Remember, remember, 15th of November
stupidest / funniest thing you ever saw
Remember, remember, 15th of November
In Eternal Battlegrounds, my guild walked up behind a charr Engineer and stood there, when he saw us he was startled, dodge rolled, then started jumping while doing 360s with his flamethrower kit auto attacks. We were zerged down shortly after that because we were all laughing way too hard.
In Eternal Battlegrounds, my guild walked up behind a charr Engineer and stood there, when he saw us he was startled, dodge rolled, then started jumping while doing 360s with his flamethrower kit auto attacks. We were zerged down shortly after that because we were all laughing way too hard.
Lol this reminds me of a funny thing in Eternal Battleground that happened a few days ago. I was standing at the moat cannon spot, outer Green Keep, and a warrior was tanding in one spot, using his bow to hit the other cannon. I kept /waving, and a ranger from my server came up behind him…we all just stood there for a few seconds before the ranger obliterated him. I don’t think the warrior saw the ranger til it was over.
| Ianthe Rose – Chronomancer |
I was doing the crucible of eternity dungeon path 3 and at the final boss one of my party members said: “maybe he is angry and fighting us because he is hungry”, he then proceeded to shoot his birthday blaster cake at the boss, which actually still does damage. I cried with laughter XD
Lol. Whats even mor funny Is th cake gun has a projectile finisher on it xD
gw1 – healing signet/frenzy/charge
NPC death glitch , i recorded the glitch … it was so funny
Why is “Thriller” not the audio in this video?
Lol. Whats even mor funny Is th cake gun has a projectile finisher on it xD
That actually reminds me about what I think is my funniest moment in GW2. My guild had a WvW raid one night near the release of the cake cannon and we proceeded to kill our enemies by firing the cake gun into various combo fields to deal leeching/burning damage and so on to our enemies. It took a long time, to kill a few, but it was totally worth it :P
Does this qualify?
Landshark. Not odd at all =D
Landsharks are everywhere in Guild Wars 2. Nowhere is safe.
I want landshark mounts! Well…not mounts per se but rather riding toys like brooms.
Skyhammer: An enemy combatant was coming around a blind corner (where I was waiting for him) and I used my knockback skill as he just passed me on the lip of the structure. I knocked him off into the air horizontally for quite a large distance where he hovered with an arm flapping animation, before plummeting for ages to his demise. It was hilarious.
NPC death glitch , i recorded the glitch … it was so funny
Why is “Thriller” not the audio in this video?
Lol. Whats even mor funny Is th cake gun has a projectile finisher on it xD
That actually reminds me about what I think is my funniest moment in GW2. My guild had a WvW raid one night near the release of the cake cannon and we proceeded to kill our enemies by firing the cake gun into various combo fields to deal leeching/burning damage and so on to our enemies. It took a long time, to kill a few, but it was totally worth it :P
That sounds so awesome and hilarious. Imagine the embarrassment of being killed by cake in the game xD
NPC death glitch , i recorded the glitch … it was so funny
Why is “Thriller” not the audio in this video?
Lol. Whats even mor funny Is th cake gun has a projectile finisher on it xD
That actually reminds me about what I think is my funniest moment in GW2. My guild had a WvW raid one night near the release of the cake cannon and we proceeded to kill our enemies by firing the cake gun into various combo fields to deal leeching/burning damage and so on to our enemies. It took a long time, to kill a few, but it was totally worth it :P
This glitch happened a year ago .. but I will consider your suggestion and add a halloween flavor
Long time ago.
Queensdale, the garrison at about level 6. Player with a small girl avi, she was level 3 . She had apparently run from the farm where we used to water plants at level 2 or 3, for a beginner quest.
Well, she carried a bucket from there it seems, and was running around in front of the garrison where centaurs are located.
As people were fighting centaurs, she was running up to the centaurs and “watering” them. Dumping the bucket of water on centaurs.
Somehow she did not get killed; a huge number of players were there at the time and somehow she did not get hit hard enough to kill her.
Struck me as very funny and somehow cute. Of all the odd things I have seen, that stands out.
“Watering the Centaurs”
That is awesome!
