[suggestion] Stop overwelming us with boxes
I love boxes within boxes, actually. It means I can stack a smaller set of things and wait until I’m ready to deal with inventory management.
I’m not against the idea of toggles to keep some types of loot away, but that would be a significant nerf to total value. I am against a toggle for specific items, since there are 1000s of drops in the game; I can’t imagine it would be a good use of dev resources to even develop the interface, never mind the underlying mechanics.
Regardless, this can’t possibly happen any time soon (even if the devs agreed today, it would be 6-18 months before we heard about it). In the meantime, you might want to invest an hour or two into finding a better routine, so you aren’t spending 7+ hrs/week processing stuff.
Well, minor sigils and runes really aren’t worth the effort to anyone who has a max level character. There are thousands of them sitting on the TP which nobody wants to buy. I’d like to be able to add them to the “junk” list, but that’s just a personal wish and would probably take too many resources to properly code into the game. Guess I’ll just have to live with manually selling them off to the vendors.
I was like you then i realises that this actually saved me space having pnly boxes that can stack is better for inventory since equipment cant. Now it would be cool if we could getmonly bags and not a mix of both…
I really dont understand these types of complaints.
If you dont like salvaging and dont like boxes in boxes then stop looting stuff.
Theres far too much of “I dont like doing something” so therefore the devs must fix it.
if you dont like doing something in the game then dont do it.
Well, minor sigils and runes really aren’t worth the effort to anyone who has a max level character. There are thousands of them sitting on the TP which nobody wants to buy. I’d like to be able to add them to the “junk” list, but that’s just a personal wish and would probably take too many resources to properly code into the game. Guess I’ll just have to live with manually selling them off to the vendors.
They’re worth the effort to me. I’m sure I’ve probably vendored thousands of major and minor sigils over the years. Even at 1 silver each for the major sigils, that’s a good chunk of gold.
I wouldn’t be against being able to assign them to “junk” status to allow for ease of selling, but it really doesn’t take that much longer to doubleclick a few extra items when you’re vendoring stuff.
The only reason I am still selling them to vendors is because listing them on the TP simply doesn’t work and their is a yes/no dialogue when you want to destroy them. Some stuff is hard to code in, some stuff is extremely easy. This can be done in a day. And i’m sure anet can finish it fast without introducing thousands of bugs. Their is already code to find all junk item in ones inventory and sell them, just re use that stuff and change the junk for minor/major runes and sigils.
Then again, they need half a year for balance changes that could be done in a month or less.
I’d love to see how you came up with the 7 hours figure
Most simple solution that should have ben added already a long time ago.
Best latest chance would have been together with Hot as part of the Mastery System..
They gave us, Auto Looting. Best quality of life that would solve this ridiculous garbage spam in GW2 would be through the implementation of Auto Salvaging, Auto Selling as parts of simple Automatic Inventory Management, where you – the player decides, what the game should do for you automatically with specific items that you have told them game as a “Rule” for your Account.
Inventory Management Rules
Auto Salvage
All looted Items that I have marked for Auto Salvaging, until the mark check Mark for Auto Salvaging gets removed from the Rule List from auto Salvaging, where players are abl to deactivate for each single item again, if they should stay there for Auto Salvaging, or if you want to do it manually to make sure, the Game eventually salvages not something that you didn’t wanted to get salvaged.
But everything that has been put under the Rule for your Account’s Auto Salvaging means for you alot more comfort, more quality of life, alot saved time and more health for your hand, cause you don’t need to do all the stupid clicking anymore preventing you from getting eventually from all this garbage clicking a carpal tunnel syndrom.
Auto Selling
Same with Auto Selling, put up a rule for your game account, which items it should automatically sell for you the moment you loot. Add some kind of money sink for this small comfort of not having to run everytime anymore to towns or any npc vendor, just to be abl to get rid of all the garbage that the game intentionally spams you full with like all this grey junk items that are nearly nothign worth, not even the tiem it takes to run to a vendor for them to make a few copper coins … add a little sink of some copper coins for every automatic sale of items you marked for Auto Selling, like 2-5 Copper. People won#t miss them, as long people don#t have to mess with all this garbage manually to get this way a better inventory management that helps in keeping the inventory clean from all this garbage as good as possible through automatics based on what YOU decide, what the automatic settigns shoudl do exactly for you
ADD an option that enables players, which have learnend Auto Looting to manually DEACTIVATE IT ALSO AGAIN.
