what would this game be like...

what would this game be like...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Stand The Wall.6987

Stand The Wall.6987

… if might was a flat 33% damage boost? so no more stacking, its just one boon, a counter to protection. it would probably have to have its duration nerfed a bit.

I’m just trying to satiate my curiosity here, nobody get triggered or what ever term kids use nowadays.

as an added side note, it would be interesting to see what this game would be like if boons had a duration cap. we would be forced to coordinate boon rotations.

Team Deathmatch for PvP – Raise the AoE cap for WvW – More unique events for PvE

what would this game be like...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hevoskuuri.3891


If every might-giving skill in the game turned into just giving out a flat 33% damage buff, the team with most heralds and staff guards would always insta-win. Since might has different levels of intensity (1-25 stacks), this would be very difficult to turn into one single balanced boon. This could work in PvE, but not in other modes.

Not sure if you meant it like that, but generally I think Might is a very well-balanced buff, and changing it would keep spawning problems until they would decide to bring back the old-fashioned might again.

what would this game be like...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


I’d hate to be the devs stuck trying to rebalance everything with that change.

what would this game be like...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Answer: More unbalanced crap that is more terrible, than it is right now already.

Solution: Instead of directly buffing Might for mentioned duration reductions, it would be much wiser and better for the overall game balance, if ANet would finally do this game something good by actually redesigning the complete set of all Boons and Conditions with the intentional goal behind that change to reduce both sides then to a maximum of 8.

Make in fact all remaining Boons and Conditions under their new design alot more impactful/meaningful, while the Classes get according to the made changes on Boons and Conditions rebalanced in their Skills and Traits so that the Class Designs fit again to the new mechanics of the new Boon/Condition System, followed by a Game Balance Design Change of all Upgrades fitting to the new Boon/Condition System, finished by lastly a greater Game Balance Update, that changes the Attribute System to Dual Effects to equalize finally all combat system related Play Styles (Offensive, Defensive, Supportive).

Anet seems to fear, if they equalize the combat system for all playstales to be equally viable, that this will lead to the return of “the holy trinity” and such classic roles like “Tanks”, “Healers” & “Offenders” (DDs), otherwise I can’t explain it to myself, why this game favors in its whole gameplay permanently the damage dealing over everything else, and why all kinds of defensive/supportive playstyles seem to be underpowered against an offensive played character.

Maybe this is due to stats like Toughness being useless and not really decreasing good enough incoming damage, same as healing power being in itself useless, without any other defensive stat like a high vitality, which is for me a reason to say, that this game needs finaly dual effect attributes with for example Healing Power being merged with Vitality. This would give both attributes in that simple way more impact, if you can improve both effects through just one attribute.

Change lastly the attribute system to the way it worked in GW1, where you gain Attributes through leveling up your character and where you can change them out like you want out of combat any tiem, instead of binding stat points to gear, and the game becomes this way also again much more multi character friendly and loses alot of stupid gear grind and becomes again like GW1 a game, where Fashion and the looks of your character stand in the front and not gear grind ….

Thats just my vision of the perfect Guild Wars 2 Combat and Quality of Life Experience that I’d love to see become real.
But I think this will never happen anymore within GW2… there its more likely to see a GW3 getting announced, than ANet showing up some real intentions to actually realy improve GW2s combat system instead of making permanently only number changes on skilsl and traits, while ignoring all the rest of the game sigh

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

(edited by Orpheal.8263)

what would this game be like...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Stand The Wall.6987

Stand The Wall.6987


a lot of traits and skills would have to be completely reworked.
I was thinking what might would be like as a burst boon: low duration and highly impactful, like protection. on something as iconic as a guards staff, maybe each pulse could give 2 sec? idk that’s just a random number for arguments sake.

its really annoying that 1/2 the game is spent on maintaining 25 stacks of might. I don’t want to take away the coordination of doing so though, so have duration caps would hopefully provide that.


sigh is right lol. you cant expect me to read that massive run on sentence of a paragraph. my mind would explode! show some mercy :3

Team Deathmatch for PvP – Raise the AoE cap for WvW – More unique events for PvE

what would this game be like...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263



sigh is right lol. you cant expect me to read that massive run on sentence of a paragraph. my mind would explode! show some mercy

LMAO ^^, sorry, I was so in my mind and was sortatign there, what I wanted to say, that I have even lost myself into it and totally forgot to make some paragraphs to make the whole thing easier to read lol

Should be better now hehe

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

what would this game be like...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SirDrygan.1823


Make it 1 second boon for 33% flat damage.
Make Rev Might boon 1/2 second 11% flat damage and 1 sec internal CD before sharing again. 1 boon per share only. Gets overwrite by the 33% boon. Doesn’t stack.


what would this game be like...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AliamRationem.5172


… if might was a flat 33% damage boost? so no more stacking, its just one boon, a counter to protection. it would probably have to have its duration nerfed a bit.

I’m just trying to satiate my curiosity here, nobody get triggered or what ever term kids use nowadays.

as an added side note, it would be interesting to see what this game would be like if boons had a duration cap. we would be forced to coordinate boon rotations.

I’m sure it could work, but I like it the way it is. Might stacking is fun!