what if - (pvp idea)

what if - (pvp idea)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Envy.1679


I didnt post this into the suggestions because this isnt really a suggestion, im more curious as to just the answers to the question

anyways, WHAT IF it was completely free for anyone to download guild wars 2 for free, and play the PVP part of the game for free? (youd still have to buy the game to play in pve and wvw)

again, im not suggesting this to happen, im just curious as to what might happen regarding esports and such.

edit: i mean its completely free to play every class, with no gimmicks such as “this trait line isnt avaiable to free users” and such. a completely free pvp experience with no limitations.


(edited by Envy.1679)

what if - (pvp idea)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JustTrogdor.7892


PvP must be a ghost town because there have been several recent threads about ways to get people into PvP.

The Burninator

what if - (pvp idea)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Envy.1679


PvP must be a ghost town because there have been several recent threads about ways to get people into PvP.

not really on my server which i think is medium pop. theres always atleast 20 people running around the lobby.

im honestly curious as to how a free pvp experience would affect the game playerbase wise and how itd affect our goal to become a big esports area.


what if - (pvp idea)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Akari Storm.6809

Akari Storm.6809

Good Idea, could work for bringing people in. Then again, the only game type is conquest on what feels like tiny maps. Play that a few times and bam, bored.

I mean, it’s sad when I have more fun pvping in mini games. Reapers Rumble, Snowball fight, Crab Toss, Southsun Survival and Aspect Arena all decent enough concepts to put to real pvp game types.

Death Matches are cool, but I think if players are like me, I want objective based matches. Conquest ain’t doing it.

See Victory or Death GvG, that to me is what we need. See FA/JQ, that is what we need. Conquest is boring after a dozen matches. To me anyways.

Some esport games may only use one level or map and one game type usually. Anet has a huge shot at making some fun game types while at the same time having them be very competitive.

Obsidian Sanctum with all the traps and such would be a great idea. More crazy stuff like Skyhammer. Couple these sorts of areas and maps into some sort of objective based play where actual in depth strat is involved, I think that is what will ultimately bring players to pvp.

Edit: I know for me, conquest is the main reason I won’t take the tourney system seriously. I’ve gone in there maybe 40 times at the most solo. I’d rather be in the hotjoins and play to kill instead of play to bunker.

(edited by Akari Storm.6809)

what if - (pvp idea)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LHound.8964


Not quite doable…

What they could do though, is making during 2 months :“Weekends Trial accounts” where trial players could:
- Play PvE/WvW till level 15.
- Play sPvP/tPvP with no kind of limitation.

This should be released ingame at the same time with:
- New PvP modes;
- Official scheduled tournaments;
- Improved Rank/Glory System that counts towards something else (like able to do a sPvP kind of legendary weapon)

And off game:
- Promote sPvP and tPvP in several gaming sites. Even a tPvP competition between Gaming websites.

PS: As a suggestion i would love to see available a GvG in the mists too (if that’s being designed at all as a WvW type interaction). Maybe a 20×20 on a 4x bigger map, with 7 points maybe (or other type of system)


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