About a month ago in silver wastes, I saw in map chat someone said that they loved something that someone had done at the entrance way point and that she loved us guys for doing it. Curious about what she was talking about I went to the way point, and found that someone or several someones had moved literally hundreds of pieces of rubble from the other fortresses to the way point and dropped them off. So when you came out of the way point, you find yourself surrounded with a gigantic sea of rubble. I’m not sure how long it took for someone to do that, or why, but I have to admit it made me grin lol
That and whoever did it must have been really bored haha
I was exploring Queensdale one day on an alt when for no apparently reason I came across an army of snowmen roaming around.
I watched them for a while, then all of a sudden I get mail. It’s a snowman tonic and the message “You will join us!”
So I did.
I used the tonic and ran around after them for a while, freaking out other people who had no idea where all these snowmen had just come from. Fortunately (or unfortunately, depending how you look at it) this wasn’t at a time when there were lots of new people or they might have been really freaked out.
It was good fun, and reminded me why I enjoy MMOs, you just wouldn’t get something like that in a single-player game.
A couple of years ago my guild had all of us as part of a contest transform into festive golems and then run across world vs world as fast as we could. There was maybe a hundred of us doing it. The idea was whomever survivee the longest crossing the eternal battle grounds would win a prize. The problem is we ran across groups of the other two sides fighting, they just just stopped fighting and watched us run by, so the entire group crossed one side to the other with not a single fatality lol
I was doing pvp today and there was this one thief that was the only one who knew what he was doing. So we ended up losing the match. After the fight i whisp him saying gg you were the only sane person on the map. Then he had some weird defensive attitude and then i couldn’t whisp him anymore. So i was scratching my head totally confused why would he block me? I sent him a mail saying: dude, i was complimenting you, you are playing pvp too much so toxicity rubbed on you. He unblocked me and said nobody never complimented him in pvp so he tought i was sarcastic, we laughed and went seperate ways
Accidentally targeting my mini while I was in a defense party. I then had to convince them that “* * has targetted Tequatl the Sunless” was not an attempt at trolling them.
Oops, I forgot to mention this was preparing for a Teq fight.
Always funny to see thiefs using withdraw on skyhammer and on a crashed platform ^^ also Engis using knockback on a reflect shield and falling XD
Skilled Thiefs are dangerous
My funny story is from EotM. I was trying to catch up to my party (no zerg in sight) from badlands keep. i made it to just across the bridge to the mainland by the outer wall when a group of about 8 enemies broke through it. i was still running towards the bridge to the keep when I got assailed by 5 ofthe enemy players (was thinkin to myself "oh kitten… im dead… but I dont want to run back from the keep again!). I was in a panick! The party i was in had 3 other members and they were at the far end of the bridge by the inner keep walls when i shouted in party chat for a lil help. As i made my way to the front of the bridge, I was popping every block, stabil, cleanse I could just trying to stay alive till I reached my party for back up. I dunno how, but I managed to get one of them downed during the beginning of the fight(i suck at pvp so… needless to say I was a bit shocked).
I kept spamming party chat for a lil help please, then another one dropped. I was again shocked! So I shouted for help one more time, then said Fug it, and charged em (was playing a guardian.) About that time only ONE of my other party members had seen the chat and began running towards me. when he reached the middle of the bridge, he just stopped and started laughing his kitten off. I had just started my charge and dropped one of them. The remaining 2 turned tail, ran opposite ways and jumped off the bridge at the same time, to their deaths. Im the first to admit i suck at any type of pvp, but I was proud that day… took on 5 solo and killed them all lol!
My teammates joked called me kitten for the rest of the week and joked about leroy jenkins all evening hehehe. To this day I still dont know how I survived and why those other 2 just jumped off the edge(cuz I constantly get wiped in pvp/wvw).
When the giant presents were around world around Wintersday, there was one on the bridge to COF. It was on one of the more narrow parts of the bridge, for anyone that doesn’t know the present has two CC’s, it first knocks you down when it grows and then launches you as it explodes open. Well one dude waited for when like 10 people were running past the present. A fair amount got knocked down and then launched off of the bridge, everyone laughed at that. Really nice when people are good sports about simple pranks.
(edited by RedSpectrum.1975)
In edge of the mists, I was on a narrow bridge fighting an enemy when he hit me with a knock back. I had mirror of anguish equipped on my trait line, so he and I both flew off the bridge, and somehow ended up face to face as we fell. If we only had more expressive faces, I could have imagined what his look like and I laughed out loud lol
I’lll never forget the 19th:
that it makes every other class in the game boring to play.”
