Banners are ruining the clock tower JP.

Banners are ruining the clock tower JP.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Stephapanda.5804


I thought the WvW jumping puzzles were the ones used for griefing. Obviously I was wrong, because now people in the clock tower are using the speed boosts on banners to screw with people making jumps. Is this seriously intended? Why would you remove all skills from characters to make sure no one has an advantage and then allow banners to be brought in?

Not only can I not see my character because I’m not a charr or a norn, but now this.

Please patch this, as it’s starting to get really frustrating when people cause you to overjump just to troll.

Banners are ruining the clock tower JP.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: TigerDragon.4037


Are they doing this to grief, or are they trying to truly be helpful by granting speed buffs they think you might need? I saw another thread on here that mentions “passive speed buffs” are helpful, and not all characters get those… maybe it was someone trying to help if they cast it on a profession they think is too slow?

Sinking ships in WvW on SBI with pride.
Plastered Tyrian Sea Devils [PTSD]
Agadar.4931: A bad mesmer still poops clones like no tomorrow.

Banners are ruining the clock tower JP.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Stephapanda.5804


All skills are removed – weapon skills, utility skills, elite. So that wouldn’t really make sense, at least not to me :/ And people have been begging others to stop using them and it continues, so I’m led to believe it’s just being used for griefing.

Banners are ruining the clock tower JP.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


Are they doing this to grief, or are they trying to truly be helpful by granting speed buffs they think you might need? I saw another thread on here that mentions “passive speed buffs” are helpful, and not all characters get those… maybe it was someone trying to help if they cast it on a profession they think is too slow?

Well even if the intent is good it might be a bad idea although banners aren’t the only thing that can do it and pretty much every profession has speed boost options. Other things to consider is that sometimes it is better to do a jump without a boost.

The worse possible thing of course is to give someone a boost mid jump.

Banners are ruining the clock tower JP.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: drkn.3429


An obvious oversight, but stacking swiftness since the beginning helps A TON – just steal one of the spawned banners before entering the puzzle…


Banners are ruining the clock tower JP.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Mays.5839


An obvious oversight, but stacking swiftness since the beginning helps A TON – just steal one of the spawned banners before entering the puzzle…

It shouldn’t be like that, though.

Banners are ruining the clock tower JP.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: YaHiKoDrG.3467


Swiftness does not make it easier, it just messes with people who are now jumping further than they intended

Banners are ruining the clock tower JP.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Stephapanda.5804


Swiftness does not make it easier, it just messes with people who are now jumping further than they intended

Exactly my point. :/

Banners are ruining the clock tower JP.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: cryptomega.3745


The only thing that would make this better is if I could be sitting at the top with siege. The rage and tears would be more entertaining then they currently are.

Banners are ruining the clock tower JP.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Stephapanda.5804


The only thing that would make this better is if I could be sitting at the top with siege. The rage and tears would be more entertaining then they currently are.

Thank you for this incredibly constructive post. The fact that you chose to come onto a topic about the use of skills where it clearly isn’t intended just to troll is commendable. Thank you for your on-topic opinion!

Banners are ruining the clock tower JP.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: DarthVader.7520


all you people do is QQ this and QQ that you don’t like it leave that area and find another. simple

Banners are ruining the clock tower JP.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Vengus.1098


all you people do is QQ this and QQ that you don’t like it leave that area and find another. simple

All abilities in the clock tower are locked for a reason, I don’t think it was ArenaNet’s intention that players could use banners to get access to swiftness. The issue the OP is raising is a valid one, because I’ve been under the effect of those swiftness buffs a few times and jumped straight over the platforms into the green stuff. The clock tower doesn’t seem to be designed with swiftness in mind.

Banners are ruining the clock tower JP.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: DarthVader.7520


then they should make it solo.

Banners are ruining the clock tower JP.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Taerik.3405


Swiftness helps a ton

Banners are ruining the clock tower JP.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Vegas.5790


then they should make it solo.

Agreed. Who needs a bunch of people blocking/griefing, it’s hard enough as it is.

Banners are ruining the clock tower JP.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Tyr.1965


It really needs to be a solo instance. Between the charr, the norn, and the griefers, the actual challenge is coming more from dealing with the people instead of the puzzle itself. Not to mention, the lackluster camera in this game.

Banners are ruining the clock tower JP.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Stephapanda.5804


Another thing if they don’t make it instanced, please kill off elementals, spirits, etc after the cutscene. I already have some giant norns and charrs in my way, last thing I need is a fire elemental flapping in my face.

