why are rangers the lowest damage?

why are rangers the lowest damage?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dragin.4520



I was farming in frostgorge sound and killing grawl on my ranger with my pet mind you i’m bm a warrior none zerker from his honor of waves gear and sword does one move kills 3 grawl in less then 5 secs even if i went trapper build or bersker i could never do that any explaination for that? Mind you i’m in full exotics gear and asended gear. So why are rangers damage so much lower then other classes?

Dragin Wind ranger of Duel

why are rangers the lowest damage?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Swizzle.7982


Warriors are massively overpowered in PVE. There are some classes that are massively underpowered in comparison.

That’s about it.

why are rangers the lowest damage?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sartori.1962


Just out of curiosity what are your full level 80 stats and the gear your using?

why are rangers the lowest damage?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kichwas.7152


Probably because you’re build and gear and playstyle are not all ideally matched.

My warrior was my -lowest- damage character until I did a rebuild this last week… Any class can excel or suck if you do it right or wrong.

http://kichwas.wordpress.com/ – GW2 Blog Presenting the Opposing View
JAH Bless – Equal Rights and Justice for all.
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why are rangers the lowest damage?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: IndigoSundown.5419


It’s possible the warrior you saw had used transformation crystals to graft DPS stats onto that HotW armor. So, the gap might have been, at least in part, due to berserker v. whatever non-max-DPS set that you are using.

why are rangers the lowest damage?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pawstruck.9708


Warriors are massively overpowered in PVE. There are some classes that are massively underpowered in comparison.

That’s about it.

Everything in this thread is untrue except the quoted material above.

why are rangers the lowest damage?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sovta.4719


It’s possible the warrior you saw had used transformation crystals to graft DPS stats onto that HotW armor. So, the gap might have been, at least in part, due to berserker v. whatever non-max-DPS set that you are using.

Nah, even full soldier warrior will have bigger damage then full zerker ranger, cause arenanet counts pets for buffs, dmg and so and we all know their AI.

why are rangers the lowest damage?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ping.5739


Warriors are massively overpowered in PVE. There are some classes that are massively underpowered in comparison.

That’s about it.

Everything in this thread is untrue except the quoted material above.

basically this(pve wise)

This useless bar doesn’t make you awesome. However, stuff above does.

why are rangers the lowest damage?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ZudetGambeous.9573


Warriors are massively overpowered in PVE. There are some classes that are massively underpowered in comparison.

That’s about it.

this pretty much sums it up. Also the lowest damage class is probably a condition mesmer followed by a few of the engineer builds.

why are rangers the lowest damage?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arrow.3856


Ive got full zerker gear + trinkets, using rapid fire (longbow) I can hit about 12k with crits obv. Using auto attack (shortbow) i can hit 900-1200 crits. I think it is good when our pets dont die as soon as they jump into the battle (2% of the time). But warriors 100 blades hit more then our rapid fire which is reasonable as they need to be stationary and we get to move around and keep distance. Just wished pets + Spirits would survive longer. Need more toughness.

“I may not be a horse whisperer, but I certainly
can and do speak to unicorns.” (Arrow The

why are rangers the lowest damage?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JJBigs.8456


Because you using Range. try a GS/sword/axe and stop kittenholing your character (ranger) into ranged DPS only for PVE Open World Grawl. Problem Solved.

why are rangers the lowest damage?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Meglobob.8620


Warriors are massively overpowered in PVE. There are some classes that are massively underpowered in comparison.

That’s about it.

Everything in this thread is untrue except the quoted material above.

The only truth in this entire thread, the rest is warrior propaganda because they are scared of a nerf…

why are rangers the lowest damage?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: KyoHanakaze.8145


clears a wave of grawl with one barrage
confused about why this thread exists
also, greatsword. PvE god.

HoD/Valkyria Immortalis[VLK]
Adrienne Stormborn//Elementalist

why are rangers the lowest damage?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vargs.6234


Ranger greatsword, haha. Okay, enjoy your 800 damage crits.

why are rangers the lowest damage?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Duke Blackrose.4981

Duke Blackrose.4981

Warriors are massively overpowered in PVE. There are some classes that are massively underpowered in comparison.

That’s about it.

this pretty much sums it up. Also the lowest damage class is probably a condition mesmer followed by a few of the engineer builds.

Just wanted to say that this is completely wrong. A Mesmer is capable of achieving the highest condition damage in the game (thanks to having a natural 5% toughness to condition damage conversion which can be stacked with the Undead runes) and sports good might stacking with access to all 4 damaging conditions. If anything, a well-built Staff Mesmer is one of the most potent damage dealers when it does not have to share stacks with other condition users or get kittenblocked by burn immune enemies.

The lowest damage build in this game is based on situation – in solo play, it would probably be the Staff Elementalist due to its low single-target damage, delayed skills, and high setup times – it only really shines in group settings.

why are rangers the lowest damage?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigirius.9014


I was farming in frostgorge sound and killing grawl on my ranger with my pet mind you i’m bm a warrior none zerker from his honor of waves gear and sword does one move kills 3 grawl in less then 5 secs even if i went trapper build or bersker i could never do that any explaination for that? Mind you i’m in full exotics gear and asended gear. So why are rangers damage so much lower then other classes?

It’s the same for engineers. Engineers cannot get a burst damage build at all in PVE. I’ve tried them all trust me.