Long time ago.
Queensdale, the garrison at about level 6. Player with a small girl avi, she was level 3 . She had apparently run from the farm where we used to water plants at level 2 or 3, for a beginner quest.
Well, she carried a bucket from there it seems, and was running around in front of the garrison where centaurs are located.
As people were fighting centaurs, she was running up to the centaurs and “watering” them. Dumping the bucket of water on centaurs.
Somehow she did not get killed; a huge number of players were there at the time and somehow she did not get hit hard enough to kill her.
Struck me as very funny and somehow cute. Of all the odd things I have seen, that stands out.
“Watering the Centaurs”
That is awesome!
About a month ago in silver wastes, I saw in map chat someone said that they loved something that someone had done at the entrance way point and that she loved us guys for doing it. Curious about what she was talking about I went to the way point, and found that someone or several someones had moved literally hundreds of pieces of rubble from the other fortresses to the way point and dropped them off. So when you came out of the way point, you find yourself surrounded with a gigantic sea of rubble. I’m not sure how long it took for someone to do that, or why, but I have to admit it made me grin lol
That and whoever did it must have been really bored haha
I remember that!
I think the most I ever laughed in GW2 was the first time my guildie and I accidentally lured the ghost plant dogs from the maze at the end of SW event maps into the chest room.
We were new and we thought the dogs would stop chasing us. It was so peaceful inside the chest room, a group of three players were resurrecting a fallen ally. A male Sylvari actually, I remember, he typed out “thx.” Suddenly two wary travelers, My guildmate and I, appeared followed by the hounds from Hell. Everybody scrambled but nobody was spared.
I really wanted to apologize but the carnage just looked so funny that first time I couldn’t stop laughing. I’m not even into dark humor, but something was just so comedic about that one instance.
In WvW, my guild master was commanding a microzerg. There was about 10-15 of us.
While the other two huge blobs were decimating each other on one side of Stonemist and doing some odd maneuveres to each stay actively fighting, we knocked the northgates in, killed the lord and capped before they noticed. It was funny at the time.
EoTM, our commander takes our zerg to fight back another and doesn’t realise they all went Invulnerable, 10mins later, the realisation dawns on him, zerg falls back. He then proceeds to waypoint and tag off. Either he was ‘sick of bugs’ or felt really stupid.
In PvP, my guild master (again) doesn’t keep track of what colour our team is, so whenever we’re winning and he thinks we’re losing, we get a humble speach over teamspeak about how it’s not about winning all the time xD then he realises we won and we get a “oh fudge, I didn’t realise what colour we were. Awesome match it was so easy.”
(edited by Haleydawn.3764)
Does this qualify?
Landshark. Not odd at all =D
Landsharks are everywhere in Guild Wars 2. Nowhere is safe.
It’s true. I thought I was just fighting normal sharks and I would be safe after leaving the water but they just wriggled up that ramp. There is no escape from the landsharks, and they can strike anywhere at any time.
I was exploring Queensdale one day on an alt when for no apparently reason I came across an army of snowmen roaming around.
I watched them for a while, then all of a sudden I get mail. It’s a snowman tonic and the message “You will join us!”
So I did.
I used the tonic and ran around after them for a while, freaking out other people who had no idea where all these snowmen had just come from. Fortunately (or unfortunately, depending how you look at it) this wasn’t at a time when there were lots of new people or they might have been really freaked out.
It was good fun, and reminded me why I enjoy MMOs, you just wouldn’t get something like that in a single-player game.
I’ve laughed at this for like 10 min now. So awesome! XD
Personally I felt a bit silly doing most JPs and hard to get collectables because I’m sooo bad at platforming. But they’re there so I must do them!
A small list of funny moments with my guildmates
1) Remember that epidemic of toy soldier last Wintersday
2) My friend has issue with his aura in Arah path 2. His big face is everywhere over that body.
3) That day when Lupi was so freaking kitten at us. Don’t question his sex life with all of his race extinct. It will end badly for everybody.
4) SHARKNADO. That’s where all those land shard are coming from.
5) That epic sPvP match.
Guild Wars 1. One of the last days before the Guild Wars 2 started. People decided to run around Lions Arch as snowmen. (I’m one of the snowmen, at the center of the picture).
ANet may give it to you.
