100% Map completition for Legendarys
Well… I complete 100% map with all my 6 characters.
I suppose i’m just masochist.
It’s a LEGENDARY weapon … work for it and stop whining like a kitten
Yeah, so is farming the Badges of Honour when you don’t do WvW. Or the karma for the obsidian shards. Or the gold for the precursor if you don’t get a lucky drop.
You know, if you want everything handed to you, I suspect a game with actual progression isn’t for you. Besides, if you want to build more legendaries when the new ones and the precursor collection come out, you can just complete the map now, if you are afraid the 100% will be more work then. That is, if they even add the new zones to the 100%. They didn’t do it with Southsun, Dry Top and Silverwastes, either.
Kaerleikur @ Elonaspitze
Good thing map completion gives you 2 gifts of exploration. :P Meaning that if you wanted a legendary in each weapon slot for your main and you dual wielded for both of your weapon swaps you’ll only need to complete the world map 2 times.
Not to mention while you map complete you can get some nice goodies like free black lion keys or exotics.
I heared WvW will be removed from map exploration
I heared WvW will be removed from map exploration
I don’t mind doing map completion, but I loathe WvW. If this happens I would be SO FREAKING HAPPY!
maybe they should just give everybody legendarys for free. they are already easy to make and are being made easier with craftable precursors.
I vote they increase the difficulty of crafting legendarys so they are actually kittening LEGENDARY.
maybe they should just give everybody legendarys for free. they are already easy to make and are being made easier with craftable precursors.
I vote they increase the difficulty of crafting legendarys so they are actually kittening LEGENDARY.
If they were so easy to craft everybody would have one. While a lot of people do have them, you can’t say “more people are getting it therefore it’s easier to get.” More people are getting them because the game has been out for 2 years, and people who have been playing that time have been saving up mats and were able to craft it. Talk to a new player about getting a legendary and they’ll say “SCREW THAT!”
I’m happy they’re making the precurcors easier to get, because having them be extremely rare, random drops is annoying. There’s no skill involved in that, there’s nothing grand about it. It’s either be EXTREMELY lucky or pinch your coppers for months to save up. That’s simply unlikely, and not fun.
I hope this is true. I particularly hate map completion >_>.
It’s a LEGENDARY weapon … work for it and stop whining like a kitten
Working for it through map completion over and over again doesn’t sound like fun to me.
It’s a LEGENDARY weapon … work for it and stop whining like a kitten
Working for it through map completion over and over again doesn’t sound like fun to me.
How many bloody legendaries do you desire?
Really, with a level 80 character just plowing through the content its what, 2-3 weeks at a a couple of hours a day and some more in the weekend to do all of PvE? Then of course WvW which you cant really control.
World completion sure is annoying, but its nothing compared to actually building a legendary. The mat grind, the gold grind, the ever so hopeful mystic toilet sprees that rarely result in anything except throwing your money away, etc.
I heared WvW will be removed from map exploration
Cool. When will PvE be removed from map exploration? I mean I loathe PvE so it would be super sweet if Anet would also cater to me – a WvW/PvP player – for a change.
I heared WvW will be removed from map exploration
Cool. When will PvE be removed from map exploration? I mean I loathe PvE so it would be super sweet if Anet would also cater to me – a WvW/PvP player – for a change.
Exploration is a mainly PVE thing, it doesnt make sense for it to include WvW since that is a competitive mode and if you are exploring there rather than competing you are dragging down your team.
I heared WvW will be removed from map exploration
Hope they do.
100% Map completition for Legendarys
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Lord Wolfbane I V.7628
I am 2 zones away from completing my 11th map completion and have a further 2 chars who have fully mapped WvW and so far i have zero (0) legendaries ( I know I counted them twice ) . The reason I don’t have any is because I think (for the most part) they look ridiculous (personal preference and all that jazz)…so why do I map …gives me something to do and out of all the reknown hearts in game there are only a small handful I would consider a “pain”
I heared WvW will be removed from map exploration
Could be just a dev build of the game, which doesn’t include WvW for whatever reason. Short of an actual announcement, don’t assume it’ll happen.
I am 2 zones away from completing my 11th map completion and have a further 2 chars who have fully mapped WvW and so far i have zero (0) legendaries ( I know I counted them twice ) . The reason I don’t have any is because I think (for the most part) they look ridiculous (personal preference and all that jazz)…so why do I map …gives me something to do and out of all the reknown hearts in game there are only a small handful I would consider a “pain”
Yep, probably only about 5 hearts or so that I absolutely dread. One at the top is the stealth flag one in north eastern blazeridge. Second is, once again north east, in diessa. People always keep the portal to Rhand open and it means that flame legion are only there for events, so getting the heart is about waiting for the event to spawn.