This thing is a curse and a blessing at the same time, but more a curse, as long the game doesn’t provide also other useful inventory management QoL automatics, like Auto Selling and Auto Salvanging, that are essentially a MUST, if you add into a game Auto Looting
Auto Crafting
Give us a mastery, that enables us to craft a Golem, which crafts for us what we want, so that we – the players don#ät have to waste tons of time anymore standign still on the craftign stations, while we could do essentialyl in all that time something more meaningful, while our little golems makes for us the stuff, that we want and which we get, the next time we go visit our little helper!!
Auto Gathering
Same as abiobe, give us a mastery, that allows us to build a Golem, which goes gathering for us, and automatically returns after some time, like say for example 24h and gives us on return all the gathered materials he collected. add some kind of gld sink to this feature and the need to equip the golem gathering helper still with Gathering Tools so that theres still a sink for that stuff as well and that would make surely alot of players usper happy, because they could use their time then for something more meaningful, than for grinding for materials, which is super boring and is essentialyl also just something, that you could let do a golem for you, if you just mastered to build and program one for that task for you.
You see this kind of QoL features in many other MMOs, just only not in GW2 for nearly 5 years now – oftenly placed in as cash shop items – yes, but the point is – saving time is a massive aspect of quality of life, making UIs more comfortable to handle, is also a hugre aspect of quality of life, as it saves you again alot of time – time that you can spent with thigns in the game, that make more fun, like defending your servr in WvW, like PvP, like Fractals ect. instead of grinding for months for all kinds of materials and running up and down monotonous routes to get all the stuff you need for something, or kill millions of creatures, in the hope, they let you drop the items you need – or in the end, if you get sick of all this junk, then it gets essentially just dumbed down to grind Gold, so that you can just buy what you need.
Thats basically GW2 in a nutshell currently for years.
it this silly boring nutshell could get broken open just through some good and meaningful quality of life improvements, good lord, then this would be such a great step forward for this game!!
it this silly boring nutshell could get broken open just through some good and meaningful quality of life improvements, good lord, then this would be such a great step forward for this game!!
You forgot the Auto Play mastery. Just build a golem that plays the game for us. We can then login once a year to see how we’re doing.
Lol, was clear that someone just has to make this ironic answer for the sake of making an ironic answer.
Look, just only because there exists a feature in a Game, like Auto Gathering as a Mastery doesn’t mean, that you are automatically also forced to use it, if you think that this makes the game too easy for you, or pointless to play or whatever reasons you may have, why you would not tend to use something like that.
It isn’t also so, that this feature just would come in for just free – thats why I put things like Auto Gathering and Crafting behind Masteries.
Even if you have learned the whole Mastery Line about these QoL, it still doesn’t change the fact, that you will never be forced to ever use it, if you just prefer to do all the gathering and crafting manually by yourself.
If you are such a type of person, which prefers to do every single tiny thing in a game manually by yourself, thats fine and good. Do that, but that hasn’t to mean that everyone else has to like that as well.
As a smart person, especially as an Asura – wouldn’t it come somewhen naturally into your mind to build for yourself a Golem, which can do the low tasks for you, which in return requires just only some kind of maintenance costs – ergo a gold sink to be able to make usage of them?
Such a feature like Auto Gathering via a Golem that you can send out for you also hasn’t to mean, that these Golem Expeditions always have to be successful in the end.
I’m sure, if Anet would add such masteries, that they would find a way for these things, that they are some kind of quality of life , without making it totally obsolete to ever move out self again.
It would be also just a nice feature for Casual Players that simply don’t have always the time to go out for material grinding or can stand around a long time somewhere.
Why should a Hero of Tyria waste so much time with crafting in times of danger, when anytime an elder dragon could attack basically, when that task could easily do also your loyal self made Crafting/Gathering Golem for you ???
I surely don’t have to say, that a feature like that surely isn’t anything, that total newbies would get access to directly, or? sarcasm
Its something for advanced players – these kinds of people, which have most likely already made multiple characters with Max Crafting Levels everywhere the moment they are able to learn the Mastery.
People, which have no interest anymore in doing these things manually by themself , because they have done it already often enough with multiple characters, while playing through the main game and getting to the point of learning masteries.
Let us build bots to play the game for us? That doesn’t sound like a good idea.
lol, no please you not also too ^^
I don’t want just “Bots”, like programs that should do the work for you only – hell no.
