Crafting the permanent skins: too much?
I’m okay with this because I intend to get the recipe and craft the shield at a later time when I have the time and materials, as only the crafting of the recipe itself need halloween items
I guess I never really looked at it that way. So technically I could just save enough of the Candy Corns and get the rest of the materials later to be able to craft this?
Yeah I honestly do. Its a bit ridiculous to expect anyone but the supremely dedicated or the very very rich to be able to craft this. And only the very rich could do it during the event. Its awesome to have things like this for those people to craft, but the skins for the three craftable Halloween weapons don’t seem worth it. These skins should have just been a couple hundred candy corn a piece from a vendor and some darker more exotic skins should have been able to be crafted, with one for every weapon type.
Yeah I honestly do. Its a bit ridiculous to expect anyone but the supremely dedicated or the very very rich to be able to craft this. And only the very rich could do it during the event. Its awesome to have things like this for those people to craft, but the skins for the three craftable Halloween weapons don’t seem worth it. These skins should have just been a couple hundred candy corn a piece from a vendor and some darker more exotic skins should have been able to be crafted, with one for every weapon type.
Agreed. Unfortunately I think they limited the more dark items to the black lion chests.
Yeah I honestly do. Its a bit ridiculous to expect anyone but the supremely dedicated or the very very rich to be able to craft this. And only the very rich could do it during the event. Its awesome to have things like this for those people to craft, but the skins for the three craftable Halloween weapons don’t seem worth it. These skins should have just been a couple hundred candy corn a piece from a vendor and some darker more exotic skins should have been able to be crafted, with one for every weapon type.
Agreed. Unfortunately I think they limited the more dark items to the black lion chests.
And unfortunately I don’t much care for most of those skins either(just my opinion). The scythe staff would be awesome for my necromancer, but I’ve heard the black ghostly scythe animation for the necro’s spell doesn’t line with with the scythe head.
The only thing I’d have interest in is the Shield from the black lion chests, but we’re getting off topic. I think my view on this has changed since I made the thread considering all you really need to do is save up some Candy Corn and then you can craft these at any time.
it’s almost a legendary for a skin that isn’t well, legendary. These sort of events ought to allow people to have a fair and easy chance to obtain them over the week it happens without resorting to playing the market or mass farming just to get enough.
That seems a lot right now but just think about the next year ; the prices will drop, you’ll have more gold, you’ll be more prepared ; just play and stack mats and it will be fine.
Would you be proud if you could have it from a stupid quest that everyone can easily do, like in GW1?
I have a theory that these craftable permanent Halloween skins are meant to be a sort of “equalizer” for the economy. Basically, giving people who are incredibly rich (by exploiting or otherwise) something that is highly desirable to spend a significant portion of their money on. It is also worth noting the ridiculous amount of gold, gem, and candy corn sinks built into the event.
I have given up on the notion of crafting one of these weapons, but I am farming the mats as quickly as I can manage and hanging on to them until near the end of the event. I am pretty certain that the price of the mats will start to spike as people try to ensure they have all of the mats they need to craft the weapons before the supply is cut.
That seems a lot right now but just think about the next year ; the prices will drop, you’ll have more gold, you’ll be more prepared ; just play and stack mats and it will be fine.
Would you be proud if you could have it from a stupid quest that everyone can easily do, like in GW1?
But what about the stuff they add next year? Even if for some reason we have the gold/mat to do it then, its just going to be cyclical, we’ll only ever have the stuff needed to make last years stuff (till the last year, like they did with GW1). They should be obtainable by the MAJORITY of the population, not the minority (those who have extremely good luck or took advantage of exploits).
Please give us a keyring…
I fail to see why there needs to be such exclusivity for holiday events. And I fail to see how playing for a reward next year makes a lick of sense. This game already has rare items that require massive amounts of crafting to attain. There is no reason why holiday items must follow the same principle.
I’m not really sure where I fall on all this because I saw the Arachnophobia and thought “Yay a non-my-little-pony-esque bow for my ranger!”
The recipe was extremely easy to get, in fact you could buy the halloween items you need right now for less than 2 gold.
Making the thing after getting the recipe will take some time, but I’m alright with that. It gives me something to work towards. The only way I won’t ever get it is if I don’t play and/or do the things that get me what I need.
I do think it’s silly that there is absolutely no chance of me ever using that bow during Halloween until next year because I just can’t get that many of those materials in a week. I’m going to probably use it year round though so I’m thinking of it as a new skin and not a Halloween skin.
Just want to say there is a LOT of misinformation in here. The GW2 Insider page pulled incorrect info from my reddit thread that was posted by somebody that was guessing at what the last stage of the recipe would be.
I’ve updated the wiki with the correct information on how to craft each of the exotics:
Does anyone else feel like that’s a bit much for a Halloween skin? Who has the money for that kind of stuff this early in the game to spend on a Halloween skin?
I’d love to know what you guys think.
I had a good laugh and logged right out after seeing the 100x lodestone + Gift of XXX. At this point I expect the next gem store update to start selling WoW/Rift subscriptions to expedite the process of convincing people to quit playing.
Just want to say there is a LOT of misinformation in here. The GW2 Insider page pulled incorrect info from my reddit thread that was posted by somebody that was guessing at what the last stage of the recipe would be.
