If you can't do the clocktower...

If you can't do the clocktower...

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Chrollo.2173


I just had a thought that helped me get over the fact that I don’t think I have time it will likely take to conquer the tower this year. Which is:

Don’t stress it. Try again next year. Think about it this way, right now the “Mad King” set is just renamed version of sets already in existence. Possibly when the event happens again next year that will have changed and it will be armor of a unique style.

The achievement will still be there to be acquired as well. And note that you don’t need the achievement to get the emissary title!

(edited by Chrollo.2173)

If you can't do the clocktower...

in Halloween Event

Posted by: jwburks.9735


It’s garbage. Pure garbage.

We heard . . . we listened . . . we ignored.

If you can't do the clocktower...

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Chrollo.2173


It’s garbage. Pure garbage.

Well the fact that the hardest part is at the beginning when everyone is in a big clump seems a bit like evil design (not to mention it arbitrarily stops you to ENSURE everyone is together at the hardest part), but I dunno it SEEMS doable.

Though every time I fail I feel like some designer is laughing at me.

If you can't do the clocktower...

in Halloween Event

Posted by: LoreChief.8391


I would just like to put in a few suggestions that others may not be aware of;

1. Turn on the beta-FoV. It helps immensely, especially for us shortie asurans.

2. Big players in the way? Don’t worry about seeing your own character, just keep your camera at a consistent zoom and keep your eyes pointed at the spot on your screen where your character is.

3. Don’t stop for chests, they aren’t worth it.

4. When you get past the pink gears and are wondering “where the hell am I supposed to go now!?” Just run and jump straight forward and land on the gear way down below.

5. Any gears you have to jump on that are standing vertically; don’t run across them, just hop hop hop until you can get off them.

6. Time is a pretty big deal in this race, but there is a point where it’s not THAT big of a deal anymore. Specifically when you start climbing up the pink beams/gears, just take your time (not too much but don’t be in such a hurry that you get careless). Second time you don’t have to worry is after you make the big leap to the lower-gear and run past the U gear.

7. Lightning will strike the clock face on it’s second rotation when you get up there. Another way to look at it is when the green miasma reaches the bottom of the clock-block. It’ll be practically flush with miasma and you now know when the clockface is about to face you, just jump at it.

If you still need some pointers about this; message me in game. Hell if you’re on Yak’s Bend I’ll even go in with you and escort you if I can.

If you can't do the clocktower...

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Chrollo.2173


I would also like to add to the person above me to use the mouse for left/right movement not the left/right arrow keys. Its the only way to turn yourself in the air effectively I’ve found. Turning on the ground with keys is too slow.

If you can't do the clocktower...

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Edtheman.2165


3. Don’t stop for chests, they aren’t worth it.

Or, you can change looting to auto-loot so when you pass a chest all you have to do is tap f once, just once, very quickly; then you are free to keep moving. You don’t even have to stop.

If you can't do the clocktower...

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Chrollo.2173


3. Don’t stop for chests, they aren’t worth it.

Or, you can change looting to auto-loot so when you pass a chest all you have to do is tap f once, just once, very quickly; then you are free to keep moving. You don’t even have to stop.

Huh really? That’s good to know. I always ignored them thinking there was a cast time to opening them. I often end up jumping on the first chest’s platform depending on where my momentum is taking me, I’ll have to jam the F key as I pass sometime.

If you can't do the clocktower...

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Aveneo.2068


Hmmm, a friend of mine stated that the chest on that cog (that you fall down on) has a cast-bar for opening it. At one point he exclaimed that he almost had it open and on his next run he had just enough time to open and loot it.

The chest contained 500 gold and every precursor in the game!!!!

…nah just kidding. It contained about 12 ToT bags

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If you can't do the clocktower...

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Audiophish.3418


Really I hated it at first but after long and hard work.. I got it done. took me about 17 hours today nonstop at that place. I felt so relieved after. Believe me, if I can do it, anyone can. Within reason of course =)

I implore people to try to keep it cool and keep trying even if it seems impossible.

If you can't do the clocktower...

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Chrollo.2173


Really I hated it at first but after long and hard work.. I got it done. took me about 17 hours today nonstop at that place. I felt so relieved after. Believe me, if I can do it, anyone can. Within reason of course =)

I implore people to try to keep it cool and keep trying even if it seems impossible.

I wish there was a practice mode so you could do it and get no rewards but start memorizing the path.

If you can't do the clocktower...

in Halloween Event

Posted by: jwburks.9735


17 hours? Nonstop? I would get thrown into rehab for something like that.

