very sad
Just forum roam, that’s what I do when I don’t have access to my computer.
But I’m sorry for your loss <\3
Sell old video games you might have, find some odd jobs, skip some trips to a fast food joint, sell other odds and ends you may have on eBay, buy your new card. You might be surprised that you can draw the money together sooner than later.
(edited by JustTrogdor.7892)
You don’t really need a high end card to play GW2. You can look on Kijiji or Ebay for a good used card. Is the card still under warranty?
intel 335 180gb/intel 320 160gb WD 3TB Gigabyte GTX G1 970 XFX XXX750W HAF 932
How did it go bad?
Did it overheat and now you get pixelated images? If so you may be able to save it for a bit.
Just like the heatgun fix and oven fix for the PS3 and Xbox, you can reflow your graphics card.
Just dismantle it all, taking off all burnable and meltable parts and heat the processor.
Here’s one of many videos on youtube:
I did this with my old 9800GT, had to reflow a couple of time every few months when I was still gaming with it, still overheats with intensive gaming.
Currently in the family PC which doesnt see much gaming, and been running for well over 18 months now without having to reflow again.
So try this if this is the issue with your card. BUT when you play use lower graphics setting to reduce the chance of it overheating again.
Oh and if you are a new to such things, do not forget to add new thermal paste. And unlike this guy dont place the card upside down, you dont want components to accidentally fall off the board.
Remember to buy the officially endorsed GW2 Steel Series Keyboard, it supports macros!
WvW, we only care if it affects the servers we play on.
(edited by Omaris Mortuus Est.2738)
well saved up 30 dollars to go to graphic card fund but my dad took it for beer money
well saved up 30 dollars to go to graphic card fund but my dad took it for beer money
Do you live in a decent neighborhood? Find the nicest old lady with yard work to do. They pay well generally
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
well saved up 30 dollars to go to graphic card fund but my dad took it for beer money
It sounds like your problems have deeper roots than simply the death of your graphics card.
Stormbluff Isle [AoD]
My son’s PC has a fifty dollar GeForce that runs GW2 at about 25-30 fps with medium settings, the CPU is a Duo Core running at 3.3 Ghz. I hope it doesn’t take 6 months for you to get enough scratch to pay for a decent card.
Selling beer to your dad looks like a sound investment.
my pc graphic card went bad .so now im using on board video chip cant play gw2 with that.cant afford new card going to have to save up it might take me 6 months to save the money.what can i do till then im addictived to gw2 getting withdraws.
Read GW2 Wiki
Sell old video games you might have, find some odd jobs, skip some trips to a fast food joint, sell other odds and ends you may have on eBay, buy your new card. You might be surprised that you can draw the money together sooner than later.
Sorry for your lost, and what he said
[Aeon of Wonder]
Maguuma Server