What I want is just more quality of life, that saves time for me, because time is the most important “good”, that we have and seen as that I absolutely hate it, when Games let us intentionally waste it with not well thought out game mechanics that let us either only stand around in front of a borign UI window, or which leads us to run into circles hundreds of thoussands of times, just so that you get the needed materials for something – time, that you could use better somewhere else in the game, because running in maps in circles countless times for gathering materials is exactly the same type of mindless grind, as like having to kill a certain monster thousands of times, just to get their rare 0,1% material loot that you need like 250 times – it can be wated down to Colins old analogy – I swung a sword, I swung a sword again, oh hey, I just swung it again.
In the time in that I have to spent to gather some materials, switch character,s do the exact same thign again with another character, rinse and repeat for all Charaas of the account – in all this time I could do something rather meaningful, like helping defend with my friends our Server on WvW, where it should be possible to earn the same way materials, while actually doing something productive in the meantime for your servers side, instead of doing something mind boggling and boring as like running with lots of characters one and the same maps up and down just for some materials, when the same task could do for you per character also a loyal created Gathering Golem for you for which you have some kind of “gold sink” to pay for its maintenance and the required tools just , to make usage of their service, so that you can do, what you actually want to do and have fun, while you wait on it, that your little helper returns – and that hopefully successful, which isn’t a guarantee.
Players could eventually raise the chances for succes by improving further the Mastery, however, there wouldn’ be a 100% chance for a successful return, cause your little helper could get attacked maybe on the way back, when its slower due to all its weight it has to carry for you back
I really can’t stand inventory management! When I log on, I just want to relax and play the game, experience a story, a dungeon, etc, not deal with boxes upon boxes and what to do with all their contents. Usually I ask my husband to deal with it for me because I never know whether I should keep that salvaged rune for an alt, or this piece of gear for future levels, etc.
Sure I can auto deposit crafting materials (but only the ones that still fit into my bank!) and I can salvage a bunch of stuff at once (a good time saver) but then I still have to go through the results of the salvaging… I would love some automatic way of telling the game to sort all this stuff so I don’t have to waste time doing it!
Asheron’s Call 2 (not that most people would remember it) had a wonderful function to turn loot into gold instantly wherever you were. It really cut down on having to drop what you were doing and run to a merchant. You could look at the loot, decide if you wanted something, and gold the rest – it was so easy…
Maybe we could have an item that eats minor sigils: when 250 sigils of each tier (except exotic tier) has been eaten by this item, we can then sell a new item called conglomerate sigils, that is worth 1g to the merchant.
Give us an “open all” option. That’s all I ask for.
Opening bags day after day is tiresome.
Give us an “open all” option. That’s all I ask for.
Opening bags day after day is tiresome.
I made a macro on my mouse that I bound to a button I don’t use. All it does is press left mouse click 10x with a 10ms delay. Life saver.
Uh you CAN turn off auto loot, it adds the option to turn it on or off in the esc menus.
Uh you CAN turn off auto loot, it adds the option to turn it on or off in the esc menus.
Pretty sure they want the loot, just not the amount of clicking to open all the boxes, and get rid of the vendor-only sigils after doing so. I sure do.
Give us an “open all” option. That’s all I ask for.
Opening bags day after day is tiresome.I made a macro on my mouse that I bound to a button I don’t use. All it does is press left mouse click 10x with a 10ms delay. Life saver.
Please how do I do this?
And is it considered bannable?
Yeah, I’m really not onboard with the idea of auto-gathering, auto-salvage or auto-etc.
Auto-salvage is just asking for trouble, and I can only imagine the nightmare of a headache that would be for Anet Support. Take a moment and think about how many players accidentally salvage the wrong thing and put in a support ticket asking to fix their mistake, and then imagine that they implemented a system which salvages everything for you immediately and how many support tickets that system would generate. No thank you.
And auto-gathering? Really? I completely understand that you don’t want to spend the time running around a map farming wood, ore, and plant nodes, but surely you must see how ridiculous this idea is.
Based on your requests, it sounds as though you would also be a fan of allowing AFK farming with necros and rangers. They shouldn’t have to spend their valuable time actually killing mobs to get loot, right? They should be allowed to just park their characters somewhere and let the loot roll in? Surely you see the problem here. The same problem applies to your idea of auto-gathering.
I do understand the lore proposition and logic behind Asuran technology being used to go out in the world and harvest materials, and I wouldn’t doubt that in the game lore this might actually already be a thing, but in practice this wouldn’t have positive effects on the economy and would actually encourage more players to not go out into lower level or mid level maps to farm those mid tier materials.
I could go on but I’m sure you get my point.
Give us an “open all” option. That’s all I ask for.
