stupidest / funniest thing you ever saw
One time, me and a few friends, followed this one guy around, and whenever he stopped, my friend would point at him and target him, and we would all dance in sync. The poor guy finally waypointed out when he asked us to stop and we wouldn’t. Both stupid and funny, on our part.
Long time ago.
Queensdale, the garrison at about level 6. Player with a small girl avi, she was level 3 . She had apparently run from the farm where we used to water plants at level 2 or 3, for a beginner quest.
Well, she carried a bucket from there it seems, and was running around in front of the garrison where centaurs are located.
As people were fighting centaurs, she was running up to the centaurs and “watering” them. Dumping the bucket of water on centaurs.
Somehow she did not get killed; a huge number of players were there at the time and somehow she did not get hit hard enough to kill her.
Struck me as very funny and somehow cute. Of all the odd things I have seen, that stands out.
“Watering the Centaurs”
In WvW, back when culling was a part of life, I led a new player on his first foray into the Borderlands.
We started from the SW spawn, and began running up the valley; I was probably a good 5 seconds ahead of him, typing some basic facts about the place. As we approached the end of the valley, I see our zerg materializing in front of us, running back towards the spawn point. It didn’t take a genius to know what invisible force was behind them, and in an instant I turned tail and joined the fleeing crowd.
Who should I pass by a moment later? The new player of course, happily typing away at his keyboard.
I stopped, turned my camera around, and watched in abject horror as he alone charged into an army which was only just beginning to appear on our screens. I don’t know when exactly he appeared on their screens, but when he did, the mob ate him alive.
I laughed. He never joined me in WvW again.
Stealing whirling axe from warrior. Warrior and ranger started attacking me with LB, i used whirling axe, they died to own damage, they cried that i hacked….. -_-
Went down in clocktower in khylo, enemy started to stomp me, i used thief downstate port to port to balcony, they stood for a while wondering apprently what happend, then tehy realized where i went, started to stomp me again, i used blinding powder from downed state. they couldn’t finish stomp. They started the stomp again, by that time my port was up again and i ported on the edge of the clocktower roof. Enemy stood there again wondering apprently where i went. I managed to get rez, he finally realized where i was and said he reported me for hacking -_-
(edited by Shadowstep.6049)
1) When I found out Eternity costs over 4000 gold and making a legendary can take upwards of a year
2) See point 1
3) When I found a list of games online that are better than Guild Wars 2. Here it is:
I like some of the references (7-series golem = BMW reference, OVR-9000=Over 9,000 DBZ reference, New Dreamer = MLP reference, etc.)
Gusting and kicking players off WvW jumping puzzle platforms watching them fall into the water, and having it done to me as well.
Before the Megaservers came along I was playing around exploring in Southsun and the map was dead, no other players. Actually I was trying to farm for Armoured Shells I think as the fish drop them there pretty well. Anyway I was searching around in all the water areas of the map and came across the champ shark on the south side. I debated with myself if I should try and solo him as I could solo a lot of champs and would always test myself against any new one I saw. I think I tried him but had to retreat as his charge attack can be deadly and is hard to see coming.
That’s not the interesting part of the story, this next part is, if that. So the next day I went back and was exploring around for the best area to find the fish that drop the shells. Again I come to the champ shark area and what do I see? The champ shark was fighting a npc Jellyfish. I thought to myself, “uh oh that poor jellyfish”. But boy was I wrong, as he was constantly healing himself. In the end the jellyfish won I couldn’t believe it. I don’t think I have seen anything close to that again since. Needless to say I felt useless being that a NPC could kill that champ when I couldn’t lol….
In Edge of the Mists, killing a Charr ele in a random 1v1, we end up on one of the long bridges. As soon as he is downed he goes straight into Mist Form and goes straight for the suicide by jumping over the side of the bridge. The moment he clears the edge, his Mist Form expires, returning him to his downed state for a brief moment.
In that split second, his character yells “Air!” as he disappears into, well, the air.
