That feel when because of all the whining...
There is a difference between difficult, and badly designed. When one race can play easy mode through the puzzle and make it nearly impossible for another race to do it, then it’s bad design, and not hard content. People should at least get an understanding of the problem first, before jumping on the “oh stop whining the game is great” bandwagon.
I am a HUGE fan of telling people to get over it. But this really is absolutely horrible design. Removing speed buffs from some classes, but not others? Making a single person able to body block and destroy the content for an entire group?
I like A-net. I like to believe they know what they’re doing. In seven years of Guild Wars, they only made two mistakes in my eyes. This, however, is number three.
So shines a good deed in a naughty world.
- William Shakespear
Oh look, intelligent people on the forums. Quick whiners in other threads..take a quick glimpse at what you should be saying.
In all seriousness though, the clocktower is very badly designed. For a f2p mmo they shouldn’t be designing major content of a holiday event for only 5% of players to beat. That just makes people not want to play the game anymore for fear that this kind of outrageous behavior will continue on Arenanets’ part.
People should at least get an understanding of the problem first, before jumping on the “oh stop whining the game is great” bandwagon.
Same could be said about people jumping on the “this is too hard, please Anet nerf” bandwagon or “it’s not my fault, it’s the game”.
I agree the game has many flaws but THIS jumping puzzle isn’t one.
That just makes people not want to play the game anymore for fear that this kind of outrageous behavior will continue on Arenanets’ part.
“Outrageous Behavior”
Are you kittenING SERIOUS?
An OPTIONAL challenge, revolving entirely around FUN?
And you call it outrageous?
(edited by Krag.6210)
I seriously don’t understand why people find it so difficult. They keep blaming these “camera bugs” (which ive never experienced) or blaming other character sizes or sobbing over the fact that certain professions get a speed buff. They fail to focus on themselves and continue to blame others things.
It took me about an hour to beat the puzzle for the first time as a human mesmer, no speed buff. Yes I do realize that huge characters like norns and charrs make it slightly more difficult but geez, get used to it. Don’t expect things to be handed to you so easily. I love this puzzle. I come back to it to farm ToT bags.
I seriously doubt making all the character models the same or separating the races would make it any easier on the people who can’t beat it in the first place.
(edited by Phoenixfudge.5290)
It took you about an hour to beat it, without any camera bugs that have been a plague on a large part of the population since day one... *Every* talk about jumping puzzles has at least a handfull of people who have noticed horrible problems in the camera. Poor design is poor design, and A-net can do better.
So shines a good deed in a naughty world.
- William Shakespear
I wonder if I should offer a clock tower jumping service.
Achievement and slippers in 10 mins gauranteed or your money back.