Opening bags day after day is tiresome.I made a macro on my mouse that I bound to a button I don’t use. All it does is press left mouse click 10x with a 10ms delay. Life saver.
Please how do I do this?
And is it considered bannable?
Unless I’m mistaken, macros are only accepted when they replicate one key press for one action. Anything more than that and it would be an actionable offense if caught. That means that pressing a single mouse button to automatically replicate 10 or more double-clicks would fall outside the ToS and thus be a “bannable” offense.
I’d say it’s probably good practice to avoid using macros at all. The only time macros are officially allowed are when they are used for playing music with musical instruments. To my knowledge, this is the only situation in which Anet has officially stated that macro use is allowed.
Most we could hope for is a “delete all type” option (much like the “salvage all type option”).
Give us an “open all” option. That’s all I ask for.
Opening bags day after day is tiresome.I made a macro on my mouse that I bound to a button I don’t use. All it does is press left mouse click 10x with a 10ms delay. Life saver.
Please how do I do this?
And is it considered bannable?
We can’t tell you how to do that, because discussing things that are against the ToS on the forums is not allowed.
It’s violating the “one hardware action, one in-game action” rule in the ToS, so yes, it’s bannable. Will you be banned for it? …we can’t say for sure, but it seems unlikely, given the relative significance of this.
Give us an “open all” option. That’s all I ask for.
Opening bags day after day is tiresome.I made a macro on my mouse that I bound to a button I don’t use. All it does is press left mouse click 10x with a 10ms delay. Life saver.
Please how do I do this?
And is it considered bannable?We can’t tell you how to do that, because discussing things that are against the ToS on the forums is not allowed.
It’s violating the “one hardware action, one in-game action” rule in the ToS, so yes, it’s bannable. Will you be banned for it? …we can’t say for sure, but it seems unlikely, given the relative significance of this.
I’ve been using it since they introduced luck without introducing a “consume all” option. They finally introduce “consume all” to luck but not to all the other crap we need to left click on like idiots.
From Anet’s own post on macros:
" Our general policy is that anything that gives advantage is forbidden; anything that imbalances the game in favor of one player over another is strictly disallowed. With that said, we are aware that some utilities help players without impacting others, that is, they do not give anyone an advantage over someone else. "
(edited by TorsoReaper.8530)
They’re worth the effort to me. I’m sure I’ve probably vendored thousands of major and minor sigils over the years. Even at 1 silver each for the major sigils, that’s a good chunk of gold.
For me, I find I get quite a bit more selling the Majors and Superiors on the TP — even if some languish for a while or don’t sell — than I would with a system that auto-vendored them. And it takes me about 2 seconds to vendor the Minors. If I can’t spare 2 seconds, I shouldn’t be taking time to play.
Some stuff is hard to code in, some stuff is extremely easy. This can be done in a day.
You really have no way of calculating the time required for such an implementation within our game code, nor do you know our prioritizations. Please avoid stating an opinion, speculation, or guess as a “fact.”
You forgot the Auto Play mastery. Just build a golem that plays the game for us. We can then login once a year to see how we’re doing.
You made me smile, but there’s a nugget in truth in there.
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
TorsoReaper — it would be argued, I think, that any third-party program or system that expedites an in-game process might be seen as giving a player an advantage over another. If two players are farming, and one is going through the process as intended, and taking XX amount of time, while the second is using a bot or macro that free them up to resume farming, isn’t there an inherant “advantage” in that time-saving system?
I don’t use an auto-clicker. I clicked 10,000 times 2 in Guild Wars (the original) to gain two titles. I did that because while using an auto-clicker would have cut the time I spent by a huge amount, I figured spending the time was part of earning the title.
Just my two cents.
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
TorsoReaper — it would be argued, I think, that any third-party program or system that expedites an in-game process might be seen as giving a player an advantage over another. If two players are farming, and one is going through the process as intended, and taking XX amount of time, while the second is using a bot or macro that free them up to resume farming, isn’t there an inherant “advantage” in that time-saving system?
I don’t use an auto-clicker. I clicked 10,000 times 2 in Guild Wars (the original) to gain two titles. I did that because while using an auto-clicker would have cut the time I spent by a huge amount, I figured spending the time was part of earning the title.
Just my two cents.
I always read that post as “don’t use macros to cast spells and slaughter people in PVP or auto farm instances” rather than simple QOL improvements to keep my carpal tunnel from flaring up. If you think I should stop, I will stop. You have access to better information than I do.
