Ask help of a mesmer willing to port you up with a portal.
i tryed the the last time i played it i was stood around for ages wait till someone would. wonder if they was anyother way. as i got fred up last time and thats why i gave up playing it.
If you are in EU, you can probably contact me ingame as I can most likely help
I main a mesmer on EU server.
Add me to your friend list or whisper me in game, usually on 5.30pm gmt +
My account name is here or character name TikTakTot
I will be more than willing to help.
I’ve got a mesmer and I’m on a NA server. I can hop in game most evenings and some mornings. Just leave a message in here and I’ll definitely get it. Also level a message for where you need to get the vista for as my mesmer doesn’t have 100% map completion yet.
I have a mesmer on NA. I’m online randomly throughout the day. If I’m on I’d ba happy to help!
ty to everyone i have just finished up loading it and me and granddaughter r looking forward to playing again. TY so much i will be adding u all