Before the Megaservers came along I was playing around exploring in Southsun and the map was dead, no other players. Actually I was trying to farm for Armoured Shells I think as the fish drop them there pretty well. Anyway I was searching around in all the water areas of the map and came across the champ shark on the south side. I debated with myself if I should try and solo him as I could solo a lot of champs and would always test myself against any new one I saw. I think I tried him but had to retreat as his charge attack can be deadly and is hard to see coming.
That’s not the interesting part of the story, this next part is, if that. So the next day I went back and was exploring around for the best area to find the fish that drop the shells. Again I come to the champ shark area and what do I see? The champ shark was fighting a npc Jellyfish. I thought to myself, “uh oh that poor jellyfish”. But boy was I wrong, as he was constantly healing himself. In the end the jellyfish won I couldn’t believe it. I don’t think I have seen anything close to that again since. Needless to say I felt useless being that a NPC could kill that champ when I couldn’t lol….
That darned jellyfish was exploiting! Exploiting I say! nerf it to da ground! :D
When I was commanding EotM before I was too experienced at it, I used to always go an extremely complex and long route from the statuary to I think Tytone perch, whatever the tower in frostreach is. Of course, you could just go over the bridge and it would be a short distance away but no, I decided it was best to go a way over twice as long (can’t even remember how I did it now) and only realised when after a few circuits of EotM people started making comments like ‘why go stupid route?’. Entirely funny/stupid on my part.
PvE- Grolex (Warrior)
PvP rank: 20 Rating: 1864 (season 7)
Accidentally targetting my mini while I was in a defense party. I then had to convince them that “* * has targetted Tequatl the Sunless” was not an attempt at trolling them.
I’d have to say anything to do with jumping puzzles. Especially Mad King’s Clock Tower, which will soon be returning. Many people love/hate swiftness to do their jumps, but often I see others cast AOE swiftness in the middle of their jump when another player isn’t expecting it, so they overshoot or run right off the platform. The trash talk that comes immediately after always makes me laugh.
Horsing around with friends on jumping puzzles is pretty funny too. Like using the mystery forest tonic to turn yourself into a large pineapple to cover up the platform. My friends and I have a good laugh when we fall to our doom because we can’t see what we’re doing.
The other day, in EotM… our zerg was chasing down the enemy zerg at observatory. We chased them all the way to the top and just as the fringes of our lead are reaching them, they jump off the top of obs.
Except instead of jumping off at the part that’s safe, where you can leap a few times and hit the middle without dying, they jumped off to the left before you even reach the champ and fell to their deaths.
Another time in EotM, our zerg was at BL keep with scorps, tearing down the wall. We’re moments from getting it down, probably 30%, when we hear that FR is incoming. Rather than face FR head on or rush inside as the wall comes down, the commander backs up onto the far end of the bridge away from the wall and puts down an AC. Unsurprisingly, only half of the zerg follows him. The rest tunnel-vision into the keep and die on the boss, or get picked off by FR from behind.
Then (it gets better!) FR is fighting the keep boss and commander pushes forward a bit, into the keep. Close enough to set up an AC near where the wall was. A quick glance at numbers shows that we can probably take what’s left of FR, but rather than push FR while they are occupied with the boss, commander backs away and runs.
I rush in to prove a point, pop warrior CDs, and survive a good 10 seconds against the entire zerg, slowing their cap progress.
Commander says in chat, “Why did you guys run in.”
Um, long ago I stopped at the edge of a cliff with commander tag on and a bunch of people ran past me and died.
I saw a long ago video once where a commander leaped off a cliff in WvW and everyone in the zerg followed him. Then all the dead player icons at the bottom of the cliff…..
ANet may give it to you.
I saw a long ago video once where a commander leaped off a cliff in WvW and everyone in the zerg followed him. Then all the dead player icons at the bottom of the cliff…..
So many people lack map awareness.
2 years ago, seeing a male Sylvari wielding a Volcanus… lmao…
Some months ago at teq, everyone is calling for fire fields/blasts for the burn. Someone says, “I see you ele, putting down earth field!”
2 years ago, seeing a male Sylvari wielding a Volcanus… lmao…
Mine wields Incinerator and he’s perfectly fine. His wood is moist~ wood doesn’t burn as easily as people think compared to other things. A Charr using fire weapons would be the most hazardous when their fur catches fire.