(edited by Just a flesh wound.3589)
In the first year of the game, the competition to slide the furthest down the outside of Rata Sun without Dying (And still remaining on the lowest possible part)
Convincing a guild mate that the April Fools Aviator Costume allowed you to fly when jumping off somewhere high. He tried 2x .. thought the first jump wasn’t high enough.
I was dueling the NPC practice guardian on my elementalist and we were both downed at the same time! Lots of people were around to scale him up but still, there’s no excuse getting downed to a fake guardian. I was also minding my interrupts with wind and earth attunement while going into water for cleansing wave too. I’d lightning flash behind him but was disappointed that it didn’t stack burning so I can practice my cleansing timing.
Was doing CoE…forget which path but the one where you fight alpha or w.e his name is near the portal at the end. Well…if you didn’t know its actually an active portal and you can leave the instance before the last fight.
One guy just kept going instead of stacking and two other’s followed him right outta the instance!
Had someone troll my servers Ts3 back when the Tequatl was updated. After a fail run they managed get mostly everyone in the map in the teamspeak. So, of course right when they are going over the fight all of the sudden Justin Beiber came blaring out of the teamspeak.
Queue a horrified reaction in map chat.
I have more, but I thought this was the best lol.
(edited by Zalani.9827)
Gosh idk there were so many things.. ummm ill just post some of my favs
seeing doubles, animations glitched, and characters +names
(edited by SnowHawk.3615)
oh ya forgot this one
For me it was a Guild party my old guild (they split up since then, but some of us are still together) had back before LA got trashed by Scarlet. we were all fighting in the little Arenanet logo on the beach east of Fort Marriner while using Quaggan tonics. imagine a huge 20-30 Quaggan battle royale! best of all most of us were on TS3 listening to
I could not stop laughing!
Captain Penzan, Bloodtide Coast.
If you’ve seen him do his thing, you know what I mean. If you haven’t, you should. -Sid
oh ya forgot this one
That’s the one I was thinking of when people were talking about land sharks! Still hilarious after over three years.
Now, if we’re doing screens of hilarious glitches … my sylvari guardian’s had the best ones over the years.
And then there was the brilliantly done Scooby Gang back before the megaserver. They did a whole little mystery story in DR, complete with villain unmasked by those meddling kids. I have most of their emotes/says preserved as well but for now, enjoy this.
Stupidest thing I’ve ever seen? There’s been too many that have happened in the past few years but it’s probably going to seem really mean of me to mention the things that have made me facedesk the most, because most of them involve build choices and people being incompetent in dungeons/fractals.
Sometimes I just really don’t get how people think “this is a good idea, I should do this” when deciding to use or do something in group settings…
For example, a warrior not only using rifle in PvE but doing something like volley or kill shot on archdiviner final encounter when he’s reflecting, or mesmers using GS as their primary weapon in dungeons/fractals, especially when they spam the knockback skill on trash mobs… ugh.
Making it to the bottom of Rata Sum, announcing it, and then watch as people fling themselves to their death to have me rez them.
Here’s one from the other night that amused me: I was helping out with a SW chest train by being tag, while somebody else did the actual leading. It was getting late and I was getting drowsy.
Twice, the guy I was following started moving away and my brain went, “The tag isn’t moving. I’m going to wait to follow until the tag moves.”
Then it hit me that I was the tag LOL. Luckily, I corrected it quickly.
Not quitting at ecto gambling when I had 500 ectos from 399. I lost everything but 66 Ectos. Never going to gamble ectos again.
Talking of freaking people out: I often make temporary characters, and because I know I’ll be deleting them soon I like to have fun with their names and appearances rather than spend ages making something lore appropriate.
One re-occurring one is Mr Pinkay, the charr Mesmer (see pic below).
One day I was playing Mr Pinkay in the Plains of Ashford when someone I’m pretty sure must have been new ran up (starter gear, starter dyes, no guild, no title). As often happens when playing a Mesmer one of my skills created a clone, and the new guy kept running between me and the clone, presumably wondering what the hell was going on. Then the fight ended and the clone disappeared in a cloud of pink butterflies, as they do.
The new guy literally backed away, said “wtf?” turned and ran.
(I did try to whisper him to explain, but he didn’t reply. I think two huge pink charr, one of whom turns into butterflies and disappears may have been a bit too much.)
Is that you, brother?
Long time ago.
