so ascended amulet in 1 month?
I think I month to get the amulet you want is much better than waiting indefinitely for a RNG drop.
I wish it was that way, really. I`m not getting any amulet in one month because the stats on any of them are worse than exotic for my build.
is 20 days actually, 1 laurel daily and for 20 days and then the month that give you 10 laurels
Its so nice to see something you have to spend time to ‘earn’
Too many games cater for the lazy player that wants it all, right now, for nothing. Ive critisized Anet many time in the past for things they have done wrong. This time its nice to see them doing something right !
Money can’t buy happiness, But it allows you to search in more places to find it !
I don’t think the RNG drop would be a good idea.
Tell me how much exotics you found on a corpse or in the chest…
or 25 days assuming you also do your monthly.
seems like a decent rate of acquisition to me.
Northern Shiverpeaks
nearly 12 weeks for me, I don’t do WvWvW (absolutely hate PvP), so that puts the monthly out of reach for me, and leaves only daily. I also only get to play 3 days per week, though I get to play for about 8 hours per day on those 3 days.
If you find it too long, you can do fractals like a mad dog for the rings and backpack at least.
yup. i am happy that it only takes that many. i am currently weighing whether i should get 30 Obby Shards next month, or the Thackeray Family Crest or Mark of the Imperial Guard pendants.
Long term, i can keep doing fractals for shards (15 tokens for 1), or every 3 days get 3 shards through dailies. I ran my karma dry last night when balth’s temple opened for the first time in awhile, so i went and picked up 50 shards before bed.