wanna try gw1, need advices..

wanna try gw1, need advices..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: oloap.9765


hi guys,
after all this gw2 playing, i eventually got bored a bit, and all those flks telling me to change game made me think that ther’s no better game to try than gw1.
i was looking to the website and with all those expansions and stuff i cannot understand what i need to buy in order to play decently.
i mean should i buy the game + all the expansion? how much would it cost to me?
craziest thing is that i need two licenses coz my gf isgonna follow me too.
i’m doing this because every time i read something about gw1 i have no idea of what’s that about and i want to actually make use of that hall of monuments.

i wanna try gw1, is enough the game or i need all expansion because all ppl stil playing plays expansion exclusive content?

i do this also because i prefer to give anet som money this way and not on rng crappy skins stuff

(edited by oloap.9765)

wanna try gw1, need advices..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheDaiBish.9735


You could get one of the Campaigns and Eye of the North (you don’t need Prophecies, Nightfall and Factions in order to play Eye of the North, just one of them)

If you enjoy them then, you’d prolly be able to pick the other two up cheap. There’s also a bundle pack with all three campaigns which will save you some money.

If you’re going to just get one though, I’d get Nightfall because it has Heroes (customisable, micromanagable companions), making it a bit easier to progress through than with Henchmen.

Life is a journey.
Time is a river.
The door is ajar.

(edited by TheDaiBish.9735)

wanna try gw1, need advices..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tosha Daydreamer.9251

Tosha Daydreamer.9251

Most interesting storylines imo
Pre-searing ascalon

It takes the most time before you reach level 20

The assassin was one of the most fun classes ingame
Alliance battles

Kaineng. Beautiful, but I got lost every. single. time.
Bland storyline

You’ll be level 20 in no time

The story, though it’s still better than GW2’s story

You’ll need Eye of the North if you want access to the hall of monuments (which gives some nice stuff for GW2). I would recommend Prophecies + EOTN. You’ll learn the most of the lore that way, at least the stuff that matters for GW2. If you have some money left over, after that I would buy Factions first (for the assassin) and Nightfall last. Unless you want to get to level 20 really, really fast, then Nightfall first and Factions last, but reaching max level isnt that important anyway.

Treat this game not as an MMO, but as a single player game with multiplayer options. I would not call it dead yet, but it’s a shadow now of what it used to be, and you won’t find PUGs for most areas.

And expect a totally, TOTALLY different game than GW2. It has some of the same vibe, but the playstyle is so different that I now have trouble with the controls whenever I go back to GW1.

And if you get the chance: try the PvP. Especially GvG, but you’ll need a guild for that.

wanna try gw1, need advices..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

If you really want to support ArenaNet, you will want to buy from here: http://www.guildwars.com/products/default.php

Best of luck in Tyria Past! =)

wanna try gw1, need advices..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vol.5241


GW1 is not an MMO so be careful :|

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wanna try gw1, need advices..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mimir.4690


You will need to get Prophecies (as it is the base game), but it also helps with your understanding of the game’s primary lore. Prophecies is massive and will keep you busy for a while. If you are interested in the Hall of Monuments rewards, then you will also want to get Eye of the North.

With all of that said, my favorite expansion pack was Nightfall because of the introduction of Heroes.

Have fun with Guild Wars 1!

wanna try gw1, need advices..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ophidic.1279


I started with nightfall, and enjoyed factions lots.
I would recommend getting Eye of the North no matter what campaign you start with.

Elyl Jrend

wanna try gw1, need advices..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: oloap.9765


ok, i gave a look at the website
if i get this:

and one of the expansion like prophecies nightfall or faactions right?

prices are dirty cheap anyway, i guess with 100€ i can get two full accounts.. right?

a shame the trillogy is missing some stuff, at least i guess so.

thanks for the advices, i like single player stuff, gw2 is my first mmo so i guess i’ll have no problems with that!

wanna try gw1, need advices..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sharpoon.8197


Buy the trilogy. All three games in one. Then get the eotn expansion.

wanna try gw1, need advices..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tosha Daydreamer.9251

Tosha Daydreamer.9251

Prophecies is not an expansion – it’s the original game. So for 15 euros, you’ll get Prophecies and EOTN. Factions and Nightfall are expansions.

And yes, you can probably buy them all twice for 100 euros

*Edit: I see it’s indeed cheaper to buy the trilogy + EOTN – then you’ll have them all.

wanna try gw1, need advices..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: oloap.9765


Inculpatus cedo.9234

If you really want to support ArenaNet, you will want to buy from here: http://www.guildwars.com/products/default.php

Best of luck in Tyria Past! =)

i will!

so propecies is the base game right? i tought was another campaign..

well i guess i’ll get:

and separately eotn, small saving i guess 40€ is afordable from the opinion i heard on the forum, even if is x2 lol.

is it really still “alive”?

wanna try gw1, need advices..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RoRo.8270


Prophecies is not an expansion – it’s the original game. So for 15 euros, you’ll get Prophecies and EOTN. Factions and Nightfall are expansions.

And yes, you can probably buy them all twice for 100 euros

*Edit: I see it’s indeed cheaper to buy the trilogy + EOTN – then you’ll have them all.

