Mad Memories no lvl requirement dilemma

Mad Memories no lvl requirement dilemma

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Ice Furl.4982

Ice Furl.4982

The Mad Memories back item you get for compleating act 2 has no level requirement even though it has the same stats as the level 80 green Rampagers Spineguard back item you can get from your personal story, but because it has no level requirement it can only be upgraded with upgrade components that also have no level requirement and they all just suck when you are at level 80.
Please check this out and it would be great if you would make it a level 80 item, make it be able to take upgrades from items of every level or change things so that items of any level can take upgrades of any level but putting an upgrade that is a higher level than the item it self will raise the level requirement of the item.

Mad Memories no lvl requirement dilemma

in Halloween Event

Posted by: DenverRalphy.4185


^^^ This.

Wholeheartedly agree.

Mad Memories no lvl requirement dilemma

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Zaknar.4068


It is just an appearance item, really. Transmute it with something good, like the guild backpack.

Mad Memories no lvl requirement dilemma

in Halloween Event

Posted by: CHOAM.7852


I think the mad memories should remain at 0 or sub-80. The idea of the event was that everyone can participate (even if it takes you to a mid level zone now).

We do not need another back item that is the same level and stat (values, not distribution) as the personal story (80) one.

Mad Memories no lvl requirement dilemma

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Sherbniz.5938


I don’t think there’s any reason for it to not allow Level 80 gems.

The argument of “just transmute it” doesn’t cut it. I put more work into this book than the respective story backpack, I would really like to keep it and not “rip” it’s skin onto other equipment to stay viable.

Please make this happen!

(edited by Sherbniz.5938)

Mad Memories no lvl requirement dilemma

in Halloween Event

Posted by: CHOAM.7852


I don’t think there’s any reason for it to not allow Level 80 gems.

The argument of “just transmute it” doesn’t cut it. I put more work into this book than the respective story backpack, I would really like to keep it and not “cheat” it’s skin onto other equipment to stay viable.

Please make this happen!

This took you more effort than the level 80 back item from personal story? or the level 0 item? I’d disagree with the former.

Mad Memories no lvl requirement dilemma

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Sherbniz.5938


This took you more effort than the level 80 back item from personal story? or the level 0 item? I’d disagree with the former.

If I compare both quests, I’d say it was more time spent overall.
Trying to figure out what destination each page sends you to, travelling across Tyria and scouting out ghosts… all that spread out onto two seperate days.

Not everyone used guides to do that.

Mad Memories no lvl requirement dilemma

in Halloween Event

Posted by: CHOAM.7852


Just to level up to 80 to be ready for the quest though…

Mad Memories no lvl requirement dilemma

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Sherbniz.5938


Just to level up to 80 to be ready for the quest though…

I guess thats true, but leveling in GW2 is pretty fast, and there’s many other quest rewards earned until then.

Mad Memories no lvl requirement dilemma

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Mastruq.2463


Allowing upgrades to be put in any item and that item then having the higher req. level of the two would be a good change, not only for this even item but the game in general.

Mad Memories no lvl requirement dilemma

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Djinn.9245


I heard from a guildmate of this issue and I agree that its silly not to allow any level of upgrade. The item assumes the level requirement of the upgrade – simple.

it’s this luck based mystic toilet that we’re all so sick of flushing our money down. -Salamol

Mad Memories no lvl requirement dilemma

in Halloween Event

Posted by: CHOAM.7852


Allowing upgrades to be put in any item and that item then having the higher req. level of the two would be a good change, not only for this even item but the game in general.

This would be a mechanics suggestion that I might support, and not event specific.

Mad Memories no lvl requirement dilemma

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Sherbniz.5938


Allowing upgrades to be put in any item and that item then having the higher req. level of the two would be a good change, not only for this even item but the game in general.

I approve of that notion as well!

Mad Memories no lvl requirement dilemma

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Malediktus.9250


There should also be different stat combinations avaible. This one is useless to me.

1st person worldwide to reach 35,000 achievement points.