where is this game right now?
Still very active and lots to do at your own pace. LFG system is beautiful.
Guilds constantly put out recruitment messages in towns but there are enough players everywhere that you don’t really need a guild to get things done (unless you prefer that).
i prefer guilds over anything. cause i like having a social guild
Depends on what you want. There are a lot of dedicated PvE guilds, some of them completing hard content.
There are a few dedicated WvW guilds, but here depends mostly on your server choice. WvW will have no new dedicated content in Path of Fire expansion.
There are no dedicated PvP guilds, because ranked PvP is played in maximum 2 players party, on a 5 man team (60% of team is unaccessible). PvP will also have no new dedicated content with Path of Fire expansion.
There are also PvX guilds, doing everything and everywhere… but you do know how such things work out.