike to 21g/100 gems and sell.
  • You’ll end up with under 15g (as with any transaction escrowed by Evon Gnashblade, there are fees, approximately 17.6% in both directions).

tl;dr gold:gem ratio fluctuates around the same overall rates, dropping slowly when there’s nothing “good” in the store, spiking when there’s something appealing

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