You forgot the Auto Play mastery. Just build a golem that plays the game for us. We can then login once a year to see how we’re doing.
You made me smile, but there’s a nugget in truth in there.
Clearly, this is the future of MMOs, beating all others: http://progressquest.com/
It’s obviously an indie, though, not an AAA game like gw2 is. You’d have a much shinier progress bar if anet released it!
TorsoReaper — it would be argued, I think, that any third-party program or system that expedites an in-game process might be seen as giving a player an advantage over another. If two players are farming, and one is going through the process as intended, and taking XX amount of time, while the second is using a bot or macro that free them up to resume farming, isn’t there an inherant “advantage” in that time-saving system?
I don’t use an auto-clicker. I clicked 10,000 times 2 in Guild Wars (the original) to gain two titles. I did that because while using an auto-clicker would have cut the time I spent by a huge amount, I figured spending the time was part of earning the title.
Just my two cents.
I always read that post as “don’t use macros to cast spells and slaughter people in PVP or auto farm instances” rather than simple QOL improvements to keep my carpal tunnel from flaring up. If you think I should stop, I will stop. You have access to better information than I do.
And see, you make a very good point. Time savings is very different, indeed, than having a combat advantage. I’m with you on the CPS situation — I thought my hand was going to fall off with the titles I got. I can’t say “go ahead” for the use of any third-party program, but we did expand the official messaging for clarity, which may address the differences here.
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
Gaile, we should have an in-game tool to facilitate opening boxes as it may result in health issues to some people with RSI or other things.
Option to multi-click macros:
Not something I’ve done myself, but I’ve read some posters here and in other games binding their mouse wheel to left click. Scrolling will then produce a rapid series of clicks, so can work through a stack pretty fast and should, from what I can figure out, not be in danger of violating the “one keypress = one action” rule, as each tick of the wheel is a single hardware action.
Technically there is a way to semi-“auto-salvage” gear and loot if you right click your salvage kits. I told my fiance about it and he went from whining about having to salvage everything to going right back out to farm so he could play with the auto-salvage button again.
As for the auto-selling…is it really that big a deal to find a random merchant on the map or (if you have one) go to the guild hall and sell things off? And auto-gathering sounds more like a cheat code to me than playing the game as intended.
There is way to much garbage drops in the game and no way to easily manage your limited inventory. Perhaps a ‘sell-junk’ option that’s always available from your inventory form instead of having to find a merchant.
Since Gaile is here reading this, I’d like to reiterate my suggestion to make all runes/sigils salvageable into their base components (including a chance at the rare crafting mats).
This would prevent them from being worthless or clogging up inventory.
I’d be happy enough if we had an “Open All” option in containers, that opened a little panel with a progress bar, a number box, and buttons to “Open” the number of bags chose, “Open All” bags until the inventory fills or "Cancel.
It won’t be as fast as when you Consume All, and you still have to manage the inventory and having more inventory space is still better, but at least you won’t have to destroy your mouse to open the stuff.
You know, like when you craft.
There is way to much garbage drops in the game and no way to easily manage your limited inventory. Perhaps a ‘sell-junk’ option that’s always available from your inventory form instead of having to find a merchant.
SWTOR was quite comfortable in that regard. You could send your companion away anytime you wanted to sell your junk drops. It took them – I think – 30 seconds as default.
And see, you make a very good point. Time savings is very different, indeed, than having a combat advantage. I’m with you on the CPS situation — I thought my hand was going to fall off with the titles I got.
I can’t say “go ahead” for the use of any third-party program, but we did expand the official messaging for clarity, which may address the differences here.
How about a comment on the OPs original point about the ridiculousness of the loot structures. Its beyond a joke at this point.
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro
Technically there is a way to semi-“auto-salvage” gear and loot if you right click your salvage kits. I told my fiance about it and he went from whining about having to salvage everything to going right back out to farm so he could play with the auto-salvage button again.
As for the auto-selling…is it really that big a deal to find a random merchant on the map or (if you have one) go to the guild hall and sell things off? And auto-gathering sounds more like a cheat code to me than playing the game as intended.
I guess I forgot you can do that with kits. I sure do it daily with my Copper- and Silver-Fed Salvage-o-Matics. (Why I put off buying those things is beyond me, btw!) Anyway, with a right click, I’m noticing a huge savings in time and it’s fun as heck to count the goodies fly by as I go through a batch.
