(Reality is Unbalanced)
why no lance ?
(Reality is Unbalanced)
A dragonlance! That would sort them out easy.
Wouldn’t mind a greataxe though.
Would you like some hard cheeze with your sad whine?
Garnished Toast
(edited by Ryuujin.8236)
“A lance is a pole weapon or spear designed to be used by a mounted warrior.” – Wikipedia.
why no crossbow, why no melee spear, why no chain-whip? They had to release a set of finite skills/weapons on release. I am sure we will see new weapon skillsets in the future, but very probably no lance, it is, as was already pointed out, an equestrian weapon. You probably mean some kind of footman polearm. Sure, why not.
I want to see a lot more weapons in game, I love the weapon/skill system but I just wish there was more weapons for all class’s and class’s like engi and ele should get 2 weapons to swap between like other class’s and maybe add a 3rd swap to more melee type toons like guard and war’s.
I want spears(not under water), 2 handed axes, 1 Handed Hammers. Flail, Hmmm sort of lance (dosnt really suit, its not melee) I mean really, why not have them all? their all great and more is better ANET!!!
As above, Lances are ridiculous weapons to use on foot, and to be honest the only games that have them are Eastern. You wont find them in any western RPG’s. A viable option might be a spear instead?
As for great axes, that might be possible, but again I prefer to see weapons that were actually used in real life, the closest thing to a great axe was a danish version with hafts up to 1.2m long, but they had small heads, not the frankly stupid sized things you see in some games.
I prefer to see weapons that were actually used in real life,
Like magic rifles and staves, as ranged weapons, that shoot sparkles.
I kid, I kid.
What we need are Halberds and they would be usable by Guardians. Think of it, a line of Guardians able to take out an opposing cavalry! Since there are no mounts in the game they could be used to stop an enemy zerg in its tracks as that is the closest we have to a cavalry.
I prefer to see weapons that were actually used in real life,
Like magic rifles and staves, as ranged weapons, that shoot sparkles.
I kid, I kid.
A lance on foot is like an equivalent of an anti-aircraft cannon being carried by a trooper. That’s what “real life” analogy means :P
I prefer to see weapons that were actually used in real life,
Like magic rifles and staves, as ranged weapons, that shoot sparkles.
I kid, I kid.
A lance on foot is like an equivalent of an anti-aircraft cannon being carried by a trooper. That’s what “real life” analogy means :P
Yeh fair point about the wands etc. But yeh I don’t mind magic in a magic world but when you have a 5 foot character carrying a 12 foot lance it just annoys me beyond reason. Especially as when they actually used them on horses they needed a support to help hold them straight, no-one had the strength to hold those things alone.
I want a spear and shield combo like 300, just cos it looks cool and I’m styling my warrior as a spartan : ).
I would not mind enemy players using lances, that way they would not be able to damage me when I melee them with my daggers :-)
Pole arms like halberds and especially lances (which do not work AT ALL unless you are sitting on a horse and charging the enemy at high speed) are completely useless in a game with a million ways to pull the enemy or place yourself right next to him in melee range.
Spears, bo staves, tomes, crossbows, great axes, SCYTHES and other fun stuff would be great to have but at this stage, I’d rather the team work more on balancing what we have already.
hey i was just wondering if i could get a answer from anybody really(devs hopefully but unlikely i know). nothin bad im just curious as to why there is no lances or greataxes in this game most traditional RPG’s and in most adventure lore such as this game those are one of the standard weapons that most offer and i only ask cause i was just chatting up some friends and maining a heavy class (Guardian) a lance would be so kitten amazing. Same with a two-handed great axe these are very popular weapon choices at least from my experiences in gaming since childhood.
Because this game doesn’t follow everything other games do.
Lance has been banned for life from any competitive activities and won’t be appearing in this game.
Sure…you can have a lance for the guardian, here are your skills:
1) Too Unwieldy – Causes weakness (10s) to self due to inability to use on foot.
2) Stuck in Ground – The point of your lance is stuck in the ground, immobilizing (5s) you.
3) Poke – You try to poke your enemy, but due to the lance’s size you miss. Enemy automatically evades the next 3 attacks as you try to recover.
4) Wild Slash – You try desperately to slash the enemy with your lance, missing horrifically, and injuring yourself. Inflict cripple (5s) and bleeding (10s) on self.
5) I Give Up – Fighting on foot with a lance is just dumb. You lose all hp and stomp yourself, saving your enemy the trouble.
Pole arms like halberds…(which do not work AT ALL unless you are sitting on a horse and charging the enemy at high speed)…
Incorrect. Halberds were designed to be used on foot, both to break up enemy infantry formations and to dislodge cavalry.
(edited by NewTrain.7549)
The pedantry is strong in this thread. Replace lance with (land-use) spear. You know, like this.
Painbow.6059: Ignore what anyone else who doesn’t agree with me has said because its wrong.
The pedantry is strong in this thread. Replace lance with (land-use) spear. You know, like this.
Oh, the weapon that was only effective in large rectangular blocks of slowly advancing/stationary infantry? That would surely work in 1v1 fights requiring high mobility.
The pedantry is strong in this thread. Replace lance with (land-use) spear. You know, like this.
Oh, the weapon that was only effective in large rectangular blocks of slowly advancing/stationary infantry? That would surely work in 1v1 fights requiring high mobility.
Painbow.6059: Ignore what anyone else who doesn’t agree with me has said because its wrong.
Paragons had one-handed spears in the original Guild Wars.
The pedantry is strong in this thread. Replace lance with (land-use) spear. You know, like this.
Oh, the weapon that was only effective in large rectangular blocks of slowly advancing/stationary infantry? That would surely work in 1v1 fights requiring high mobility.
Maybe in Cantha…
Paragons had one-handed spears in the original Guild Wars.
More accurately, those would be considered javelins.