100% Map completition for Legendarys
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Allisa Wonderland.8192
Only seven for me.. Wait, 5 plus 2 waiting for BG to be green again.
Sooo harrrrrrddd….
I heared WvW will be removed from map exploration
Cool. When will PvE be removed from map exploration? I mean I loathe PvE so it would be super sweet if Anet would also cater to me – a WvW/PvP player – for a change.
Exploration is a mainly PVE thing, it doesnt make sense for it to include WvW since that is a competitive mode and if you are exploring there rather than competing you are dragging down your team.
That is your interpretation. WvW is part of GW2 and has it’s explorable location, hence it’s part of the exploration reward.
I’d be cool with it if they split it up, get 1 Gift for WvW exploration and 1 Gift for PvE exploration instead of 2 gifts currently for a complete exploration.
It’s a LEGENDARY weapon … work for it and stop whining like a kitten
yeah, let’s work in a game, something that should be entertaining……..
It’s a LEGENDARY weapon … work for it and stop whining like a kitten
yeah, let’s work in a game, something that should be entertaining……..
I really, really, hope you’re being sarcastic. A legendary weapon is supposed to be something rare. If you don’t want to work for it, buy it off the TP.
It’s a LEGENDARY weapon … work for it and stop whining like a kitten
yeah, let’s work in a game, something that should be entertaining……..
I really, really, hope you’re being sarcastic. A legendary weapon is supposed to be something rare. If you don’t want to work for it, buy it off the TP.
it costs at least 3K gold, i barely got 30G and that was a few months back…..
100% Map completition for Legendarys
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437
I disagree with removing Wvw form map completion, since the random colour granting (nr 1 no longer is permanent green), it’s a peace of cake.
Step 1 Take all your char to your bl, and discover the top
Step 2: Take your chars to the bl of the enemies. The corner where the wp is, is what you need to explore. Ready with that? done.
Step 3: Discover your side of EB, and if you are feeling lucky strong, discover other parts. EB is one of the most shifting wvw battlegrounds, and one of my chars completely discovered it without switching colours in two weeks. Then again, I used to play wvw often that day.
Repeat this once for every char, and every time your server changes colour. Done!!!! man how hard was this? It wasn’t. It just took organisation, willpower and a little time/patience. Especially that last part is lacking on people. Farming 3000g (the way I do it, play a bit of everything), takes way longer then the above method. And the above method creates TWO Legendaries, not one. Stop complaining. It seems like most of you people buy your gold, and have no intend for effort anyway.
If wvw for any stupid reason is removed from map completion, Add a special reward to it’s own map completions please, Anet. And implement this for southsun cove, dry top, and Silverwaiste plz (not add to global map completion, just give it a singular map completion progress bar/end goal).
No excuse anymore for not giving ‘hide mounts’-option
No thanks to unidentified weapons.
I think the reason for removing WvW map completion is the fact that there will be a new borderlands map which will rotate with the current one, making mapping of WvW even more annoying if you have to wait for the right borderlands to be there.
So u guys and Anet considers PvE as Map completition with each char. Sry but this is for me and most players just a pain. And needs to be changed. If u still want to do map completition u can do it. But for the rest of the players we need a solution. One map completiton is more then enough.
PvP and WvW never where my thing. On rare occasions I’m playing some WvW with my friends, but that’s it. I don’t loathe it, but it’s never been much fun for me, integrating into a zerk and rushing around.
What I absolutely loathed was map completion in WvW. Just this last POI on the map, opposite of my servers fortress. I can see the tiny village and boom: A zerk rushes around the corner and you can forget it for some hours since the zerk is going to stay.
I can understand people who loathe PvE as much as those who loathe PvP, but at least there are a lot more waypoints to respawn on the PvE-maps and you’re unlikely to find a mob-zerk you can’t dodge.
It’s a LEGENDARY weapon … work for it and stop whining like a kitten
Buying it off the TP…. so LEGENDARY!!!11
I’d rather they didn’t. I enjoy mapping wvw as part of the whole world completion. It’s a challenge, I like that. I’m working on my 13th full completion right now.
It’s a LEGENDARY weapon … work for it and stop whining like a kitten
Do you consider it a “legendary” journey to obtain a “work for it” LEGENDARY by credit card?
221 hours over 1,581 days of bank space/hot pve/lion’s arch afk and some wvw.
Map completion on every character after the first one becomes mind-numbly boring. It’s easily the worst aspect of the game, for me.
It’s a LEGENDARY weapon … work for it and stop whining like a kitten
But you can buy it. Not really Legendary.