Banners are ruining the clock tower JP.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Nephele.5063


I love the banners! They make it so much easier. You can nail some otherwise impossible jumps that speed your progress through the first part.

Banners are ruining the clock tower JP.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Taerik.3405


90% of the people fail at the beginning, around where the first chest is. I’ve completed the tower on all of my characters now

Banners are ruining the clock tower JP.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: pmnt.4067


Actually I find it much more difficult with the 33% speedboost from swiftness – it’s nearly impossible to do the precise jumps with swiftness. If you need running speed, you’re doing it wrong, anyway.

That said, traits seem not to be deactivated. Zephyr’s Speed and even One with Air seem to work for the elementalist.

/vote for solo instance.

I can’t wait until ANet releases the game promoted in the manifesto.
Until that, I’ll play GW2.

Banners are ruining the clock tower JP.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: dmae.9851


Stop crying, the only reason tower is fun are other players.

Make it instanced and it will turn into easy and boring bag grind.

Banners are ruining the clock tower JP.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Finaldeath.1059


Someone was using one when i did it but he stopped after i asked him to.

As for too many people, i am a norn and i too have issues when charr or other norn are there, i can only imagine the pain people who play as asura go through. They should make it so there is only 5 people per thing. The hardest part is the beginning because of all the people, but once you get ahead or everyone else falls, it becomes pretty easy.

Banners are ruining the clock tower JP.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Account.9832


As for too many people, i am a norn and i too have issues when charr or other norn are there, i can only imagine the pain people who play as asura go through.

It’s not just the fact that you can’t see your own (asura) character due to all the norn / charr meat blocking the middle of your screen, it’s also that Arena Net still hasn’t fixed the asura camera platform bug (every time you land on a platform, your camera zooms all the way in and then slowly out), so you’re basically fighting:

a) Other players blocking the view of the places you need to jump to.
b) Other players blocking the view of where your own character currently is.
c) The camera bouncing around madly with each jump.
d) Pop-ups asking you if you want to travel out of the overflow. Yes, in the middle of a timed jumping puzzle. Because there wasn’t enough crap blocking your view.

z) If you still have any time left, the actual jumping.

How to take fun content and make it completely unenjoyable by not actually testing it properly. I guess it’s not very surprising, considering the last few dungeon patches.

- Al Zheimer

(edited by Account.9832)

Banners are ruining the clock tower JP.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Stephapanda.5804


Stop crying, the only reason tower is fun are other players.

Make it instanced and it will turn into easy and boring bag grind.

Yes, because people spawning elementals, spirits, and banners to grief others makes this so much fun! Never before have I played a game where being trolled made me want to play so much more! I’m really excited to keep playing this!

You must be a norn.

Banners are ruining the clock tower JP.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Kevlon.2341


the QQing on these forums just never ends. the clocktower is fine and fun

Banners are ruining the clock tower JP.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Kaderin.7584


The clock tower is amazing, but the players using speed buffs, summoning pets and banners is not >_< players arent even supposed to be able to use skills in there

Banners are ruining the clock tower JP.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Stephapanda.5804


the QQing on these forums just never ends. the clocktower is fine and fun

Yes, because discussing and bringing to everyone’s attention something that clearly wasn’t intended is QQing.

You must be a norn, too.

Banners are ruining the clock tower JP.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Divus.3175


ANet, we’re waiting for a patch. It’s painful, getting swiftness against my will in CT.

[KING] Desolation – Pikan Parom (engineer), Grace Parom (ele)

Banners are ruining the clock tower JP.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Ribkage.2685


Ive seen a bunch of people using banners including myself and we all have used it for the speed buff OR so we can actually make out our characters in the jumble of people. The only griefing Ive seen is anet making asura run it with norn and charr. I have completed it because its easy once you can see your character (keep reloading it till theres no norn or charr) and get the hang of it.

Banners are ruining the clock tower JP.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: dmae.9851


Stop crying, the only reason tower is fun are other players.

Make it instanced and it will turn into easy and boring bag grind.

Yes, because people spawning elementals, spirits, and banners to grief others makes this so much fun! Never before have I played a game where being trolled made me want to play so much more! I’m really excited to keep playing this!

You must be a norn.

Actually I play on asura and I basically can’t see my character when playing with norn and charrs. This is why it is fun though – the puzzle is pretty easy and without other players could be completed with 1-2 tries without any issues. Other players make it more difficult and that is good.