what's up with the super-long load times?
No problem with loading time. Could be your network or computer.
Recruiting dungeon raiders.
well, now I just can’t get into borderlands at all
it’s happened to me since day one on this game. i don’t have a whimpy computer or a whimpy connection so it’s got to be their login placement system at anet’s servers or the game code one or the other.
Glad it’s not just me. A bunch of zones are taking super long to load for me tonight. Like, I waited for 5 minutes to get into Hoelbrak….
No one ever goes to Hoelbrak except for me and like the 4 other crazy people.
Okay, can’t get on at all. The universe is telling me to go do some housework.
I do feel like the load times have gotten a bit longer since release. It’s also really annoying that the loading screens load slower or sometimes don’t finish loading if you are alt tabbed out of the game. I wish this wasn’t the case. I’d rather be browsing the GW2 forums during the load time, but I often have to stay on the load screen or else it never finishes.
I don’t have too many issues with loading times, but I have noticed they have gotten longer. It’s not something that you can just go do on a whim, I know, but you could always get a faster hard-drive. My computer is freaking military grade and I have imperfect load times in some cases, but it’s because of my hard-drive.
Lions Arch is the only one that consistently takes exceptionally long to load. Coincidentally, it is also the one area where my frames dip into the 20’s. I am getting an SSD soon so hopefully that will improve the load times, assuming I’m not bottle-necked by anything else.
I’m on SSD. Doesn’t seem to help with GW2. Definitely a quality of life thing elsewhere tho.
They do feel long to me, too. I find it hard to resist alt tabbing to check email or something while we wait…
I just picked up an SSD and it went from taking ~30s to load LA during peak to ~8s… so it’s worth it.
Not to mention booting before my monitor finishes coming out of sleep mode.
My wife and I have identical computers and graphic settings, her zones load almost instantly, while mine take up to 30 seconds or longer for busy places like Lions Arch, dunno why, but has always been that way in GW2. Never noticed anything like it in other games we have played.
My LA loading screen takes about 70 seconds when I haven’t been there for a while, or just started the game. It definitely wasn’t like that during betas and early launch, but I guess as players have acquired more variety in armor there are more resources to load. It’s a bit annoying but understandable.
The local.dat file seems to grow quite a bit over time.
Rename it for safekeeping and see if that will again speed up things.
Also lately a couple of Client Gateway servers are down ( http://www.gw2status.de/ ).
Maybe your part of teh Internetz doesn´t like that.
The local.dat file seems to grow quite a bit over time.
Rename it for safekeeping and see if that will again speed up things.
Interesting idea
Kind of funny, have been thinking lately how the the loading times arent unlike the old floppy disk games – ie waiting 60 secs to move onto a new area, and how the more things change the more they stay the same
at least when going to LA (constant overflow) consisitently