I’ve updated the wiki with the correct information on how to craft each of the exotics:
The only problem is, they’re all just as expensive as they were. I’m not seeing anything on your updated recipe that indicates a price drop. Actually, with all the Mystic Coins it seems to require, it might be pricier than previously thought.
Are you sure about needing the superior sigils of the night? If that is correct then that is an extra 1200 candy corn we will need to farm on top of the 250 candy corn and 100 rare. That seems like an insane amount of candy corn per weapon to get in a week.
It’s absurdly ridiculous and, quite frankly, I’m surprised ArenaNet did this. All my mats, money, and time are going to my legendary. No if, ands, or buts. The legendary mats are INSANe but. it’s well…LEGENDERY!
These are simply rare Halloween weopon skins. Rare is not legendery. No way in hell am I farming mats for these things….EVER. Not even if they gave me the recipes for FREE.
Are you sure about needing the superior sigils of the night? If that is correct then that is an extra 1200 candy corn we will need to farm on top of the 250 candy corn and 100 rare. That seems like an insane amount of candy corn per weapon to get in a week.
It’s an extra 2000 candy corn. Each superior sigil takes 100 candy corn.
Loltha.2390It’s absurdly ridiculous and, quite frankly, I’m surprised ArenaNet did this. All my mats, money, and time are going to my legendary. No if, ands, or buts. The legendary mats are INSANe but. it’s well…LEGENDERY!
These are simply rare Halloween weopon skins. Rare is not legendery. No way in hell am I farming mats for these things….EVER. Not even if they gave me the recipes for FREE.
You realize the legendary is just another skin, right? These halloween exotics are nowhere near as expensive as the legendaries and are more in line with other rare exotics (foefire, mjolnir, volcanus, etc).
It’s an extra 2000 candy corn. Each superior sigil takes 100 candy corn.
Ah okay, the wiki says they are 60 a piece… guess it is wrong.
60 each for a major sigil, the wiki doesn’t have the recipe for the superior, I’ll add that now.
It really does seem unreasonable to farm all that candy corn, if you want to make all 3 items for yourself you would have to farm 6750 candy corn. And if you can’t you are at the mercy of the TP’s economy to get the mats or the item yourself. You would think that they would make a little more reasonable to craft. All they would have to do is change the Sigil requirement and I would be satisfied.
I dunno about anyone else, but I really love the idea of constantly using Halloween weapons on Christmas, and Christmas weapons on Easter…
~200g worth of mats for a unique weapon skin doesn’t seem unreasonable to me. I’ve been working on Foefire’s Power for several weeks and I’m nowhere near even 1/4 of the way done.
The only thing you absolutely need to get in the next week is the candy corn and the fangs/skulls/neugat. 6000 Candy Corn is really expensive right now (~12g last I checked). But I’ve farmed nearly 1000 candy corn myself so far, and I’ll probably stop trying to get a permanent tonic just so I can hoard more candy corn for myself.
OF COURSE the legendary is a skin! I’ll do that insane amount of mat collecting/farming/paying for THAT legendary skin. I’m not breaking a sweat over a rare Halloween skin with stupid amounts of farming/collecting involved.
Yeah the cost doesn’t bother me, its the amount of candy corn necessary that I find annoying.
OF COURSE the legendary is a skin! I’ll do that insane amount of mat collecting/farming/paying for THAT legendary skin. I’m not breaking a sweat over a rare Halloween skin with stupid amounts of farming/collecting involved.
OK. So, don’t? You can get one of the black lion skins for ~10-20g and even those prices will fall significantly before this event is over.
Legendary grind for a much-less-than-Legendary weapon. I agree, I think the requirements are insane.
Legendary grind for a much-less-than-Legendary weapon. I agree, I think the requirements are insane.
People keep saying this, but they tend to be people that haven’t actually looked into what it takes to make a legendary.
I guess I never really looked at it that way. So technically I could just save enough of the Candy Corns and get the rest of the materials later to be able to craft this?
Does seem to be what ANet intends, but what fun is crafting a special halloween item, three months after halloween?
This isn’t close to the legendary grind. The only real issue is the lodestones but those are the issue for ~everything.
I’m okay with this because I intend to get the recipe and craft the shield at a later time when I have the time and materials, as only the crafting of the recipe itself need halloween items
Excuse me but, how can one make the recipe only (for this shield)? Also, you say it will be possible to craft post-event ?
Gigabyte GTX 560ti OC, 1920×1080 Dell 2312HM;
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I bet lodestone difficulty will be nerfed in the future. They already took karma out, and if the increased dungeon running doesn’t drive down prices, I bet there will be action.
So these perma skins are ~500 gold on the trading post currently. They are level 80 exotics. 500 gold for a holiday item. Nice. Glad to see that this holiday is about having fun, not about who has the biggest wallet.
Mkalafut, you sir are my hero. You hit the nail right on the head. In GW1 getting cool Halloween gear didn’t require you to be part of the GW wealthy elite. I guess somewhere along the path from GW1 to GW2 all of the Anet staff became Republicans?
Well GW2 confirmed my theory that all sequels are money grabs.