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
Hmm, that there is technically Auto-Salvage through Kits is new to me … has this been added somewhen recently within the last year, because I know, when I became inactive last year after Wintersday there surely didn’t exist that function, or even if, it was so unknown and not well explained that it exists at all…
However… other QoL are just neccessary and if Anet would finally integrate the one or other thing of the stuff we request here, then there would be also NO NEED at all for any third party solutions ect peopel talk about, like Auto Clickers, if ANet would implement just finally a proper “open all” solution that is officially part of the game and by this useable by everyone, so that NOBODY can have any “time advantage” over others, making from then on that silly arguement obsolete, because from the moment on, where this QoL would be part of the game, people would not need anymore to use any third program solutions anymore to save themself time and rather save their HAND HEALTH, which is alot more important!!
People demand for these simple and small, but very effective quality of life improvements not for no reason since release of the game by now!!!
People is their health very important, same as much as not having to waste unneccessary time, due to certain game mechanics being very unripe and not well thought out.
An auto Gathring Golem Feature through an Mastery surely would find its users in the game, if Anet would add it, especially when both methods of going gathering self, or lettign the Golem do it for you have both their own PRO’s and CON’s which balance themself out.
People know very well, how long they need to do a Gathering Run for a Map by now and how much Materials they will get out of a Map Run per Character.
Its not so, as if all this would still be unknown after all the years. and Anet surely also has their statistics/metrics about it, how much people farm materials approximately a day.
If players had to wait for the Golem’s Return basically 24h, I’M sure pretty alot of people wouldn’t want to wait so long on the Golem, and just go gather stuff self…
But the casual players, which just have no time for gathering surely wold be totaly happy about siuch a feature, if they could send off their loyal Gathering Golem at work for them and when they come bakc and login again like a week later or more, see in login a notification, that their Gathering Golem has returned for them with the stuff he gathered meanwhile for you, until its Maximum Inventory Limit has been reached or it ran out of Gathering Tool Charges.
Something like that doesn’t turn GW2 instantly into “Auto Play” – thats ridiculous nonsense and anybody who believes in that sees things like material gathering way too hidebound than it is good for that person.
Everybody should care less about it, if other people use this feature, or not if it would exist.
It’s something, that everybody would have to decide for themself personally, if they are willing to use such a feature, or not.
The only fact is – if you run self, you will be quicker done with the gathering.
If you let the Golem run, it will take significantly longer, but you have therefore the QoL of saving the time for doing something else, like helping at WvW, or helping some friends in fractals ect. instad of running like an idiot in circles for materials or standing around and waiting on it, until after ages the crafting UI has done the job for you, while you can’t do ANYTHING else meanwhile, which is also somethign that a Golem could take over for you, if you learned the Mastery to construct one for that task.
Thats how I do still see it.
Auto Gathering would be just an alternative, not an replacement!
These things, alongside with other QoL for better inventory management are long overdue, and I’m pretty sure, that there woudl be also alot of people willing to pay for one or another of these thigns, if they would just find their way as “Account Upgrades” via Gemstore into the game, like for example the feature of “Auto Salvaging, Auto Selling and Auto Deposit to Chest”*
As these kind of things could be totally optional and if anybody would use thse features, the risk of usign them is at the player – so players should have no point in “complaining” at the Support that somethign happened out of their own stupidity, if they accidently salvaged something automatically or sold something accidently.
For auto Sell theres a quick solution – run to the next vendor and look under the Sell Windo, so that you can rebuy your Auto Sold Stuff from there, as long as you didn’t log off from the game before.
For Auto Salvaging, there is just the principle of prevention that saves peopel from accidental salvages – just “mark” items only, as Auto Salvage, if you trully are sure, you want to get that item automaticalyl salvaged, as long you don’t unmark and remove it from the “Auto Salvage Setting List” you will find under the Options Menu then.
If peopel should be really so dumb to accidently auto salvage something they didn’t wanted to get auto salvage,d then they shouldn’t have clicked on the mark icon to activate the Auto Salvage Function – who can read is CLEARLY AT ADVANTAGE!
If it really must be evne, then could Anet even add to the auto Salvage function on the Mak Icon a Request Window Function, which always asks people first – if they TRULY want to mark the item for auto salvage, just so that peopel get first a chance to activate their brains, before they click to quickly rolleyes
How do you know it’s a simple feature to implement?
And, no to bots/golems that play the game for you.
Part 1:
Come on, what can be so seriously so complicated on an Auto Sell feature? Or on an Auto Deposit to Chest?
