(suggestion)-Autosell all

(suggestion)-Autosell all

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mahri.8410


Selling takes a lot of time. Right clicking every item in your inventory, openning the TP dialog box everytime is booring. I suggest some auto features :
Autosell All on TP (except items in locked bags)
Autodelete all junk
At a seller, autosell all bound objects

It happens may times that my inventory gets filled and I spend a lot of time selling items, instead of enjoying the game content…

(suggestion)-Autosell all

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


You don’t have to right click every item. You can just use the sell tab in the TP. This would also create more problems than solve as people would mistakenly sell items they didn’t want to sell.

(suggestion)-Autosell all

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RoseofGilead.8907


And what happens when you get Zap (or whatever other precursor) in your inventory without noticing, and then click autosell at the vendor or on the TP? Or if you accidentally leave one of your alternate weapons in a non-invisible bag, sell it, and then leave the map?

There are way too many ways that a button like that could end up as a big problem, especially with players’ tendencies to click without reading.

(suggestion)-Autosell all

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: stayBlind.7849


And what happens when you get Zap (or whatever other precursor) in your inventory without noticing, and then click autosell at the vendor or on the TP? Or if you accidentally leave one of your alternate weapons in a non-invisible bag, sell it, and then leave the map?

There are way too many ways that a button like that could end up as a big problem, especially with players’ tendencies to click without reading.

Well, what happens when you get Zap (or whatever other precursor) in your inventory without noticing, and then open the BLT tab and just click through each item to sell without looking at it?

I would like a way to ‘check’ items in inventory to ‘sell all checked items’, ‘cause i really hate the ’you sold too many items too fast’ that happens when I am unloading mats and stuff to GW2 ebay.

(suggestion)-Autosell all

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RoseofGilead.8907


And what happens when you get Zap (or whatever other precursor) in your inventory without noticing, and then click autosell at the vendor or on the TP? Or if you accidentally leave one of your alternate weapons in a non-invisible bag, sell it, and then leave the map?

There are way too many ways that a button like that could end up as a big problem, especially with players’ tendencies to click without reading.

Well, what happens when you get Zap (or whatever other precursor) in your inventory without noticing, and then open the BLT tab and just click through each item to sell without looking at it?

My point exactly: people already don’t notice things enough, and adding a button that could be pressed to automatically sell everything would not help anything.