It’s a LEGENDARY weapon … work for it and stop whining like a kitten
Do you consider it a “legendary” journey to obtain a “work for it” LEGENDARY by credit card?
I’m sick of hearing this argument. The idea of it being commonplace for people to buy their legendaries via buying gems and converting them to gold is ludicrous.
Let’s math this out for a second:
- The current gem-to-gold ratio is – 1g per 11gems.
- To buy one of the most popular legendaries The Bifrost it takes – 3,090g let’s round it to 3k for simplicities sake, shall we?
- This means you’ll need to sell a total of 33,000 gems at the same price to buy the Bifrost.
- 800 gems cost $10, therefore, 33,000 / 800 = 41.25. 41.25 * $10 = $412.50c
The fact that people honestly believe that a good amount of people would spend over $400 on a SKIN is ridiculous. I’m not saying it doesn’t happen, as there are always outliers in any situation, but we can safely say that MOST people aren’t spending over $400 for a skin, and are indeed going on their “legendary” journey to obtain that skin.
The mere idea that an insanely small group of people somehow invalidate the work that most people go through to get something DOES NOT make that item any less valuable. If it did, then that would make anything that is obtainable in the game invalid. Yes, even account-bound prizes like the Biolumiescent Armor, as people can just use their “credit cards” to pay someone to do the work for them.
(edited by Iretha.7625)
The only thing I don’t like about legendary-crafting was the precursor. You can work for everything else. But the precursor?
RNG-crapping. RNG-crapping at the mystic forge or scrapping together the gold to buy a precursor at the auction-house.
Now with HoT we will finally be able to craft the precursors ourselves and I hope it will be really hard.
If it did, then that would make anything that is obtainable in the game invalid.
Welcome to GW2.
If it did, then that would make anything that is obtainable in the game invalid.
Welcome to GW2.
More like welcome to ANY game if we’re talking about the vast minority of people that use real money to get items in games. Like my friend who is paid every season in League of Legends to boost accounts, or the people in WoW who buy accounts. The people in Archeage who buy APEX to sell for in-game gold. People treat this sort of thing like it’s unique to GW2 alone, when in fact it’s much less prevalent in GW2 than in any other game I’ve personally observed. And the great thing about the people that buy things with real-life money in GW2? Unlike other MMOs, like Archeage, WoW, RO, ect. where said gold-from-money can be used to gain an advantage the items that are bought are purely cosmetic. Let that sink in, purely. cosmetic.
(edited by Iretha.7625)
WvW map completion will be a big pain when there is a new map and borderlands are on some sort of rotation.
I hope somebody looked at this.
If it did, then that would make anything that is obtainable in the game invalid.
Welcome to GW2.
More like welcome to ANY game if we’re talking about the vast minority of people that use real money to get items in games. Like my friend who is paid every season in League of Legends to boost accounts, or the people in WoW who buy accounts. The people in Archeage who buy APEX to sell for in-game gold. People treat this sort of thing like it’s unique to GW2 alone, when in fact it’s much less prevalent in GW2 than in any other game I’ve personally observed. And the great thing about the people that buy things with real-life money in GW2? Unlike other MMOs, like Archeage, WoW, RO, ect. where said gold-from-money can be used to gain an advantage the items that are bought are purely cosmetic. Let that sink in, purely. cosmetic.
Yeah, but you were responding to a person that says a Legendary doesn’t exactly feel legendary when you get just buy it.
So u guys and Anet considers PvE as Map completition with each char. Sry but this is for me and most players just a pain. And needs to be changed. If u still want to do map completition u can do it. But for the rest of the players we need a solution. One map completiton is more then enough.
You know what else is a pain? Grinding out T6 mats for a Gift of Fortune. And banking enough gold for the Icy Runestones. Leveling crafting to make the account-bound Gifts certainly is a chore to many players. Should we get rid of all those too?
Outside of Precursors, which are essentially Gifts of Fortune on steroids, I don’t think anything required for Legendaries is too unreasonable. And luckily the problem of Precursors is being addressed in HoT, so everything looks about right to me.
Yeah, but you were responding to a person that says a Legendary doesn’t exactly feel legendary when you get just buy it.
And I was responding to you, who replied “welcome to GW2.” The idea that people “winning” somehow with real life money is not something unique to GW2.
Again, my point is that getting hung up on the world ‘legendary’ and creating a pre-concieved notion that just because people can find a way to purchase it with real life money (over $400 in fact) means that a legendary is suddenly not a legendary. Like I said, most people are still going to go on their ‘legendary’ journeys to obtain the item, and only an insignificantly small number of players will buy them with real money. That small group of people doing this, don’t invalidate the efforts of the many that worked for their item.