The mechanics are all already there. Anet needs to link them just to a programmed automatism that the player needs to be able to configurate, so that the game knows when and how it has to use the automatism onto which items and in case of Auto Deposit, where it has to put the items from your Inventory – > into chest as long there is free space and a pop up message, that tells you when Auto Deposit stops due to having no free space anymore, so that the player gets informed about it, that you have to clean up first a bit your Accoutn Chest, before the game can auto deposit for you again. Should be just logical…
Auto Gathering is no botting! seriously… please think first, before you declare prematurely something as botting.
Bots are programs from outside of the game, with the intention to control basically everythign for you.
Peopel which use them get banned, because they have a singificant advantage over other people, if they use them, because the bots do even all the work for them, while the real person sleeps, not stting at the PC at all.
Auto Salvaging is something completely different. Its a Feature, that if linked to a Mastery is first only accessible to you, if you learned first naturally the Mastery.
Additionally to that works Auto Gathering only, if you send out a Golem for you.
Using Auto Gathering is essentially nothing else than a time gated quality of life mechanic that leats you receive Materials after X amount of time, like for example after 24h. You will always get from such a feature only a specific amount of Materials – namely so much as the Golem can maximum carry for you – which is lesser than a player can carry
A player will gather materials in 24 hours much more efficiently and will have switched through multiple characters and farmed with them all all multiple maps.
A player, who runs self will gain at the end alot more Materials in the time it needs the Golem to do the run for you.
So for super high active farming players is such a feature not interesting.
It’s interesting for people only, which have nearly no time to play and don’t want to waste the time they have to play with Material Grind, but rather with something that is meaningful and that is actually the content of the game, like WvW & Co.
For people that don’t have the time, nor the interest in power farming materials would be Auto Gathering a godsend, which would allow the peopel to get at least slowly also Materials, while focusing their time they have onto the things, that make fun for them.
In the end is GW2 still promoted as Game, which allows its players to play it, how they want. Would a Auto Gathering Feature literally FORCE you ever to use it? NO – especially not, if you know, that you are more effective, if you do the job still self!!
Well, minor sigils and runes really aren’t worth the effort to anyone who has a max level character. There are thousands of them sitting on the TP which nobody wants to buy. I’d like to be able to add them to the “junk” list, but that’s just a personal wish and would probably take too many resources to properly code into the game. Guess I’ll just have to live with manually selling them off to the vendors.
You’re welcome to send them all to me! I’d love to receive them! Please feel free!
Part 2:
Like said, it would be only a small alternative for players, not a replacement for doing from then on nothing self anymore in the game >.<.
Active players wouldn’t care for Auto Gathering
But casual players do.
A casual player could care less about it, if they have to wait a day on the Golem’s return, if they login into the game after the send out first again in like a week later. Whas the waiting on that moment in th meanwhile botting? NO
Because you didn’t use in the meantime any kind of third party program that used your character all the time logged in, while you were away.
Auto Gathering is simply said no usage of a third party program that you could call as Botting. So please refrain from using this term when talking about Auto Gathering.
You call also not Auto Looting botting, or ??? Its also same as much an Ingame Feature, learned and activated through a Mastery, as like Auto Gathering could work the same way, just with the difference, that it is handled through a Golem NPC, that you need to send out to make usage of it, while Auto Looting is just only a simple mechanic that requires no NPCs for it.
Auto-loot is nothing like sending an automated ‘golem’ out to play for you. Geez.
I have to admit, I only skim your posts, as they are so long, and repetitive. Sorry. Fewer words, and less repeating the same thought, over and over, might gain more views. Just a friendly suggestion. Take it, or leave it, of course.
Good luck.
No, my posts are in this case so long, because I have something, that you don’t – arguements, which I try to explain out of different views to make my standpoint better understandable.
You just don’t realize, how similar both mechanics are with the only difference between both being, that Auto Looting is just an ingame mechanic, which puts directly all loot you gain into your inventory – an automatic mechanism, which in this case doesn’t need a NPC to be started by the CPU.
But Auto Gathering is an automatic mechanism, which is this case needs a NPC to be started to let it work as an Ingame Feature.
This and Botting are two completely different pairs of shoes!
However, I realize when I hit on deaf ears, so discussing this further with you here is pointless, if there is no interest in the discussion.
If there is anybody here with arguements and explanations why he/she is exactly against Auto Gathering, I’m ready for discussion, other than saying only Auto Gathering = Botting /facepalm
As I understand your argument
Bottling would be sending out an NPC to gather loot for you while you’re not playing the game.
Autogather would be sending out an NPC to gather loot for you while you’re not playing the game. The difference is that the game hands you the NPC to do your gathering while getting loot through unattended gameplay.