We heard . . . we listened . . . we ignored.

If you can't do the clocktower...

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Knote.2904


Best advice would be to not TRY to beat it, just try to enjoy it. The more you practice and get used to learning how to jump each little obstacle you’ll get your rhythm and just plow through it.

If you can't do the clocktower...

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Chrollo.2173


Best advice would be to not TRY to beat it, just try to enjoy it. The more you practice and get used to learning how to jump each little obstacle you’ll get your rhythm and just plow through it.

I dunno, I’ve given it probably 2-3 hours over the course of 4 days and I just don’t see it happening unless I hunker down and decided to spend an afternoon doing NOTHING but Clock Tower.

If you can't do the clocktower...

in Halloween Event

Posted by: JarekCyphus.7068


I just had a thought that helped me get over the fact that I don’t think I have time it will likely take to conquer the tower this year. Which is:

Don’t stress it. Try again next year. Think about it this way, right now the “Mad King” set is just renamed version of sets already in existence. Possibly when the event happens again next year that will have changed and it will be armor of a unique style.

The achievement will still be there to be acquired as well.


I also consider this as well: There’s nothing in that event that will give me any great sense of accomplishment over completing the actual game and achieving my first level 80, completing every dungeon, and having 100% map discovery. Just examples.

Judges of the Tarnished Coast
Sagardon Kahn – Guardian
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If you can't do the clocktower...

in Halloween Event

Posted by: zeromius.1604


The best practice you can get is from other jumping puzzles in the game. People who are doing the clock tower as their first jumping puzzle ever will undoubtedly have a really hard time. The hardest part is at the beginning when everyone is clumped up. After you reach the half way point it feels like a standard jumping puzzle, which is still hard but a lot easier since you don’t have bodies obstructing your view.

If you can't do the clocktower...

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Sadgrad.7489


I love the Halloween events and thank ArenaNet for all the hard work on it, however… and it’s a BIG however… when I can’t successfully attempt, let alone complete, a jumping puzzle because of graphical/logistical issues and NOT due to lack of skill I have a big problem with that.

It’s very hard to jump onto platforms when you can’t freaking see them!! because of the norn/charr clumping at the beginning. I don’t mind falling repeatedly especially from higher levels as I learn them, but if I can’t even make it up there I never get the chance to legitimately fall. 8o(

I recommend next time make one of three changes…

1. Make it an instance allowing 1 to 5 people to group up together if they want to help one another. <— I would prefer this.

2. Leave it as a group but take out the time element or make it much slower to compensate for the limited vision.

3. As recommended by a guildie, leave it as is but make everyone the same size via a Mad King Curse or something so we can all see what we’re flippin’ doing.

Again, all the Halloween events are amazing, but I think the Tower is MUCH more frustrating than it needs to be because of the limited vision issues at the start of the puzzle.

If you can't do the clocktower...

in Halloween Event

Posted by: SoulTrain.2157


things that helped me was

- turn down the cameras rotation speed a bit. this way you dont turn so fast.
- the first part you have to be fast.
- during the first part jump over the small cogs dont land on them. gives you extra time.
- focusing and saying come on baby, come on baby, come on baby alot helped me to lol.

once i learned the first part to jump over them small cog wheels not land on them because that was slowing me down alot. then the next part was missing the long jump to the big cog wheel. then the next part was the sideways beam, but that didnt take long to get. after i could get those parts down and consistent it was no problem at all for me.

If you can't do the clocktower...

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Nox Aeterna.2965

Nox Aeterna.2965

If you cant? That is for people that give up.

Had a guildie trying for 7 hours till he got his point.

Hell i got 24 completions and took me less than that , much less.

I admit , maybe you dont have the time to do it , but it is possible to anyone who kept trying.

Gear Grind: Confirmed – Searching New MMO: Found – Changing MMO: Waiting Launch

If you can't do the clocktower...

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Account.9832


3. Don’t stop for chests, they aren’t worth it.

Or, you can change looting to auto-loot so when you pass a chest all you have to do is tap f once, just once, very quickly; then you are free to keep moving. You don’t even have to stop.

One of the chests has a cast bar and will freeze you in place.

- Al Zheimer

(edited by Account.9832)

If you can't do the clocktower...

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Dra Keln.2015

Dra Keln.2015

Just rember, it’s an elite jumping puzzle. It’s not meant for everyone to get it. But if you slow your brain down, and be careful, you’ll get it. Oh. And if possible play an ele with 10 points in air for the two IMS traits. They help a lot.

