(edited by Avatar.1923)
what to do with the Farming Mass ?
You want to try an interesting experiement? Remove all the loot in the game and see if the content is fun enough to keep people playing. If it doesn’t; what would that tell you about the quality of the content?
For endgame content check out Guild Missions and Fractals of the Mists.
I simply don’t agree with your assessment of what the endgame “is,” nor the presupposition that it is only one thing, or that everyone’s endgame experience should necessarily be the same.
I simply don’t agree with your assessment of what the endgame “is,” nor the presupposition that it is only one thing, or that everyone’s endgame experience should necessarily be the same.
im not saying its the one and only thing.
but look at the trend;
plinx, then shelt/pen, now world event.
you can clearly see “the farming mass” moving like a swarm of risens to where the game leak some loot.
the question is; “if” you were the mass, where would you prefer to be moved to? what activity should be the most rewarding in this game (taking into consideration that theyll never be able to balance rewards equally for all activities).
For endgame content check out Guild Missions and Fractals of the Mists.
U forgot WvsW
WvWvW still provides enough fun for me that isn’t “loot” based to make me play.
WvWvW still provides enough fun for me that isn’t “loot” based to make me play.
That’s player created content though. The sandbox type of conent is replayable to infinity. There will always be people playing chess and that game has been around for 1500 years.
WvWvW still provides enough fun for me that isn’t “loot” based to make me play.
That’s player created content though. The sandbox type of conent is replayable to infinity. There will always be people playing chess and that game has been around for 1500 years.
i agree with this.
mmos endgame content should be more sandboxy.
the game can be a regular themepark and then morph toward the sandbox for endgame players.
nice proposition.
For endgame content check out Guild Missions and Fractals of the Mists.
U forgot WvsW
You’re right, I did! This forum generally focuses on PvE content, my bad
thing is both fractals and guild missions and wvwvw dont seem to make the “farming mass” dissipate so much….
(still have to wait for guild mission to be in full effect).
I hate to say it, but I like farming.
Not all the time, or even most of the time. But I like to be able to sit down, decide that I want to do something relatively mindless and let the loot pile up…. have my moments of ‘accomplishment / loot’ and end the session knowing I have progressed towards a goal of a shiney item.
It’s a nice break from dungeons and having to get a group together, make sure everyone in the group understands the path / encounter, etc. I like those things some times, but not 100% of the time.
So, as a farmer, what do I like? Wave upon wave of stuff to kill. In GW1, it was raptor nestlings…. and every holiday event, I logged a few hours clearing droves of the cute little buggers for holiday event loot. In GW2, it’s been Orr for me.
I don’t want to see any more loot / rewards move in the direction of Laurals… that’s a time gated system that I’ve ranted about in other threads and won’t rant about too much here.
Let the farmers farm, the dungeon delvers delve, and the meta chasing rewards community follow the path of current least resistance.
That’s kind of the point of ‘play how you want.’
MMOs will always have farming, I’d say GW1 is a very “non-farming” game yet there were thousands of people farming everything. Just because farming is what a large amount of people do when they’re done leveling doesn’t mean it’s “this game’s only end-game”.
Now it’s not to say that GW2 is indeed lacking in depth of options, variety and content once you have reached Lv80, but GW2 is a brand new infant game, it’s a new born.
When WoW first came out it didn’t come out with all the expansions, all the fixes, all the classes and races. Things got added over time, fixed over time etc.
People rage on Diablo 3 but forget that when Diablo 2 came out it was a bland, boring, simple game. This idea that development teams are able to drastically change and modify a game from one month to the other is ludicrous.
GW2 is a growing child and it’s growing a LOT faster than most games I’ve ever seen, yet people think it’s not only possible but expected that every month they’re supposed to get an entirely new game worth of added free content. It’s honestly fantastic and amazing what the team is ALREADY doing in the short time the game’s been out.
I think this game is already fantastic and it’s going great places. It’s fun as it is, there is end content though the end of the game does currently feel shallow, but these things take time and more will be added.
and you dont mind farming the same thing over and over again ?
thats all you need?
why not play diablo3?
i mean, a mmo can be much more than farming till a lag the same poor dragon that i feel like i should defend by now…
the campers there deserve my whirling wrath more than the dragon.
its not normal!
and you dont mind farming the same thing over and over again ?
thats all you need?
why not play diablo3?
i mean, a mmo can be much more than farming till a lag the same poor dragon that i feel like i should defend by now…
the campers there deserve my whirling wrath more than the dragon.its not normal!
Honestly, I don’t mind farming the same thing over and over again when I want to farm.
To give you an idea, my average week includes 10-15 dungeon paths, dailies every day, 1-2 hours of crafting, and probably about 5 hours total farming…. usually for mats that I burn crafting.
So, farming is less than 20% of my total game play time. That being said, yeah, there’s something nice and relaxing about heading to a familiar spot and grinding out some mindless slaughter of hordes of risen. Or grubs. or centaurs, or harpies, or whatever is in the level range for the mats I’m looking for.
Nothing wrong with farming, it’s just one more aspect of the game and one more playstyle that’s available. It doesn’t need to consume 100% of a person’s play time, and it doesn’t mean that the only people farming can’t or don’t do harder content.
Edit to add: TL/DR: “I don’t always farm, but when I do, I farm Risen.”
Endgame? there is no endgame, its ENDLESS. Story of different races, wvwvw, pvp, dungeons, dragons, dynamic events, guild dungeons, farming legendaries, farming gold, farming karmas, farming equipment sets, farming dyes, map completion, daily and monthly pvp and pve achievement, titles, etc etc etc etc! OMG!