This is a lie. The only expansion is EotN. You don’t need prophecies to play factions or nightfall and vice versa. You only need 1 of the 3 prophecies, nightfall, factions to play eye of the north

wanna try gw1, need advices..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tosha Daydreamer.9251

Tosha Daydreamer.9251

Prophecies is not an expansion – it’s the original game. So for 15 euros, you’ll get Prophecies and EOTN. Factions and Nightfall are expansions.

And yes, you can probably buy them all twice for 100 euros

*Edit: I see it’s indeed cheaper to buy the trilogy + EOTN – then you’ll have them all.

This is a lie. The only expansion is EotN. You don’t need prophecies to play factions or nightfall and vice versa. You only need 1 of the 3 prophecies, nightfall, factions to play eye of the north

You are right. I started playing GW1 when proph was only a few months old, so I always considered Factions and Nightfall expansions as well. But yeh, technically, they are stand alone games.

wanna try gw1, need advices..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: oloap.9765


thanks guys, downloaded the game client and i’ll buy it tonight as soon as i get home..


wanna try gw1, need advices..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tosha Daydreamer.9251

Tosha Daydreamer.9251

Have fun


wanna try gw1, need advices..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BlackLotus.8349


I’d also suggest going to your GW 1 shortcut, going to properties, and adding “-image” to the end of the target line. This allows the game to download all available updates before you load in the game the first time. Otherwise when you do get in the game the loading screens are going to be long while the game downloads stuff. Once it’s all downloaded, remove the “-image” part to launch the game normally.

If you’re not sure what I’m talking about, read here:

wanna try gw1, need advices..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mortifer.2946


If you want to just experience the lore behind GW2 buy Prophecies and EOTN, so you can get some of the Hall of Monuments reward to you GW2 account. As soon as you get into LA, start doing EOTN campaign and get some heroes so you will be able to finish Prophecies storyline without finding help (even in the group with you girlfriend and henchmen it would be ultra hard for casual players). However, if I were you, I would buy all the campaigns and finish all their missions.

It is somehow beautiful game, never played anything like that before. And you will finally understand that long flame threat about “Bring Cantha back” in the forum

wanna try gw1, need advices..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: sonicwhip.9052


GW1 was an awesome game. dont know if there are still people doing pvp but the storylines were really good. you should also look into the bonus mission packs where you can play the storyline of Gwen and 3 other guys.

wanna try gw1, need advices..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Atlas.9704


If you do purchase GW make sure to do Nightfall first, Prophecies second, EOTN, and eventually hold your nose and play Factions.

Seriously the main city in that game was a depressing hellhole which made me not want to complete Winds of Change or even the storyline for that part of GW.

Elona, Land of the Golden Sun….and undead…and poison. The travel brochure lied okay?!

wanna try gw1, need advices..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ShinraGuardian.8053


You can buy all three campaigns (Factions Prophecies and Nightfall) in a really cheap bundle, like 40-50 dollars. Eye of the North is only like 25 bucks if not less.

The Dragonfly Effect [Phi]

wanna try gw1, need advices..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AcidicVision.5498


The advice I give people: At a minimum pick up Prophecies, Nightfall and Eye of the North.

Start with Prophecies. It will introduce you to the world, characters and classes a little better than the other expansions. Play through the Prophecies stories until you get to Lion’s Arch and then go to Elona (youll see a popup when you enter town to tell you who to talk to).

Start the Nightfall story. Play until you get yourself a few heroes and hit lvl 20, then go back to Prophecies.

Also, in Lion’s Arch you an get the “What Lies Beneath” quest. This takes you to Eye of the North. You can start that and play up until you get two more heroes.

With a full company of heroes, Prophecies will be a walk in the park and all your heroes will be leveled and geared up to go back to Nightfall, making the first 2/3 of that campaign easier as well.

The Kismet

wanna try gw1, need advices..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mercury ranique.2170

mercury ranique.2170

At the moment the platinum edition cost 15 euro’s (sorry the site defaults to my currency, but in the end the conversion rate is just a conversion rate).
This is the same as a single campaign and you get prophecy’s and Eye of the north. Prophecy’s is a good place to start if your interested. It has however a slow pace if you don’t own other campaigns and it takes a long time till you have access to important mechanics like being able to change your secondary profession.

But atleast you can try it out and see if it is what you like.
after that I recommend buying the trilogy for 25 euro’s

I know this means you are rebuying prophecy’s again. But it is no more expansive then buying the trilogy first and then adding eye of the north for 15 euro.

The other two campaigns give you access to whole new lands and story’s. but more important to a better gameplay experience.

Factions: high speed leveling to max level (20) and early access to secondary professions and skills.

Nightfall: Hero’s and access to the traders town (Kamadan, the game lacks a tradepost, so the trade channel in this town is used for most advertisements).

To give all possible offers, to fully experience the game you need all three campaigns (prophecy’s, factions and nightfall) and the expansion (eye of the north).

a single campaign or the expansion cost 15 euro’s as a stand alone package.
The trilogy includes all three campaigns (but not the expansion) for 25 euro’s
The platinum edition inlcudes the first campaign prophecy’s and the expansion for 15 euro’s

Arise, ye farmers of all nations
Arise, opressed of Tyria!

(edited by mercury ranique.2170)