One time, me and a few friends, followed this one guy around, and whenever he stopped, my friend would point at him and target him, and we would all dance in sync. The poor guy finally waypointed out when he asked us to stop and we wouldn’t. Both stupid and funny, on our part.
So you know… that’s actually harassment and you can get your account suspended or even banned…
Doing Uncategorized fractal with a friend….she starts running up the stairs and I throw a wall of reflect behind her. Now she’s dealing with the electric lines coming down the stairs and the reflected ones coming up behind her. She died, we rezzed her and all had a good laugh about it.
Or “Surprise swiftness” as you’re jumping over the lasers in CoE. >.>
One of my first experiences with Silverwastes, I saw another player who was holding some rubble, throw the rubble brick at a Husk, which in turn knocked the Husk flat on its kitten.
I just about fell out of my chair from laughing.
| Claara
Your skin will wrinkle and your youth will fade, but your soul is endless.
I’m going to respond to a couple of comments (and probably remove them from this thread). I just don’t think we need them here, and here’s why:
I’m a player. I play every night. As a player, I find what was recounted in a couple of posts to be very rude behavior towards another player. As a member of the GW2 team, I find it disappointing that someone feels it’s ok to grief another player. In fact, I’m pretty sure that everyone here knows we have a strong stance against harassment and griefing. Sure we have pretty high expectations for our players, but the truth is that they almost always meet those expectations.
What happened in a few cases shared here wasn’t funny or amusing. Sometimes people tell stories about situations that are unkind, rude, and potentially distressing activities. Let’s not do those things, or share those stories. The community will be better for it.
Edit to add: The thread itself is just fine — lighthearted, fun, and engaging. No worries there!
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
(edited by Gaile Gray.6029)
One of my first experiences with Silverwastes, I saw another player who was holding some rubble, throw the rubble brick at a Husk, which in turn knocked the Husk flat on its kitten.
I just about fell out of my chair from laughing.
I didn’t even know you could do that! Probably better than my puny bow.
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
Permanently invisible thieves.
One of my first experiences with Silverwastes, I saw another player who was holding some rubble, throw the rubble brick at a Husk, which in turn knocked the Husk flat on its kitten.
I just about fell out of my chair from laughing.
My bf does that every time! haha
One of my first experiences with Silverwastes, I saw another player who was holding some rubble, throw the rubble brick at a Husk, which in turn knocked the Husk flat on its kitten.
I just about fell out of my chair from laughing.
Oh man, that reminds me. Long ago AC storyline had boulders randomly throughout the Dungeon~ still does now but they used to never despawn. They patched it at some point. But one day I kept a boulder with me and kept throwing it at everything knocking them flat on their face or into the distance and then all my other group members started doing the same thing.
So we went through the whole dungeon each with their own pet boulder and stoned both fodder and bosses to death, knocking them all over the place and were all literally dying of laughter from it. XD
this video comes to mind
In a guild I use to be in, doing a guild run of SE, I for get the path, anyway. In the middle of a fight on TS our guild lead says, “I’ll get the one running away!” And process to use [Leap of faith] misses said target and falls to his he go’s sailing over the edge. Needless to say we all fell about laughing, and he still hasn’t lived it down. When ever we talk I all way tell him to be careful he doesn’t jump of anything.
|Seasonic S12G 650W|Win10 Pro X64| Corsair Spec 03 Case|
On FA in WvW
40-50 People in Quaggan tonics running to SMC
Fort Aspenwood
I was exploring Queensdale one day on an alt when for no apparently reason I came across an army of snowmen roaming around.
I watched them for a while, then all of a sudden I get mail. It’s a snowman tonic and the message “You will join us!”
So I did.
I used the tonic and ran around after them for a while, freaking out other people who had no idea where all these snowmen had just come from. Fortunately (or unfortunately, depending how you look at it) this wasn’t at a time when there were lots of new people or they might have been really freaked out.