Queensdale, the garrison at about level 6. Player with a small girl avi, she was level 3 . She had apparently run from the farm where we used to water plants at level 2 or 3, for a beginner quest.
Well, she carried a bucket from there it seems, and was running around in front of the garrison where centaurs are located.
As people were fighting centaurs, she was running up to the centaurs and “watering” them. Dumping the bucket of water on centaurs.
Somehow she did not get killed; a huge number of players were there at the time and somehow she did not get hit hard enough to kill her.
Struck me as very funny and somehow cute. Of all the odd things I have seen, that stands out.
“Watering the Centaurs”
That is awesome!
About a month ago in silver wastes, I saw in map chat someone said that they loved something that someone had done at the entrance way point and that she loved us guys for doing it. Curious about what she was talking about I went to the way point, and found that someone or several someones had moved literally hundreds of pieces of rubble from the other fortresses to the way point and dropped them off. So when you came out of the way point, you find yourself surrounded with a gigantic sea of rubble. I’m not sure how long it took for someone to do that, or why, but I have to admit it made me grin lol
That and whoever did it must have been really bored haha
Glad someone else enjoys this:) It struck me as being so funny and oddly endearing.
I don’t think this quest exists anymore in that form, so it will never been seen again.
I wish I had made a video of it, “Watering the Centaurs”.
Here’s a stupid bug that I remembered having once a few months ago:
I was playing pvp on my warr and I was fighting on a point against another person (can’t remember which class), I wasn’t doing too well so I activated rampage and for some reason the second I activated it, a clone of me appeared that could deal damage, cc my opponent and everything that copied every attack I did. I ended up killing the guy and he got (understandably) quite annoyed at me but I just explained that I had literally no clue what happened and everything was ok eventually, which was good. I thought that bug was hilarious but I have never seen it again after that.
PvE- Grolex (Warrior)
PvP rank: 20 Rating: 1864 (season 7)
Not quitting at ecto gambling when I had 500 ectos from 399. I lost everything but 66 Ectos. Never going to gamble ectos again.
I feel your pain man. Months ago (maybe even a year by now) I did the same thing with gold. I’d been popping exotics into the mystic forge here and there and lo and behold, I got lucky and the precursor hammer dropped. Well, I was all ecstatic and after a lot of thought, I sold it, cause I didn’t think I’d ever want to make the legendary hammer.
Got something like 600 gold in profit from it. Spent some on gem conversion to get an item in the store… and then I went and spent most of the rest going back and gambling more exotics in the forge… with no profitable results…
After that, I was like… NOPE, not doing this anymore. T_T
I didn’t think people would come up with this much when I started this thread. Some is hilarious. I was fond of this one it gives me giggles wish you’d had pics/vid:
A couple of years ago my guild had all of us as part of a contest transform into festive golems and then run across world vs world as fast as we could. There was maybe a hundred of us doing it. The idea was whomever survivee the longest crossing the eternal battle grounds would win a prize. The problem is we ran across groups of the other two sides fighting, they just just stopped fighting and watched us run by, so the entire group crossed one side to the other with not a single fatality lol
Today I was playing a new character in The Grove after a long time of eotm/SW so I thought I would just do some relaxing world achievement stuff. I ran out of pickaxes so I climbed to the top of what seemed like a fairly mobless hill. I menu ported to PvP to buy and ported right back thinking to equip. But instead of the hill I had left from I was inside a den of spiders. I fought hard but it’s a low lvl char and they had their way with me. I ported to nearest wp and off again on my happy journey only to get surrounded soon my little spiders. No big deal I’m in control now not taken by surprise. Until in real life a big bulbus-buitt white spider ran across my hands on the keypad! Do note that here in Illinois we have a dangerous species spider called brown recluse and so we are a little more jumpy than most with arachnids. So much for relaxing.
*For those of you privy to the Forgotten Realms do point out the irony when viewing my screen name.
I was standing in LA one friday night when pets started appearing all arround me. No rangers, no other players, just pets. Dozens of them. I was like “what is going on” I later found out that WvW had just reset and i happened to be standing at the gates so it was all the pets belonging to the people who had been kicked out for reset.
Another time I logged in and in guild chat It didn’t say my name. It just had a colon, then whatever I typed. No one else could see my name either, it was like a ghost. I wish I could tell you that I proceeded to haunt my guild like a ghost, but alas, I told them who I was. I wasted it.