what did you love about guild wars 1?an GW2?

what did you love about guild wars 1?an GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrRensoku.1958


alright i have supported Guild Wars for a long time. an that i love the first one sooo much that i still play it as my favorite class.
Necromancer:Minion Master.
when i first got into guild wars i was barely new to MMO’s. so took me awhile, but when i found out how many different ways you can spec up you’re class. i got all excited cause to me that felt wild to make up almsot 100% 1 of a kind character that be unique in a mmo. i had fun with it watching my little monsters running around in a horde killing things. laugh too hard an fell out of my chair.
when i found out about elite spells that really impress that the team went the extra mile. only way to get a elite spell was to beat a boss of you’re class then after killing him use the tablet to gain his elite move. to me made things harder,more worth doing these things.

now when i first found out that there was gonna be a second Guild Wars at first i was like lets do this kitten im pump now!!! i cant wait too see how many more Minions that they made up for necromancer. then i saw more concept art. love the fact we were going to be asura’s. an i thought they would get their own class of Golemancy where you build you’re golems. an they get better when you make better armor for them. make new gems on them. i was going all over the place of the spells and new classes.

but when i first got the game an made up a new necro. i cried when i saw how much they butcher the minion master. after that i deleted the necromancer an made a engineer cause that was the cloest i got to a MM.i thought it was great we can hit lvl 60. but then i found out how many spells we get, was very very disappointing even more so when i saw the elite spells. some things were neat in this game. like the public events. that made me realize more it didnt feel like the Guild Wars world. after i had finaly hit lvl 60 an beaten the story i found this game hard to come back and play it again. i feel no drive to play. the pvp was fun for about a hour and got dumb that people will switch servers to make others better. what happen to our whole guild base??? where did classes like the derv’s go away. i barely played as a derv but they were fun as hell to play against.

after all said and done. i had thought that a sequal was always ment to be better than the first and fix what was wrong in that first to increase the greatness of an amazing game. in GW2 i dont feel the epicness that i did in GW1. from my view point seems a company decide to take a new team that doesnt know kitten about GW1 an have them made a fancy cover that will have look and name of Guild Wars. then not really be Guild Wars. one of the things that made Guild Wars, Guild wars was the fact you make a Guild and fight with other Guilds on you’re server. then buy a base for you’re people to hang out in or use as a battle ground. then the storyline started out okay then gain alot of hole’s as we got higher up.

if anything that needs to happen too this game. that the players need to send out a huge kittening message to the company by deleting this game and playing the first one. cause i see a mass amount of players that are not happy how this turn out at all.

what did you love about guild wars 1?an GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Elothar.4382


This is not meant at all to discount the OP opinions regarding GW1 and GW2. That said, I played GW1 for a bit….never really got to like it..and quit to play other games. I came to GW2 under the assumption that it was a completely separate…and different game. So far (having played since first beta weekend)…I have to say I like this a whole lot more than I did GW1. But, as is obvious, this is a subjective issue. I know lots of people prefer GW1 and some prefer GW2. Just my nickel’s worth.

what did you love about guild wars 1?an GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


Guild Wars 1 was an awesome game, but it was never a mainstream game. It was a game that appealed to people who like to make builds. That’s the biggest target audience. I have no real reason to believe that encompasses most people.

what did you love about guild wars 1?an GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: enlightened.5396


Thunderhead Keep – loved that mission.

IGN – San Jacinto
Vanishing Legacy (VALE)

what did you love about guild wars 1?an GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: KarlaGrey.5903


Many players felt/feel the same way you do, OP, which is why you will barely see any GW vets who thoroughly enjoyed the original play GW2 (for long, if at all). While some still play it, most universally agree the latter just isn’t quite it, so you may rest assured that your sentiments are echoed throughout the loyal-veteran playerbase.

RIP ‘gf left me coz of ladderboard’ Total views: 71,688 Total posts: 363

(edited by KarlaGrey.5903)

what did you love about guild wars 1?an GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrRensoku.1958


okay they can please to the mainstreamers as they still have the way to allow players to make up 100% character that cant be copy.

an reason why this wasnt mainstream cause it was in the shadow of WoW.

but that is no reason to butcher a class for the necromancer.
as i pointed out it felt more lack of effort was put into this game. felt too much was trying to make alot of money off alot of suckers that got sick paying monthly fee’s to a mmo

what did you love about guild wars 1?an GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Im Mudbone.1437

Im Mudbone.1437

GW1 for skill templates, great armor/weapon skins and an awesome UI. GW2 for the graphics.

Blackgate Megaserver – [LaZy] Imperium of LaZy Nation
Mud Bone – Sylvari Ranger

what did you love about guild wars 1?an GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: aspirine.6852


I loved everything about GW1. To sum them all would be describing the entire game.
Most of the people I spoken to who played gw1 and didnt like it was because they thought it was way too hard for them.

what did you love about guild wars 1?an GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: airick.9850


I loved both GW1, and GW2. The story was great, gameplay was decent, world was interesting. GW2 the gameplay is amazing (such a good combat game), and the world is beautiful. Story is meh, but I normally don’t play games for story anywho.

I personally like GW2 more than GW1, and when I played GW1, I only played GW1. I am sorry that GW2 is such a let down for you. =/ I wish you could like the game like I do.

what did you love about guild wars 1?an GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kurrilino.2706


I loved everything in GW1……….

- Billions of skills to choose from and combine 2 classes.
- The whole game play is made to impress the player and for long term fun.
- The Stories are enjoyable with some nice cinematics
- Likeable characters…. Vekk is awesome :-)
- All the different environments from Cantha to Elona
- The music always moody and fitting
- The Dwarfs have some cool stuff like Halls in the mountains and knuckle brace fights.
- Title skills
- Heroes to chose from
- The game has so much soul. The Devs did really good to make it living
- You actually need effort and cleverness to get something going.
- It is not user friendly… I love it. No 5 year old around.
- No Zerker fests… Enemy Necros and AOE guys makes it impossible

I love about GW2……

- uhmmm……
- i can log in for free ????….. maybe. Well.. this is more a punishment
- I absolutely hate that this game isn’t made for players fun. it’s made for making money. They don’t give a dang you like it or not.
Thank goodness i didn’t pay for a single gem yet.

(edited by Kurrilino.2706)