80 ele
Yaks Bend

If you can't do the clocktower...

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Amelli.9217


I didn’t find it fun, it just annoyed me, so gave up. (Not without trying a bazillion times)
They should have had two or three difficulties so everyone could have ‘fun’ doing the puzzle instead of getting frustrated wondering when the ‘fun’ part would begin.

If you can't do the clocktower...

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Fishbait.6723


I would just like to put in a few suggestions that others may not be aware of;

1. Turn on the beta-FoV. It helps immensely, especially for us shortie asurans.

2. Big players in the way? Don’t worry about seeing your own character, just keep your camera at a consistent zoom and keep your eyes pointed at the spot on your screen where your character is.

3. Don’t stop for chests, they aren’t worth it.

4. When you get past the pink gears and are wondering “where the hell am I supposed to go now!?” Just run and jump straight forward and land on the gear way down below.

5. Any gears you have to jump on that are standing vertically; don’t run across them, just hop hop hop until you can get off them.

6. Time is a pretty big deal in this race, but there is a point where it’s not THAT big of a deal anymore. Specifically when you start climbing up the pink beams/gears, just take your time (not too much but don’t be in such a hurry that you get careless). Second time you don’t have to worry is after you make the big leap to the lower-gear and run past the U gear.

7. Lightning will strike the clock face on it’s second rotation when you get up there. Another way to look at it is when the green miasma reaches the bottom of the clock-block. It’ll be practically flush with miasma and you now know when the clockface is about to face you, just jump at it.

If you still need some pointers about this; message me in game. Hell if you’re on Yak’s Bend I’ll even go in with you and escort you if I can.

There`s an FoV?
Ooh, where?

“We want you to play the game, not the UI” Arenanet.
Rocking Wizard Wars until this mess of a game is fixed…

If you can't do the clocktower...

in Halloween Event

Posted by: galeigh.5721


The tower isn’t bad when you know what is coming. Just make sure you keep track of the best way to handle each jump and before you know it you’re at the top

If you can't do the clocktower...

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Kelltick.4170


If you can't do the clocktower...

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Wildclaw.6073


Well the fact that the hardest part is at the beginning when everyone is in a big clump seems a bit like evil design (not to mention it arbitrarily stops you to ENSURE everyone is together at the hardest part), but I dunno it SEEMS doable.

The hardest part is not at the beginning. Where I have seen decent players fail the most is at the middle to end of part 2.

The cogwheel is a common failure location for some reason. I think players who haven’t yet completed the puzzle are too stressed to realize that it is easy if you break it down into three jumps, one to get onto the cogwheel, one to make sure you are standing on top of a cog, and the third directly onto the following stairs. (it is possible to jump directly on top of a cog thereby saving one jump, but time shouldn’t be so urgent that you have to)

After the cogwheel follows a jump from one beam to another. Some people use the helping cube floating below the second beam, but it really isn’t needed and just makes the whole thing more risky. Learn to do the beam jump (a full jump at normal speed and then strict stop so you can align on the second beam)

Finally comes the little contraption that you need to get onto to reach the next stairs. A simple side step jump (which is usable in so many puzzles, including the borderlands one) to get onto the contraption does the trick. Followed by basic forward jumps, that is all that is needed.

After that you run up and jump down, can quick loot (tab F multiple times) the chest if the area is not green yet, and can start on the final part that is a fairly simple jumping puzzle where you have lots of time. (if there are more than one person left, feel free to fall behind a bit to get a clearer view. I have seen a lot of people fail in this last part because they hurried too much)

At the very end, make sure you don’t rush when getting onto the final stairs. That is another embarrassing failure location.

If you can't do the clocktower...

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Account.9832


They should have had two or three difficulties so everyone could have ‘fun’ doing the puzzle

It already has four “different difficulties”.

Reach the first chest. (“Beginner”)
Reach the second chest. (“Intermediate”)
Reach the third chest. (“Hard”)
Reach the fourth chest. (“Achievement-Worthy”)

Besides, there are lots of other jumping puzzles in the game (most of which are easier than the clock tower) and some even have timed sections (ex., Spekk’s Lab).

- Al Zheimer

If you can't do the clocktower...

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Account.9832


Learn to do the beam jump (a full jump at normal speed and then strict stop so you can align on the second beam)

Or, as I call it, the place where people with speed boosts suddenly realise that might not have been such a good idea.

- Al Zheimer