It was good fun, and reminded me why I enjoy MMOs, you just wouldn’t get something like that in a single-player game.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
Talking of freaking people out: I often make temporary characters, and because I know I’ll be deleting them soon I like to have fun with their names and appearances rather than spend ages making something lore appropriate.
One re-occurring one is Mr Pinkay, the charr Mesmer (see pic below).
One day I was playing Mr Pinkay in the Plains of Ashford when someone I’m pretty sure must have been new ran up (starter gear, starter dyes, no guild, no title). As often happens when playing a Mesmer one of my skills created a clone, and the new guy kept running between me and the clone, presumably wondering what the hell was going on. Then the fight ended and the clone disappeared in a cloud of pink butterflies, as they do.
The new guy literally backed away, said “wtf?” turned and ran.
(I did try to whisper him to explain, but he didn’t reply. I think two huge pink charr, one of whom turns into butterflies and disappears may have been a bit too much.)
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
Talking of freaking people out: I often make temporary characters, and because I know I’ll be deleting them soon I like to have fun with their names and appearances rather than spend ages making something lore appropriate.
One re-occurring one is Mr Pinkay, the charr Mesmer (see pic below).
One day I was playing Mr Pinkay in the Plains of Ashford when someone I’m pretty sure must have been new ran up (starter gear, starter dyes, no guild, no title). As often happens when playing a Mesmer one of my skills created a clone, and the new guy kept running between me and the clone, presumably wondering what the hell was going on. Then the fight ended and the clone disappeared in a cloud of pink butterflies, as they do.
The new guy literally backed away, said “wtf?” turned and ran.
(I did try to whisper him to explain, but he didn’t reply. I think two huge pink charr, one of whom turns into butterflies and disappears may have been a bit too much.)
That would have been awesome to see.
|Seasonic S12G 650W|Win10 Pro X64| Corsair Spec 03 Case|
NPC death glitch , i recorded the glitch … it was so funny
2 years ago:
Got super bored in a WvW match against CD (and here we are, two years later, its still SBI vs CD). I decided to run around a bit in the BL’s dressed as a robot. I found a random boxing match with an EB Charr from “All the Cute Charrs and Me”, I had some necro from vT (who was trashing like 3 guys at a time, nerf) transform into his Asura Racial Golem and punch the crap out of me, and, best of all, half of Elysium Knights turn in to quaggans and mourn my death after I tried to run through their zerg.
<3 CD.
Celestial Avatar is like an old man: Takes forever to get up and is spent in 4 seconds
NPC death glitch , i recorded the glitch … it was so funny
LOL….that was so morbid. You should have been in a witch’s costume and saved that for a Halloween post
Does anyone remember the person who would write out Teq diary entries in map chat? This was around the time the fight was changed, and people would show up an hour or more in advance to secure a spot. I’m pretty sure I came across this player a few times, so maybe others remember. Wish I had taken a screen shot or something, they were so funny! Anyway if you’re out there, please do more!
The first time I did CoE and we fought Bjarl the Rampager. Watching him run into columns and seeing his body bounce on the floor was one of the most amazing things I’d ever experienced.
Then there are the runs where everyone is stacked behind a column waiting for him to run in, and he runs in some other direction into a different column for seemingly no reason. It never gets old for me!
Officer of Flux Capacity [FLUX] –
I’m on my ranger, standing on Hill’s wall at cata spot. 4 enemies run past, a guard/ele/thief/ranger. Of the 4 only one is bouncy trolling me. I pbs the thief off the cliff. The rest stop for a second. They turn around and run back the way they came.
As others have brought up EotM moments, I thought I would bring up this.
Well, this isn’t the stupidest, but I am smacking my forehead at myself right now. In a somewhat distracted moment this evening I decided to unlock the final 100 slots in my personal guild bank since it won’t be happening in the new guild hall system. Note that I do not use the guild upgrade interface very much at all as I am not a leader of anything but my teensy little personal guild.
So I see the 10,000 influence needed to unlock it, go “yay!” and plop down 16 gold to bring my total up to 10K plus a little. Annnnd … I would have to do 20K more influence to do the architectural upgrade first, which would maybe finish before HoT’s launch so I could then queue the 100 slot cave.
