[suggestion] Elite Map Completion

[suggestion] Elite Map Completion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gobble D Goop.4081

Gobble D Goop.4081

Elite Map Completion

This idea is for a new type of content that is similar to vanquishing from GW1, but not quite the same. After obtaining 100% Map Completion on a character, that character would then be able to start Elite Map Completion (abbreviated EMC). A character with a full party would have to talk to the EMC NPC to start create an instance for the EMC (all characters in the party must have 100% map completion). This instance would be the same as the main map with the exception of the following:
*The entire map would scale for a party of 5 (events, monsters etc)
*Dynamic Events could only be started by speaking with a specific NPC (denoted on the map with some kind of symbol)
*There would be fewer WPs (and they can only be used when all 5 party members were out of combat)
*Monsters would respawn significantly slower (15-20 minutes after death)
*5 wandering legendary monsters would replace a random monster on the map (they would not respawn)(each would replace 1 monster not 5 replacing a single monster)

Tasks to complete:

*Complete all Dynamic Events- these events would already be selected by the designers (since not all events would work/scale for 5 party members) This would probably average at around 15 events per map.
*Defeat XX of certain monster type (there would be at least 5 of these and they would be randomized based on what monsters show up in the map). XX would not exceed the number that you would resonably face on the map or through the dynamic events (EX: you would never have Defeat 3 Giants as a task).
*Defeat the 5 Legendary enemies. The task will not mention where/what the legendary monsters are.

Map Penalty(working name):

This is a debuff for failing to do something. It will stack based on different actions:
*1 stack for dieing
*1 stack for failing an event (party wide)
*1 stack for every hour spent on the map

It can be removed by the following:
*2 stacks for killing a wandering legendary monster

The only thing this debuff does is keep track of how many times the player fails to do something. When it reaches 20 stacks for all 5 party members, the party fails the EMC and is kicked from the instance.


For each successful completion, you will recieve coins and karma based on you Map Penalty (the higher the MP, the lower the reward). You will also recieve 1 EMC coin (2 if you have 0 MP).
For the first completion of a map, you will recieve an Elite Map Completion Chest (picture a map completion chest that is red). This chest will contain a rare or exotic, some crafting materials that correspond to the map’s level (similar to the Map completion chest), and either a black lion key (low chance) or a transmutation charge.
When all maps have been completed, the reward is a Gift of Exploration, 5 EMC tokens, and a title.
There could also be achievements for each map.
The tokens will be traded with a special merchant that could offer things like more Gifts of Exploration (requires several tokens), dyes, material bags, tomes of knowledge, and weapon/armor skins.

Things this idea might need to work
There would probably need to be some kind of task UI for the tasks that need to be completed. There would also need to be a random task creator (similar to several already implemented ones).

I think thats everything. Thoughts?

Habitual Warrior-Ranger
Gates Of Madness
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