If legendaries were instead called ‘exalted’ or ‘magnificent’ would there still be this stigma?
I’ll reiterate, just because it’s possible for a trifling amount of people to purchase a legendary, does not mean that most are not working for it. In that same vein, the majority’s work is not invalidated by the great minority. Even if legendaries and all of their components were account bound, it would not stop that trivial number of people from using real-life money to obtain the item. But again, like I’m trying to explain, the number of people that actually do so now is so infinitesimally insignificant that they shouldn’t even BE a factor, and yet here we are.
(edited by Iretha.7625)
I know!
Let’s see how novel your lege is after :
Private retriever of runaway NPCs
Mistband[MIST] – PVP Training guild EU
I heared WvW will be removed from map exploration
Cool. When will PvE be removed from map exploration? I mean I loathe PvE so it would be super sweet if Anet would also cater to me – a WvW/PvP player – for a change.
I think ArenaNet would love to keep map exploration in WvW however It does not work it is too random if you are able to get it or not. The individual player has little to no control over it. The fact that they may be removing WvW from map completion is more of a sign that WvW is not working how they like, and not that they are catering to the PvE players.
Also the ability to craft a pre-cursor is not that they are making it easier. It is that they are removing the randomness of obtaining one (and only one per type per account.) It will still be extremely difficult and take a long time to get a legendary. It is now that a player who has played the game for a year or two may actually have a chance to get one by working for it instead of buying it off the trading post.
(edited by anzenketh.3759)
How about removing WvW from map completion simply because it’s not fair to everyone on every server. There are players on some servers where they go against a GINORMOUS server with thousands upon thousands of players, and they only have like 20 people on at a time. Being required to do WvW is not only not fun, but also not feasible.
The idea that “oh they should have to switch servers if they want it” is ignorant and wrong.
So u guys and Anet considers PvE as Map completition with each char. Sry but this is for me and most players just a pain. And needs to be changed.
You don’t NEED a legendary, therefore the conditions to get one don’t NEED to change.
If you WANT a legendary, then WORK for it.
kids nowadays. need everything spoon-fed.
Archeage = Farmville with PK
So u guys and Anet considers PvE as Map completition with each char. Sry but this is for me and most players just a pain. And needs to be changed.
You don’t NEED a legendary, therefore the conditions to get one don’t NEED to change.
If you WANT a legendary, then WORK for it.
i have a job for that thank you very much, a game is there to enjoy and relax when i have some time off.
if you so much want to WORK, go and get a job but don’t be so “you can’t have this because bla bla bla” when you KNOW there are plenty of ppl who do NOT have the time to work for something like that.
So u guys and Anet considers PvE as Map completition with each char. Sry but this is for me and most players just a pain. And needs to be changed.
You don’t NEED a legendary, therefore the conditions to get one don’t NEED to change.
If you WANT a legendary, then WORK for it.
i have a job for that thank you very much, a game is there to enjoy and relax when i have some time off.
if you so much want to WORK, go and get a job but don’t be so “you can’t have this because bla bla bla” when you KNOW there are plenty of ppl who do NOT have the time to work for something like that.
To sum this up, you want everything in the game available if you want it, but you don’t want to have to invest time to get it? Why do you even play an MMO? Do you demand to get a short summary of a film so you don’t have to watch it? Read only the first and last chapter of a book because you don’t have time to read the rest? I’m pretty sure you don’t, because you enjoy doing these things, so why is GW2 not enjoyable for you if you can’t get all the shinies?
It sucks if you have to work kittenty hours, but it does not mean the legendary recipes should be changed to make the weapons super-easy to get. That’s what other skins are for. A legendary is called that because it’s (supposed to be, anyway) rare. You don’t need it to enjoy the game and relax while playing it. You sound like a spoiled child who saw a fancy toy and wants it right now, or else you’ll throw a tantrum. Guess what? Lots of us have jobs and legendaries, and we haven’t bought them off the TP with cash->gold. It took me months to gather all the mats, and that’s with farming, but I got it. And I was proud, even if everyone and their dog had a legendary at this point. Why? Because I’m not a mad gold farmer, not a powergamer, but I still got my shiny bow. It just took a while.
If I had just been able to farm some gold for a week or two and buy it, I wouldn’t have been so proud. It wouldn’t have been an accomplishment. Two nights ago, I decided on a whim to toss some mats I had collected and not sold in a while into the MF and get the Anomaly. That’s also nice, but nowhere near as good a feeling as getting Kudzu was.
