whats a good server for pve?

whats a good server for pve?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bwuki.2175


one thats decently full and actually has people farming orr. recently it seems the game should just be called fractal grind instead of gw2… i want a place where i can farm pve.


Brotherhood of the Butterfly
Voted “most likely to die/fail” by peers

whats a good server for pve?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Morrigan.2809


Gunnar’s Hold is an awesome PvE server.
Don’t know about farming Orr since I haven’t been there is about 3 weeks :P
but most of the maps are busy and I have no problem finding players when I level my chars.

A pic for you: tonight when I went to LA there was a guild/ community hide and seek going on that developed into a really cool party- I spent about 2 hours at this party with people chatting away- sadly I had to log out


Gunnar’s Hold