Obviously a benefit to the individual players but why would ANet want it? It’s afk farming by another name/method.
Edit: this would especially benefit those with multiple alt accounts. Over time this would more than pay for upgrading accounts from core to HoT. They play on their regular main account and once a day log in to each of their alt accounts to pick up several hundred ore, plants and logs. There’s one player who posts on the forum who has 30 accounts. He’d be raking it in with his 29 alt accounts gathering all that loot for him.
ANet may give it to you.
(edited by Just a flesh wound.3589)
Wouldn’t Auto gathering pretty much destroy the economy in the game ?
From botting you have ingame advantages, because its just a program in the background of GW2, that knows no borders.. its 24/7 active and farms for you unendlessly long, until either you got detected and banned, or until you deactivate/close the program, so that the bot stops doing its actions for you, while you needed to be never at the PC doing anything at all. Thats Botting 101.
For Auto Gathering you need to be online to use and activate it, its no program that you can simply start from outside of the game to let it control all the movements and things your character does from then on, while you are never at the PC.
Like described has Auto Gathering unlike Botting its limits, that are free to decide by Anet.
Shoudl it be able to use every 24h, or every 72 or maybe every week only once, thats totally free to decide by Anet how they see fit.
Then theres the described requirement of having to learn first the Mastery, for that you need to play the game, get the Mastery Points and the Exp first, until you are able to unlock that feature, where meanwhile you could bot farm 24/7 already if you wanted, or do that manually as you should do better if you want to keep your account ^^
You can call it afk farming, but it surely is not botting. However, prsonalyl i have absolutely nothign against limited gameplay integrated “afk farming”, if that just allows you as casual player to use the tiem you have with meaningful game content, instead of havign to run in circles for thousands of time till you have all the materials you need to get something done, if that could be also be done as quality of life feature for you by your self made gathering golem every now and then at least, so that you don’t have to do it always by yourself.
Why would we/Anet want it you ask?
Simple, because it could be used as also a Gold Sink for the peopel that are for the moment too lazy to run self and gather stuff, some kind of Maintenance Cost of the Golem Gathering Service has to be there. Our little helper can get also attacked while being on tour for us – we need to repair it
We need to organize still the Gathering Tools for the Golem. They don’t come in for free.
So these Gathering Tools become again a better money sink, which Permanent Gathering Tools keeps on lowering, so more people use them over time and need not to buy normal Tools anymore.
If someone with a gazillion accounts is willign to manage all this extra hassle for more optimized material income from the Gathering Golems, then so be it, its thats players free choice to do so. Would still be alot lesser of a chore, than to grind with all characters of 30+ accounts all maps and to have to change after you are doen with one character permanently to the next one, until you are finally done with all of your accounts >.> Don’t you think that too?
It’s quicker managed to send out 30x a Gathering Golem, than to farm manually with like 30+ times lets say 10 characters a map. That would be then quickly if all accounts have average 10 characters 300 Farming Runs for just a single map.
Who is please so crazy to do that on one day??? Show me that person please, and I draw my non existing hat in respect of him/her!!
@ Lou:
No, if it’s bonded to Gold Sinks and limited to the times of usage and had long enough waiting times for the Golem’s Return. A player running self and doing the job, will always be more efficient in gathering, than using a Gatherign Golem.
The Golem is just a Comfort Service, which you can take, but you have not to do so if you don’t want to, which gives you simple for the moment you use it the quality of life, that you get after some time materials, without having to run on maps in circles, while being able to do in that time somethign else in the game that is actual Game Content.
Adding Auto Gathering will bring to GW2 the positive side effect, that you will most likely see more people then more oftenly helping at WvW, Fractals ect. at times, where they eventually would usuallly make otherwise their Material Farming Routes at that time first and take away that way in PvE other players the spots in the maps away, which are willing to participate in the events ect. instead of grinding around in the map for materials.
(edited by Orpheal.8263)
Like afk farming it would ruin the economy if all you had to do once you set it up and get hundreads of logs, ore and plants just for logging in for 2 seconds.
There’s a reason why ANet doesn’t allow either botting or afk farming. They want people to be out there playing the game. This suggestion is afk farming/botting by another name. It would be harmful to the game. The game would not be helped by having legal farming bots running around the maps. Games filled with bots, legal or not, get a bad reputation and ANet would lose sales from people who wouldn’t want to play in a bot filled game where the people who use these bots get an economic advantage.
ANet may give it to you.