If legendaries weren’t such a pain to get (for most folks who don’t get precursor drops left and right), they wouldn’t be as nice to have.
If you work so much that your gaming time is rather short, then that’s a sad fact of life. it does not entitle you to just getting anything you want because “it’s not fun to work for it”. It can be fun. Doesn’t have to be, though, and if it’s not fun for you, don’t do it, but don’t complain that you don’t get the reward for an effort you didn’t want to put into this game. Any game, really. Any_thing_.
Kaerleikur @ Elonaspitze
(edited by Red Queen.7915)
So u guys and Anet considers PvE as Map completition with each char. Sry but this is for me and most players just a pain. And needs to be changed.
You don’t NEED a legendary, therefore the conditions to get one don’t NEED to change.
If you WANT a legendary, then WORK for it.
i have a job for that thank you very much, a game is there to enjoy and relax when i have some time off.
if you so much want to WORK, go and get a job but don’t be so “you can’t have this because bla bla bla” when you KNOW there are plenty of ppl who do NOT have the time to work for something like that.To sum this up, you want everything in the game available if you want it, but you don’t want to have to invest time to get it? Why do you even play an MMO? Do you demand to get a short summary of a film so you don’t have to watch it? Read only the first and last chapter of a book because you don’t have time to read the rest? I’m pretty sure you don’t, because you enjoy doing these things, so why is GW2 not enjoyable for you if you can’t get all the shinies?
It sucks if you have to work kittenty hours, but it does not mean the legendary recipes should be changed to make the weapons super-easy to get. That’s what other skins are for. A legendary is called that because it’s (supposed to be, anyway) rare. You don’t need it to enjoy the game and relax while playing it. You sound like a spoiled child who saw a fancy toy and wants it right now, or else you’ll throw a tantrum. Guess what? Lots of us have jobs and legendaries, and we haven’t bought them off the TP with cash->gold. It took me months to gather all the mats, and that’s with farming, but I got it. And I was proud, even if everyone and their dog had a legendary at this point. Why? Because I’m not a mad gold farmer, not a powergamer, but I still got my shiny bow. It just took a while.
If I had just been able to farm some gold for a week or two and buy it, I wouldn’t have been so proud. It wouldn’t have been an accomplishment. Two nights ago, I decided on a whim to toss some mats I had collected and not sold in a while into the MF and get the Anomaly. That’s also nice, but nowhere near as good a feeling as getting Kudzu was.
If legendaries weren’t such a pain to get (for most folks who don’t get precursor drops left and right), they wouldn’t be as nice to have.
If you work so much that your gaming time is rather short, then that’s a sad fact of life. it does not entitle you to just getting anything you want because “it’s not fun to work for it”. It can be fun. Doesn’t have to be, though, and if it’s not fun for you, don’t do it, but don’t complain that you don’t get the reward for an effort you didn’t want to put into this game. Any game, really. Any_thing_.
…talk about taking it way to far, all i am saying is that i don’t want to WORK for it.
i never ever said i should not do something big to get a legendary, 100% map completion on PvE-only maps is still good but since i can’t stand even a single bit of PvP i would never play WvW, even if it’s just for a little while.
effort within fun=good
effort within work=not good
Then I apologise for reading too much into your post.
As for your worries about WvW, that’s not as bad as it sounds. I don’t play a ton of WvW either, so I basically went into each borderland and explored our corner of it (ten minutes each, maybe?), then waited a week for the next rotation, explored the next corner of the borderlands and Eternal Battlegrounds, and then next week I did the same thing. 100% WvW map completion with very little WvW at all. The few tokens you need for the Gift of Battle are a breeze if you zerg for about half an hour or go to Egde of the Mists, where there really isn’t much PvP going on, but more three farm trains chasing each other’s tails.
If you take it in little chunks, whenever you are in the mood for a few minutes, maybe it doesn’t become work at all. The WvW portion of a legendary really is the tiniest part of it.
Kaerleikur @ Elonaspitze
So u guys and Anet considers PvE as Map completition with each char. Sry but this is for me and most players just a pain. And needs to be changed. If u still want to do map completition u can do it. But for the rest of the players we need a solution. One map completiton is more then enough.
Really, most players. Did you just seriously say that. Cause I know in my guild of more then 100 players, probably 80% of them enjoy map completion, well except for the WvW part.
The weapon is called legendary, which means there is going to be some work involved. Maybe they need to create a new weapon type for people like you called whiners weapons.
I myself don’t really like the exploring, but for a legendary weapon I understand it. With that said I am going to have to start working on a second toon to get it completed again before the expansion that way I have the ability to make 4 legendarys.
Lead, Follow, or get the hell out of my way.