Rangers, engineers, and necros have the worst pve damage right now and it’s mainly from the history in this game. It’s been about 8 months I think from launch and in all that time they just now finally realize that PVE PVP WVW skill behaviors and damage absolutely need to be separate so that nerfing 1 won’t interfere with the rest.

So essentially for 7 months now, the Ranger, Engineer, and Necromancers have all suffered breakage in the form of poor PVE performance at the hands of pvp balance patches which nerfed things that should not have been nerfed.

7 months of PVE breakage is ALOT to fix.

Now OP I would suggest you put on (if you can) some condi damage build and use traps because I’ve had the easiest kills from that build personally altho since we’re nerfed level 75+ creatures will be harder no matter what until they fix us.

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

(edited by tigirius.9014)

why are rangers the lowest damage?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JaNordy.6149


Rangers do amazing damage what are you even talking about? My glass cannon ranger downs fully tanked buffed enemy commanders hiding in zergs all time.

why are rangers the lowest damage?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dante.1508


As others have said the classes are massively imbalanced in Pve, i’d even say in all aspects of the game, except sPvP and that’s cause i never play it..to see

why are rangers the lowest damage?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigirius.9014


Rangers do amazing damage what are you even talking about? My glass cannon ranger downs fully tanked buffed enemy commanders hiding in zergs all time.

PVE? I doubt it really I do, and from the context I suspect you are talking about WvW. Not the subject here.

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

why are rangers the lowest damage?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JaNordy.6149


PvE? Who cares if 100b warrior does more damage to a NPC that sits still. Ranger does good damage all around in the game no matter where you play. PvE my ranger dishes out amazing damage, again what are you guys even talking about? Maybe you mean lack of burst which isnt what ranger is about.

why are rangers the lowest damage?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dragonsbrand.7384


each class can be good based on its build and player skill level

my first character was a necromancer. when my necromancer reached level 80 I eventually equipped my necromancer with full exotics, I was using a hybrid wells build initially; which turned out to be ok. I eventually switched to a condition build (much better) which is more effective at aoe damage and team support I have greatly supported parties in hotw with my necromancer.

different classes have different uses thieves can cloak, rangers can DPS from 1500 eles are helpful in (burrows) Ascalonian Catacombs…

right, the point is all the classes have their pros and cons

it makes sense that a warrior does good direct damage (based on build) and hasn’t been nerfed

its a friggin warrior

if you want to hit like a zerk warrior… make a zerk warrior yourself

you dun see posts in Arah saying $$$$$ run full zerks because that’s not wot gets you through Arah Experienced players get you through arah 1 warrior in the party helps with DPS and it is appreciated but that’s not wot we ask for when we do Arah you need experienced players or people willing to learn majority of the time I do arah there aren’t ne warriors in the party and the times there were warriors they went down like glass cannons

I dun even have a warrior yet my warrior is lvl 1 I have a 80 necro and a 80 support guardian I plan on making a warrior at some point but all the warrior hate is unnecessary

Anet has been doing a good job game balancing they have been improving the engineers abilities to make engineers more appealing which makes me look forward to making a engineer

I witnessed a engineer that could DPS really good he was using pure zerk gear healing turret kits and might buff how you trait and gear your character and which weapon skills you utilize make a big difference on how your character plays

rather than setting every character back talk about the bugs in your class to get them fixed. to improve or make the class you use better

like a necros focus skill #1 is bugged with the trait it’s unaffected by the increased range or shorter cd only in hearts of the mist is this bug fixed

that’s all I have to say on this topic

enjoy the game join a guild, more people than you would think enjoy playing gw2 regardless of your class, level, gear or (playing ability ^^) experience level

why are rangers the lowest damage?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


Interesting Post OP.

I agree 100% that Rangers are the lowest damage dealers class in this mmo.

And for those who think otherwise, I encourage you to post a video comparing our damage outpu with any class; both range and melee’.

I’ll give you a hint;

Melee’- any other class can top our “dps” with no sweat.
Range’- obviously that too, a thief and a war can confirm this at ease.

The answer to your question Op to “why are rangers the lowest damage?”

It’s simple; we were designed to be that way.
Remember, our range weapons and melee weapons were nerfed almost to oblivion. That was “the nail in the coffin” for our damage.

What I find insulting is that GW1 Ranger was much better damage dealing thin this one, in fact flawless and near perfection to what a Ranger class should be

In addition, even their pet system was at its best; there was a strong bond between you and your pet.

There was never this feeling of being ‘lesser class or under-class’ because the designers made you feel ‘right at home’ as a ranger. The Ranger pets were ‘independent’ from the ranger yet remained in Harmony as a Guardian in every way to it’s master.

You would never find none of this ’’*Balanced*" theatrics in their class and pet design.

If they were ever to dual-match; Gw1 Ranger would be the Victor at ease; their pets would even give the final blow

What I find baffling, when asked why gw2 pets can’t have their own ‘Independent’ skill and attributes?, their answer was, ‘because the ranger pets would put them in the same category as a warrrior’ In other word, your pet would be like a warrior’ and that would make them OP.

Oh Really?

I encourage them to tell this to the Guild Wars 1 team designers; I’m sure they would find that baffling as well..

‘You be the Judge’

Ranger Skills

Pet/Beast Mastery

As the saying goes, “If you broke something that can’t be fixed, give it to someone who know how to fix it

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)