Trick or Treat Bags drop rate

Trick or Treat Bags drop rate

in Halloween Event

Posted by: MasterYoda.8563


Trick or Treat Bags drop rate is too low and should be higher.

From what I hear the bags where dropping left and right during the never ending spawns from the haunted doors last before the patch to fix it.

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Trick or Treat Bags drop rate

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Kaderin.7584


I don’t think the ToT drop rate is very bad, also consider that you can trade candy corn for them in LA and the candy is very abundant

Trick or Treat Bags drop rate

in Halloween Event

Posted by: applekwisp.2139


i don’t think the drop rate is bad, i think what’s inside the bags are bad

Trick or Treat Bags drop rate

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Masher.8051


I don’t think the ToT drop rate is very bad, also consider that you can trade candy corn for them in LA and the candy is very abundant

How much are the bags and where abouts in LA?

Trick or Treat Bags drop rate

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Xenolith Dragon.8245

Xenolith Dragon.8245

You get three ToT bags from giving kids in Lion’s Arch 25 pieces of candy corn. You get one if you give them 10 pieces, so it’s always worth it to give them 25 (unless you only need one, obviously.)

They also come from mining candy corn nodes. If you’re having trouble finding them, try WvW, they are very abundant there. They are also easy to find in the starting zones for low level characters, or in Cursed Shore/Malchor’s Leap if you’re a higher level character looking to mine some orichalcum/omnomberry/etc. while you get candy corn.

Hope that helps!

Trick or Treat Bags drop rate

in Halloween Event

Posted by: DenverRalphy.4185


Give 10 candy corn to any of the costumed kids running around LA and you get a ToT bag. 9 times out of 10 you get 6 candy back in the bag, so it’s a net loss of 4 candy in hopes of something else.