the new ascended trinkets for non-raiders?
They’ve said it’s coming with the next living story update.
So July/Aug. As it was predicted to be at the end of Q3
It is one of the perks/rewards for raiding, I would assume not.
I would have to disagree Gator. Making a core mechanic reward only available via hardcore content is not how ANet generally does things. I would expect they will be made available in some other fashion in the future.
They’ve said it’s coming with the next living story update.
So July/Aug. As it was predicted to be at the end of Q3
In other words, don’t hold your breath.
delicate, brick-like subtlety.
You will get access 6 mos. later.
That’s what you get for not fighting The White Mantle.
It’s a privilege that only people that do successful raids have access to. What’s the point in doing raids if it there isn’t something material that separates hardcores vs casuals? Seeing that Anet is putting quite a lot of effort into raids, I don’t see those items trickling down to casuals anytime soon. In fact, the disparity will probably get bigger in later releases. Most likely, a new stat spread will be introduced which makes stuff like viper’s obsolete.
(edited by Asumita.2174)
It’s a privilege that only people that do successful raids have access to. What’s the point in doing raids if it there isn’t something material that separates hardcores vs casuals?
The point of it being fun? Of raiders saying they wanted a challenge? And denying that it’s all just for the big loot?
But please, let’s hear more about the “privilege” that the elite should have. Other than access to Legendary armor and the only content we’ve seen in months, that is. Tell us more of why this should be just for the raiders.
delicate, brick-like subtlety.
It’s a privilege that only people that do successful raids have access to. What’s the point in doing raids if it there isn’t something material that separates hardcores vs casuals?
The point of it being fun? Of raiders saying they wanted a challenge? And denying that it’s all just for the big loot?
But please, let’s hear more about the “privilege” that the elite should have. Other than access to Legendary armor and the only content we’ve seen in months, that is. Tell us more of why this should be just for the raiders.
lol hold on, just being sarcastic here. I’m one of those “casuals” locked out of the ascended trinkets I need. I find it asinine that many raid guilds do ascended gear/build checks (trinkets and weapons) but some of those trinkets are locked behind the raid. So if I want them, I need to re-spec my gear and play a build I don’t like. Kinda goes against the manifesto of the game… “GW2 doesn’t fall into the traps of traditional MMORPGs. It doesn’t suck your life away and force you onto a grinding treadmill; it doesn’t make you spend hours preparing to have fun rather than just having fun…”
(edited by Asumita.2174)
lol hold on, just being sarcastic here. I’m one of those “casuals” locked out of the ascended trinkets I need. I find it asinine that many raid guilds do ascended gear/build checks (trinkets and weapons) but some of those trinkets are locked behind the raid. So if I want them, I need to re-spec my gear and play a build I don’t like. Kinda goes against the manifesto of the game… “GW2 doesn’t fall into the traps of traditional MMORPGs. It doesn’t suck your life away and force you onto a grinding treadmill; it doesn’t make you spend hours preparing to have fun rather than just having fun…”
That’s not a problem created by GW2 game design. That’s a problem created by player elitism and lack of creativity nurtured by other games’ bad game design.
Fight the power!
(edited by EphemeralWallaby.7643)
lol hold on, just being sarcastic here. I’m one of those “casuals” locked out of the ascended trinkets I need. I find it asinine that many raid guilds do ascended gear/build checks (trinkets and weapons) but some of those trinkets are locked behind the raid. So if I want them, I need to re-spec my gear and play a build I don’t like. Kinda goes against the manifesto of the game… “GW2 doesn’t fall into the traps of traditional MMORPGs. It doesn’t suck your life away and force you onto a grinding treadmill; it doesn’t make you spend hours preparing to have fun rather than just having fun…”
Ah, sorry. I caught some raid-elitism from an unexpected direction recently, and it has me a bit upset. ANet hiding possibly important plot behind the raids was just icing on the cake. I may be a tad bit sensitive on the subject at the moment.
delicate, brick-like subtlety.
Its bizarre that if you wan’t to play a condi build you have to arbitrarily jump through extra hoops that would not be required if you went power. I am generally happy with the game but the way new stats are handled irritates me greatly.
Those stats on trinkets will be coming in the living world updates
Those stats on trinkets will be coming in the living world updates
This latest patch sort of just killed me for this. Good to know there are other ways. Hopefully not as difficult as getting the amulet from the mordremoth story boss lag wise. Though I’d rather get the HOT trinkets from raid if I can find a raid guild from my time zone because raid has a currency and can be used to buy many things. And I have a feeling this currency is replacing other currencies gradually. As long as I do not have this currency, I feel I like a new player that will never progress. Might as well just gg now if there is no hope in the future. Most of these trinkets I think are for wvw, so you wonder why people don’t wvw now.
Those stats on trinkets will be coming in the living world updates
This latest patch sort of just killed me for this. Good to know there are other ways. Hopefully not as difficult as getting the amulet from the mordremoth story boss lag wise. Though I’d rather get the HOT trinkets from raid if I can find a raid guild from my time zone because raid has a currency and can be used to buy many things. And I have a feeling this currency is replacing other currencies gradually. As long as I do not have this currency, I feel I like a new player that will never progress. Might as well just gg now if there is no hope in the future. Most of these trinkets I think are for wvw, so you wonder why people don’t wvw now.
These magnetite shards, only available through raids, are also also pointing to an ominous direction of raid-specific items. I just don’t have the time to wait around or look for members to do raids and then failing. Might be easier if the raid scales down with the number of people on your team to a point where it’s actually beatable… There are ways to co-exist with raids, but the current direction it’s going is not a good sign.