too much loot! click wars!

too much loot! click wars!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jordy.1570


we r beeing flooded by useless loot. it feels like im spending more time sorting out my inventory than im actually playing. once u sold everything u open boxes and your invetory is full again…..
anets tries everything to keep us busy with nonsense.
like clicking firework 100 times to get an achievement.
so many big stacks that consume a lot of time….
why is there so much loot? we dont need jugs with karma and 5 different types + gold loot + gold bags + salvaging stuff….
its coming to a point where its just ridicolous how much time i need to spend for opening stuff….
i believe its on purpose to flood our inventoris so we need to buy stuff from the gemshop…. everything implemented feels like there was the idea involved how they force us to buy things from the gemshop.
if there is so much loot there is the need of a big inventory that u need to buy thtough the gemshop…. and if u look at gemprices…. noone wants to spend their hard earned gold. so ppl rather buy gems for cash….

i see what u r doing….. shame on u….. horrible marketing model… its fooling ppl…. your intention of developing stuff is wrong

too much loot! click wars!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: xephire.8324


Bought the game.Limit bank slots,character slots…….Force you to use the gem shop……………..They should have at least be generous enough to allocate more space.

too much loot! click wars!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Amadan.9451


and we have a wallet now, can you imagine how it was back than with all dungeon tokens and fractal relics and badges of honor?

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too much loot! click wars!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jordy.1570


and we have a wallet now, can you imagine how it was back than with all dungeon tokens and fractal relics and badges of honor?

yes, but on the other hand we get more useless stuff we need to store that fills the places we just won through the wallet.