Waste of 16 gold (and I’m not a TP baron, I struggle to get to 200 gold and then it all goes poof, eg right now I’m gearing up some ascended stuff). In my defense, the 10K figure was in clean white and everything below it was greyed out so I thought it was an available upgrade.
Well, this isn’t the stupidest, but I am smacking my forehead at myself right now. In a somewhat distracted moment this evening I decided to unlock the final 100 slots in my personal guild bank since it won’t be happening in the new guild hall system. Note that I do not use the guild upgrade interface very much at all as I am not a leader of anything but my teensy little personal guild.
So I see the 10,000 influence needed to unlock it, go “yay!” and plop down 16 gold to bring my total up to 10K plus a little. Annnnd … I would have to do 20K more influence to do the architectural upgrade first, which would maybe finish before HoT’s launch so I could then queue the 100 slot cave.
Waste of 16 gold
(and I’m not a TP baron, I struggle to get to 200 gold and then it all goes poof, eg right now I’m gearing up some ascended stuff). In my defense, the 10K figure was in clean white and everything below it was greyed out so I thought it was an available upgrade.
They said any upgrades in progress will auto complete with the start of the expansion. Get what you can completed and whatever is progressing will then be done.
ANet may give it to you.
Does this qualify?
Landshark. Not odd at all =D
Does this qualify?
Landshark. Not odd at all =D
Landsharks are everywhere in Guild Wars 2. Nowhere is safe.
ANet may give it to you.
In wvw, I was at garrison following a commander. We were sweeping or something…well the commander used his gs leap and leaped to his death off of the bridge that leads to Lord’s room. I literally cried laughing. He logged off after that because he was so embarrassed.
| Ianthe Rose – Chronomancer |
After recently returning to the game, I rolled a mesmer, and earlier tonight, I was leveling up and knew it was almost time for Shadow Behemoth, but I was only level 17, and my bff and guildie told me not even bother with it until I was 80. Some very nice guy appeared in map chat and offered to help new/low level players through their first world boss encounter. I waypointed to him at the garrison, and told him I wasn’t new, but I’d actually never done SB, and especially not “at current level.” Everything was fine, it was a training lesson he and his guild provide on a weekly basis to new/lower level players.
He had a blue commander tag, and pretty much told us to stick with him, and told us to expect to die a lot. He explained the fight, and as a veteran WoW raider, it seemed pretty simple considering some crazy mechanics I’ve seen in other games. Bear in mind I’d never seen the SB up close and live before tonight.
So the others are doing the pre, and the portals spawn, and I’m happily tromping around behind that blue tag, with the rest of the newbies/low levels, and then out popped SB. That thing is HUGE, and apparently I wasn’t the only one who thought so, because /say exploded and there were about 10 of us or so that just ran away to where the others were.
He was trying to tell us to come back, but nope, I was safe hidden among many level 80’s and didn’t even die or come close to it. The ranger I noticed, was running around shooting everything in sight and just in a tizzy.
Suddenly we both stopped and at the same time went “Why are we panicking? This isn’t even hard”.
Then he hit phase 2. I completely lost sight of both commanders, and all I kept seeing was “Everyone in” and at that point the ranger and I were back to full fledged panic and just running around slicing and shooting whatever we could, because something was hitting me, but I had no idea what it was.
Then SB was just dead like that snap. The rest of the group went on to the next boss, and myself and the ranger thanked the guy and I quietly wp’ed out, embarrassed that I had acted like a complete noob and feeling stupid that I was acting the same way I did in my very first wow raid ever back in Karazhan.
I was embarrassed, but it was pretty awesome to know that the community is still as great as when I had to take an unfortunate leave before.
One of my first experiences with Silverwastes, I saw another player who was holding some rubble, throw the rubble brick at a Husk, which in turn knocked the Husk flat on its kitten.
I just about fell out of my chair from laughing.
I didn’t even know you could do that! Probably better than my puny bow.
He was talking about the consumable rock item [&AgEtIgAA]. Yay I know something an anet employee doesn’t!