the in game store

the in game store

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RenjiRyudo.3154


Hello people from arena net and my fellow GW2 players I like to know if you must keep purchasing these transmog tokens even though a costume is already unlocked cause the way it seems now is I have to purchase new tokens if I wish to alter my looks in the game I used gems to pay for certain outfits if this true what I am saying does that mean that I must keep buying tokens if I wish costumes changed??

shouldn’t that be free seeing as i already paid money for said costume or skin ?

the in game store

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Galeskyring.9617


Outfits once bought cost nothing, you plug them in above your armor in the wardrobe unlike armor skins which DO cost charges to alter.

Honor, Kindness, Patience, are Virtues; Virtues are practiced~ Loyalty & respect are earned

Regard others as you would normally, the internet is not justification for mistreating others

the in game store

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RenjiRyudo.3154


Ah so that’s how it works alright that explains allot for me thanks allot man

the in game store

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Galeskyring.9617


No problem enjoy your outfitting

Honor, Kindness, Patience, are Virtues; Virtues are practiced~ Loyalty & respect are earned

Regard others as you would normally, the internet is not justification for mistreating others

the in game store

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Behellagh.1468


There are outfits and there are armor skins. Outfits hide the armor and cost nothing to change into, out of or between.

Armor skin sets alter the look of armor permanently and to change the look it’ll cost you a transmutation charge per piece. A six piece armor skin set will have one free change per piece. To change them to another look will cost additional transmutation charges.

Transmutation charges can be gotten for free a number of ways, the easiest is map completion of each of the 6 city maps. You can also get them fairly easily, so I’m told, from PvP.

Also the wiki is your friend.

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(edited by Behellagh.1468)